The Church Has Left the Building
by Susan LeDoux

     I haven’t a clue how the Covid-19 pandemic fits in the scheme of things. Theories abound. Is this God’s wrath being poured upon our sinful world, like it was on the Jews as described by the prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah in Biblical times? Is this the beginning of the great Tribulation heralding the “end times?” Or is it an example of man’s poor stewardship of resources, ignoring health and safety in open air wet animal markets where bats and other vectors thrive? Is it a bio-weapon that escaped? Is it all of the above or none of the above?
      I do know God knows all about Covid-19 and He is sovereign. He is totally just and merciful at the same time (a combination I cannot imagine). He is all wise and all loving. He has a purpose in allowing this to happen. The Bible tells me His thoughts are not my thoughts. In other words, I have the ability to understand His mind as an ant has to understand E=MC squared.
      We have been kicked out of our comfy spiritual homes and all of us put into a kind of “time out.” Suddenly we have time for relationships and taking a good hard look at our values. It is a time to grieve with others, people we know or total strangers, who have lost loved ones to this scourge. We may be “social distancing” but I think we are growing closer in other ways.
      Glimmers of good are arising from this. We see the invisible people we did not consider important before, standing in the gap to provide for us. The stock clerk, who never once considered staying home, making sure we have what we need; truck drivers getting goods to market and delivery drivers servicing people who are unable to leave their home; not only medical professionals but janitors and cleaners that provide sanitation. I see on the news people are reaching out to say “thank you.” Neighbors help neighbors and people are finding novel ways to reach out to others.
      The church has left the building. I hear about a church's food pantry feeding over 400 families. I hear about women with sewing machines turning mask-making into a cottage industry. We are loving with our actions. Whether Jesus is only a historical figure to you or the Messiah, what we are doing now is loving as He loved, healing as He healed — whether physically or emotionally, with love and concern.
      The Christ is risen and, just as He escaped the tomb, His church has escaped its buildings.
      It is time to pray.

Copyright 2020
Susan LeDoux is a freelance Christian writer and reporter. She writes for a Christian magazine in New York State, "The Good News", for various ministries and her church. You can follow her blogs about faith, health, caregiving, and writing at her website,

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