On Being An Heir
by Tonja Taylor

The recent passing of my husband’s father (a widower) to Heaven and the processing of his will has given me deeper understanding of what it means to be an heir.

Although I’ve always known that it is the natural course of things for parents to leave their possessions to their children, I now have better insight into the truth that, just as my husband’s father left him and the other three children equal amounts of money and other possessions, being careful to bless them as evenly as possible, to has God through the death of Jesus made us heirs of all things.

Amazing! Just by believing in Him, He gave us the right to become children (heirs!) of God (John 1:12).

Back to my husband’s father’s will. The will, carefully prepared in specific detail years earlier, was read by the lawyer in the presence of all the children and spouses. It listed in detail what each would receive, upon agreement.

The agreement was the key, for each child also had the right to refuse to receive the inheritance.

The lawyer also asked the four children if there were any other children known to have been born to their father and mother. There was no exception; no one other than the heirs were due the benefits of the inheritance.

What God has done for us through the death on the cross of Jesus Christ His Son was not only explain to us in His Word_God’s last (final, supreme, total) will and testament, the New Covenant_that, just by believing in Jesus we become heirs (joint-heirs with Christ), but that all we already have been given by God is listed in His will and testament, the Bible!

However, far too many Christians, including myself, in the past, have been deceived by the enemy into unbelief. We have sometimes not really believed that God means what He says. What a shame and a tremendous loss!

But we can reverse that by simply choosing to believe! Our faith is born in our hearts--our spirits, which is the real us--and must supersede our minds. In other words, we must tell our minds to shut up and speak out of our mouths that we believe God

That is what faith is--believing God means what He says! 

As I observed the my husband and his three siblings hear the reading of the will, discuss the will, agree with the will, and sign their names to receive the benefits of the will, I was struck with the simplicity of it all. All they had
to do to receive the blessing of their father through his will was to believe he meant what he said, and agree to receive it.

All we have to do is believe and receive what God has done for us to receive our inheritance! There is an enemy who wants to keep us out of it, of course, but we continue to believe and speak out the Word of God--the Covenant--and to thank and praise the Father that His Spirit and His angels and the LORD Jesus Christ are working with us for us to know and apprehend and enjoy all that is ours as heirs of God!

If my husband’s father had not wanted his kids to receive any blessing from him, he would have stated that the money and possessions were to go to someone else.

If God had not wanted all who would receive Him through Jesus to become His children to get what Jesus died to share with us (not only eternal life once this earthly life is past, but abundance in every good thing on earth!), then He would not have gone to the tremendous trouble and loss of giving Jesus for us, and resurrecting Him.

If God had wanted to keep our inheritance secret even after sending Jesus, then He would not have had Jesus, the Word in the flesh (John 1:1, John 1:14), preach and teach, and He certainly would not have inspired the 66 books of the Bible, written by various men of God in different countries at different time periods, and had it made into a book so we could read it!

Truly, our Father in Heaven has gone to much effort to make sure that we understand and have access to all He has bequeathed to us—if we will just believe and agree to it!

I was also impressed that, although each heir will receive several thousand dollars and certain material possessions left to them by their father, that is really nothing compared to what our heavenly Father has left us through Jesus.

Of course, Jesus was gloriously raised again and lives forever, Hallelujah! He gave Himself that we might live (John 3:16), and enjoy the benefits of being an heir of the living God.

What lavish love the Father has given us! And in His salvation there is every good thing we would ever need or want (John 1:16). Most precious of all, of course, is the sublime relationship with our dear Father God, our Brother Jesus, the King, and the sweet Holy Spirit Who are One. The LORD is our true wealth and riches.

The living word, the LORD Jesus Christ, is our very life.

So, let us dig deeper into the Word--which is our Daddy God’s will that lists exactly what we are due as His beloved heir. May we discover and believe, and thus agree to and acquire and enjoy all that He has given us!

Ask your Father God to help you share the wonderful Good News about our inheritance in Christ Jesus with people you know!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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