King Jesus Will Soon Return!
by Tonja Taylor

Hey Kids!

King Jesus will soon return to earth! He will be coming back to get all who have believed in Him, to take them back to Heaven to live with Him forever. He wants to be your BFF—Best Friend Forever—and take you with Him to Paradise, where there is freedom and joy and plenty of every good and beautiful thing—and where there are no bad things, no scary things; no darkness at all.

Spirits lives forever, and Jesus created you as a good spirit who lives in a body (until your body dies), so you are already going to live forever. The choice is yours whether you live with Him in Paradise, or forever separated from Him in hell.

Every good thing in your life is from GOD, Who loves you so much that He sent Jesus (His only Son, The King!) to die for you, then rise again to help you live the wonderful free life for which He paid with His blood (John 3:15-17)!

Jesus took everything you’ve ever done wrong and paid for your debt of sin by
dying for you on the cross (John 3:16). After He was dead three days, He rose again, and He lives forever! He wants you and every person to be His brother or sister, His friend. He wants you to say Yes so you’ll have a perfect life in Heaven—and to enjoy getting to know Him here on earth.

None of us can get into Heaven to live with God the Father unless we become friends with His Son. When we ask Jesus into our hearts, God adopts us as His kids! Then Jesus is our Brother and Savior, and also our High Priest. Having experienced every emotion and challenge any human ever could, Jesus completely understands what we go through. 

When we pray, then Jesus talks to God and reminds Him that the blood He shed for us on the cross is the sacrifice that pays for our mistakes. At that moment, we get a perfect, beautiful new robe to wear (Isaiah 61:10)—so that when God sees us, we look just like Jesus!

From the moment Jesus becomes our Savior, God is smiling at us! He is delighting in us! He is forever fighting for us!

If you would like to go to Heaven and have Jesus as your BFF, just say this prayer: Dear Jesus, Please forgive me of everything I’ve done wrong and come into my heart and be my LORD and Savior and Friend and High Priest! Help me get to know You and teach me through Your Word how to love and obey You, for You are the true King Who rules! And thank You for loving me so much. Thank You for saving me and helping me to enjoy and love You! In Your Name, amen!

Romans 10:13 says, “All who call upon the Name of the LORD shall be saved.

Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and forever."

Jesus is the Rock, Yahweh Tsuri! He never changes. He is forever on your side! He will love you no matter if you ever love Him, and no matter what you do or don't do! He is eternal, unconditional Love (I John 4:8)!

When you prayed this prayer to receive Christ Jesus as Savior and LORD, a miracle just happened—you became Jesus’ friend, and God’s child! The Holy Spirit also came and put a Heavenly mark on you to tell God and the angels and the devil and everyone else that you now belong to Jesus!

He will love and help you forever. Now Jesus and His angels are having a party for your most excellent choice!

The way to learn all about your new Best Friend Forever is to read your Bible—His special Letter to you—and ask Him to lead you to the right church family, where you can learn more about Jesus, and meet other brothers and sisters in Christ.

Welcome to the Royal Family! Now you can enjoy your friendship with the LORD, and start helping others to meet Him. Then we can all go together to Heaven with Him, when He returns very soon!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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