Kneeling before God
by Sue Darling

Every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus when He shows Himself to the world. Some will kneel out of fear and others will kneel out of complete adoration of Him. In our prayer time I believe not many of us are willing to kneel before Him. I believe the church has become complacent. The fear of the Lord for the most part, I don’t believe is present that much. We need to have a Holy fear of the Lord, because sometimes God wants us to do something we don’t want to do. Sometimes it is the fear of God that gives us, the drive to obey Him. It is not always love.

As you get older some of you won’t be able to kneel. Your legs might not be strong enough and you wish you could. I have problems kneeling, but I am fortunate enough to be able to prostrate on the ground before Him. God deserves adoration, He deserves acknowledgement that He is God and made us in His image out of His love for us. We need to humble ourselves before Him and kneeling before Him is something He is asking of us. Especially during these times. I am lazy by nature, but I also know I am an overcomer as we all are in Christ Jesus.

Sometimes there is an absolute fight for me to get down on my face to worship God. One thing that motivates me is that I know I will be rewarded for eternity. I am working for eternity for souls that won’t go to heaven without extra help from us. I know I am giving God extra pleasure in the souls that I bring to Him through prostrating in prayer. I try to prostrate thirty minutes of the day. At the moment it works out to be about four times a week. So you see I am still working on my laziness. It is a fight because not only do I find I am restless prostrating, I am praying in tongues, which I also find a challenge to do. I like to know what I am praying about and when you speak in tongues, most of the time you don’t know. After doing this I always feel victorious.

One of my prayers, is to become mighty in the kingdom of God and bring many more souls to God and they also become mighty in the kingdom of God. To be mighty means you overcome great obstacles and win over them for God. I pray for everybody in this era to become mighty. We are living in the most important time in history and I see no reason why not to pray huge. I don’t just want to praying big, but enormously asking God to manifest His glory like He has never done before. Making a whole generation mighty, hasn’t been done before. When I prayed “not just me and a few others, but we all be great and have such intimacy for you God...” Gods reply to me was “that’s what I like to see, no comparison. You will have your way.”

Get down on your knees and pray while you still have a chance and start praying for the impossible to happen. Pray for God to do things more powerful than He has ever done and I know He will. Because there has never been a time like this in history. Make sure what you are praying for is in alignment with His will. The bible speaks plainly of His will.

James 5:16. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

2 Samuel 22:36. You have given me Your shield of victory; Your help has made me great.

Matthew 6: 33. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

First seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Allow God to direct your prayer and be sure of this, Gods dream is bigger than yours. That is what God has told me. I can’t dream bigger enough for Him.

Prayer is so powerful and we need to pray for everybody not just our family.

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