Taken for a Ride
by Cherie Ballog

I have a coworker who's only nice to me whenever she needs a ride home from work. On days when she needs a ride she's all smiles and eager to help me with any work-related problems. On days when she has a ride she's scowling and evasive whenever I could use a helping hand with a project. My heart won't let me leave her stranded at work but my mouth won't let me tell her off!

Do you know somebody like that, somebody who's only eager to help when there's something in it for him or her?

God calls on us to look out for one another in this increasingly self-centered world and not to be focused on our own needs all the time.

Phillipians 2:4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. KJV

Prayer: Father in Heaven, help us to look outside of our own needs today and to focus on the needs of others around us.

Cherie Ballog is a writer who is proud to call the great state of Ohio "home sweet home".

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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