The Rose of Sharon - Vision
by Jacqueline Julyan

Song of Songs 2; Isaiah 35


I see the LORD Jesus ascended; He is so glorious. I see all precious and semi-precious stones adorning His Crown, His Train flowing from His gown; everything is covered in jewels to absolute perfection.

He is the Bridegroom waiting for His Bride and behind Jesus are angels and they are playing an orchestra with all different kinds of instruments. These musical instruments are made from pure gold and pure crystal and when the angels play the notes they are so incredibly beautiful, sweet and very high.

I see a grand piano, multitudes of violins, cellos flutes and clarinets and many of the angels are holding trumpets but they are refrained from playing them at this time; I see Jesus mouth the words ‘Wait’.

I am spellbound by His Presence as my glorious LORD stands before me; He is just so magnificent!

Then in my spirit I hear these words,

“Tell My children Jacky, I am coming soon. Tell them they are My Glory children, My sons and daughters are My Glory "

I see beyond Jesus a sea of glass and above high in the sky is the sun and it is rising so fast and when it gets to 3.00 pm it stops and stays in this position for a time. The sun then slowly in miniscule movements, as in slow motion, begins to descend as the sun prepares to set.

Again, I hear these words in My spirit,

“Tell My people Jacky that now is the time! The sun is setting!”

I view the sun and it is larger in size than the earth and there are flames of fire spilling and spitting out. I know the heat from the sun is beyond anything we have known yet I am only looking on as through a large cinema screen.

Still looking intently at the sun, I observe that it is slowly darkening and I also notice there are many stars in the sky and they seem to increase in size getting bigger and bigger. Instead of seeing them millions of miles afar they are just a few miles away.

As I continue to look into the heavens Jesus is now stood next to Me and wearing a golden gown with a cloak dipped in blood. There is also a crown of thorns upon His head yet, strangely enough it looks majestic.

Jesus is shining from every part of His body from the crown on top of His head down to the rays of light coming out from under His feet.

Then Jesus opens His mouth and speaks again,

“Tell them My child if they can’t see the suffering servant, if My people cannot come through the gate of tribulation, if they cannot come alongside Me in the companionship of suffering, patience and endurance then they will not be able to behold the majesty of the King of Israel.”

“Tell them My child to make peace in their hearts that those who truly follow Me, follow Me into persecution, follow me unto hardships for love is about bearing under all things.”

“Tell them that the sun is setting and the good times are at an end. The false sense of secure nets are broken. The net is broken Jacky, all has come out of the woodworm, Pandora’s box is open and all manner of evil is spilling forth. The oil tankers have collided and confusion reigns in the hearts of men.”

“For My beloved bride and for a brief moment I am placing you into My Goshen and here I shall protect you but you shall behold and observe with your own eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.”

“Tell My people, that those who belong to Me shall have no disaster come near them and the pestilence that stalks in the airs shall not touch you. Do not be afraid of all you hear but ye shall see closely My Judgment as it passes over the whole earth.”

As Jesus continued to speak these words, I am aware that He is standing very still and all I see moving were the tears from His eyes, they were rolling down his cheeks; He never attempted to stop them.

I turned to Him in alarm and Jesus turned to me at the same time, quickly and fervently He takes hold of my hand. I was aware it was warm and His grip hard but not painful, it was as a close friend desiring to grab my immediate attention.

I looked into His eyes which were so full of love, longing and pain, eyes all-knowing. He spoke to me again,

“It is Mine to bear child, it has all been Mine to bear from the very Beginning – tell My children how much I love them! O how I love them! They truly do not realize the depths of My love, it is so great Jacky, so great, so deep, so unfathomable and real! Yes, Jacky, My love is real! I am not a God who is far off, I am a God who is closer than anyone can imagine.”

“Tell My sons and daughters to believe this! Tell them My love is real, as real as the tallest mountains that majestically rise to the heavens. My love is deeper than the deepest spring waters beneath the earth. Tell them My love is real.”

I grasp hold of Jesus’ Hand and I found myself bowing down upon My knees in adoration and worship. As I clung onto His Hand Jesus placed His other Hand over mine as I wept in front of Him, I couldn’t stop weeping. I found myself saying to Jesus,

“LORD forgive Me, LORD have mercy, have mercy My LORD Jesus.”

I continued to weep uncontrollably. I continued to weep and I felt My heart expand for it was Jesus expanding my heart growing in love.

Then Jesus took a ring off His tiny finger, it was so beautiful with tiny emeralds and diamonds and the main stone a glorious amethyst. Jesus placed this ring on my left hand where a betrothal ring goes, He speaks to me,

“You are Mine Jacky, you are betrothed to Me. Tell My Bride they are betrothed to no-one else, tell them I have jealously fought every battle for them for I shall have no person, no soiled man spoil what belongs to Me.

As Jesus put this ring on my finger something changed; an ownership of love, a slave unto love and all righteousness.

Then Jesus gave me the most beautiful pink rose; just a single one. It was so perfect, so divine and it took my breath away just looking at it, I had never seen anything so beautiful in all of my life.

The pink rose was alive! It was breathing as a living thing and as I took this rose and placed it near my nose to smell it the aroma was exquisite; captivating. I noticed that each petal was a different shades of pale pinks, so beautiful.

I felt myself being drawn into this Rose of Sharon! I was being drawn down into the centre of this beautiful pink rose yet still standing next to Jesus.

At this point I knew I was standing in heaven. Everything in heaven was breath taking, it was beyond anything I had seen on the earth. I was surrounded by Rose Quartz and all kinds of pink flowers and gemstones. Ahead of me were rolling fresh green fields and I saw so many sheep! Multitudes of sheep! They were resting by high springs of waters, basking under the shade of many trees. I saw also little lambs who were jumping up and down for joy! They were smiling, laughing and jumping even higher!

Then Jesus spoke again,

“All in One field Jacky, all My sheep and lambs together in peace and in One fold.”

I saw so many beautiful wild flowers, the colours like I have seen before in my life. I continued to hold Jesus’ hands and I was still also looking at the ring He gave me and I knew I belonged to Jesus forever.

As Jesus walked me through all the wildflowers, they were the ones I loved personally, hundreds and hundreds of foxgloves, daisies, buttercups, cornflower blues and daffodils. There was not one daffodil that was broken not one! They stood strong their golden trumpets singing, the exact notes that came straight from the orchestra at the beginning.

As I looked into the sky, I could now see the sun and it was so large! The brilliance of the colours surrounding the sun, orange, red, burnt bronze, tarnished gold was glowing even brighter but the spitting and spilling out of the fires had gone.

I noticed that the sun was smiling! This greater light made by God was smiling! It was also descending and lowering, it was setting for the last time, it was lower than when I first saw it at the beginning of the vision.

The purpose of the sun was coming to its completion. Then Jesus turned to me,

“Jacky, tell My people the sun is setting and the light from My stars shall diminish and go out suddenly. Tell them I am the One who shall bring them into My Fold, My one Fold. For I am the Good Shepherd and I shall bring My children home.”

“Tell them I am expanding their hearts to love even greater than before, this comes from Me, tell My children they can do nothing without Me. Tell them I love them; tell them I have always loved them since they were created from the Beginning. Tell them heaven is real and that heaven is their home.”

Jesus continued to speak,

“Those who know Me know My Father for we are One. Those who know Me follow Me and those who follow Me obey My commands. Tell My people to love in sincerity and in truth and that nothing is to be done out of vain glory or in deceit. Tell them I am refining them as pure gold and that all flesh has to be stripped away; the flesh counts for nothing, absolutely nothing.”

“All those who worship Me shall do so in Spirit and in Truth for I am Truth, I am the Truth.”

“Tell My children that all of them must come to Me as little children and only those whose ways are pure and blameless shall see God.

Yes, the sun is setting and I am making the final preparations of refining through the tribulation for those who walk with Me are My friends a companion of suffering.”

Then I saw Jesus turn away, his back now to the sun which was losing its light and getting darker all the time. As I looked on towards Jesus every part of Him was glowing with light, rays of light. Everywhere I looked it was dark, thick darkness and as I stood on the edge of the heavens looking down on the earth, I saw it grow darker and even more dark; even the man-made lights were going out one by one.

Yet, as I stood next to Jesus His Light glowed like a thousand suns all at the same time!

Jesus spoke again,

“Tell them without Me they walk in darkness.”

“Go child, go tell them what you have seen, tell them to listen to only Me!

At this point in the vision I came away from the heavens and I was shocked to realize just how dark the earth is but I knew for a brief moment I had witnessed the Glory of God.

It was though as if a veil still hid all the glory from me, His true glory for I wouldn’t have been able to contain it. I drank into my memory all that I had beheld, His love so complete and whole a love that can only be filled with Jesus who is love, for God is love.

I look down again at my left hand and still see the ring on my finger; I realise the truth of being given this ring. As I looked into the face of this amethyst, I noticed it was a polished stone with no rough edges, just smooth all over; it looked like a mirror it was so polished! It was then I saw the face of Jesus smiling at me! I hear Him whisper

“I am your Husband, I am your Beloved, I love you.”

I whisper back, “Thank you Jesus.”

Still in this vision I notice that Jesus still holds my hand and I am kissing His Hand, grasping in love never wanting to ever let Him go. My heart is bursting with love, such love, such love I have never felt or known. I tried to move the ring on my finger but it was completely fixed!

I laughed to myself and Jesus said smiling,

“My love you are Mine, nothing shall take you away from Me. Remember I know My sheep, truly I know My sheep and they know Me.”

My heart sings for joy! And I say, “He loves me, He loves me not, He loves me!” Jesus whispers, “Yes! I love you! Now do you believe?” “Yes LORD, you are real, heaven is real, you are so real! Thank you! Thank you, My Jesus, My King and My God.”

“Now go child”, Jesus says one final time,

“Go tell My children what you have seen and what I have spoken to you. Tell them I love them with an everlasting love!”


Jesus saith unto him, ïhe that hath seen me hath seen the Father;ï  John 14:9

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