Adjusting to the New Normal
by stephanie reck

I finally got to meet because of COVID-19 my good friend over the weekend after being separated from her for over 2 months. We decided it was probably best not to have our regular get-togethers as she is a nurse and would go home after work to take care of her 91 year old mother. We just believed the risk would be too great.


When we had our long awaited time together on Saturday my friend gave me a big hug. My first thoughts as my friend was hugging me was,” I have not hugged anyone other than my husband in 2 months, do I pull away or do I embrace my friend’s hug?” I honestly felt conflicted on what to do. I wanted so badly to enjoy our long awaited hug, but I couldn’t help think, “Should we be doing this?”


This morning I ventured out to the Dollar Store to grab some cleaning products, and this time I decided I was not going to wear my face mask. When I got inside the store I looked around and saw the store was empty. I felt relieved as no one was in the store but me, but then I heard one of the employees coughing. I thought, “Well I am sure it is just allergies.” When I got up to the counter to pay for my supplies, the employee that was coughing, told another employee that she has been so sick and did not know what she has, possibly the crude! I wanted to run out the store immediately, as I realized the employee that said she was so sick, and she was not wearing a face mask.


I started to realize this is our new normal. We don’t think about going into public, or being around those that are sick the same. We have more questions than we do answers to reopening our economy in the midst of COVID-19.


There is so much conflicting information surrounding how we should behave in the midst of this pandemic. One report says to wear a mask while you are in public, and another says it does not make a difference. Even though we are still supposed to practice social distancing, many are choosing not to. It makes me think, “If others are not social distancing, then should I stop too?”


Our church is opening their doors to have indoor services in 2 weeks. While they are putting safe measures in place, I can’t help to think, “Is it safe to be indoors with so many people coming in and out of one building?”


We have been inundated for months with all the risks, and potential harm that would come if we don’t social distance and if we get too laid back in opening up our economy. But now, that is exactly what is happening, most people seem to be getting comfortable with getting on with their lives, as if we are not still facing COVID-19.


Having questions and concerns about how to precede on with your life after COVID-19 restrictions have lifted is normal. You may feel like I do, a bit hesitant to fully embrace life the way it was before. You may be ever-so cautiously venturing out and still feel uncomfortable with hugging and handshakes. You may be ready to go out to a restaurant but feel more comfortable eating outdoors. You may get together with friends and family, but are not ready to have a bunch of people in your house.


My belief is it is okay to slowly venture out and to have time with friends and family but still take the precautions that you need to feel safe. Don’t jump into the deep end as you are coming out of COVID-19 restrictions. Take it slowly as you begin to navigate into the world again. Be smart and most of all rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you as what you are to do, and how you are to do it.


I believe most people are sick and tired of being quarantined that many are going to take a risk with getting back to their lives as normal as possible. I mean who does not want to go back to our normal way of life? I get this response to the lifting of COVID-19, but is this truly the best practice right now?


The coronavirus is real. People have gotten sick and people have died from the virus, but there has also been a spirit of fear that is worse than the actual virus. Get some time alone with God, and ask Him to show you if you are being led by His wisdom or the spirit of fear. Don’t base what you do on what everyone else is doing, but what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do.


Reflect and respond:


1. What challenges have you faced as COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted?

2. What are you doing now if anything to be safe? Why or why not?

3. Have you considered asking the Holy Spirit how He wants you to precede with your life now that COVID-19 restrictions have lifted? 

Stephanie R. Reck, LMSW, LBT, BCCC
Stephanie Reck, Coaching & Consultation Services
[email protected]
Stephanie Reck Coaching & Consultation Services, @2024
Author of, "Disciplining Your Mind 30 Days to a Better You!"

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