by linzy bruno

NOTE: I am giving this away from my unpublished children's collection. This story for your 3-7 year olds, attempts to answer an interesting question to your child's satisfaction, or is it more like the child in this story is teaching her mother......


Once there was a girl named Emmy. Her real name was Emily, but her mom called her Emmy for short. One night, Emmy was lying in bed, just staring at the ceiling.  She was thinking about how she only got to play with her friend Debbie for a little while that day, so when her mother came in to say goodnight, Emmy just kept staring.    


“What’s the matter honey?”  her mother asked.


“I didn’t have very much fun yet and now the day is over.”  Emmy said, now staring at the wall.


“But Emmy, how do you know when you’ve had enough fun?” her mother asked.


Emmy looked at her mom.  “All I know is, I didn’t,” she said.


Emmy and her mother thought about that for a moment, then her mother said: “I’m sorry you didn’t have much fun today.  How would you like to go to the zoo tomorrow?  Do you think that would be really fun?”


“Yes I do,” Emmy said, smiling. “The zoo should be a lot of fun.”


“Okay sweetie, good night,” said Emmy’s mother. Emmy smiled until she fell asleep.


The next morning Emmy got up extra early.  She got dressed before breakfast even though she never does that. Then she ate her cereal so fast she almost choked on a raisin!


“Please eat slowly. We have plenty of time and you wouldn’t want to choke for real or end up with a tummy ache before we even leave the house,” her mother said.


'I know she’s right,' thought Emmy.


After driving for a long time, Emmy finally got to see some animals.  “Hurray!” she shouted, when the car finally came to a stop at the zoo.


First, Emmy and her mother saw the lions in their den.The mother lion was just laying there while six fluffy cute cubs, with very sharp teeth nibbled on each others’ ears. They pounced on each other and their mother. Emmy imagined her and Debbie nibbling each other’s ears and pouncing on each other and their mothers and she just had to laugh.


“Wow! The lions really seem to be having fun,” Emmy said.


“Yes,” her mother said. “The lions don’t have fun the same way people do, but that’s their way."


Next, Emmy and her mother saw the sea turtles. The sea turtles were as different from the lions as they could be. And they were some of the biggest turtles Emmy had ever seen.


 “Look at them mom!” she shouted, “They just lay there.  They don’t even move!” 


Emmy laughed, even though she thought the turtles were boring. “How can they have fun like that?” she asked her mother.


Well, maybe that’s a turtle’s way of having fun,” replied her mother. Emmy imagined her and Debbie just lying around on rocks and she just had to laugh.


Next, Emmy and her mother saw the monkeys’ cage. The monkeys swung across the trees and laughed in their monkey voices. "Mom, look they are peeling bananas with their feet! I guess monkeys really know how to have fun!" she shouted.


“Yes, they even remind me of you when you were little. You used to climb on everything, so I used to call you 'my little monkey' sometimes.”


Emmy laughed and laughed. She imagined her and Debbie swinging from the ceiling of her room and peeling bananas with their feet! And then she asked, “What do you think’s funnier, the monkeys or me when I was little?”


“The monkeys, definitely!” her mother replied. Emmy and her mother laughed until their tummies ached.


Next Emmy and her mother saw the alligators. The alligators just lied there with their necks stretched out as far as they would go. “It looks like they’re trying to reach the sun,” said Emmy.


“I think they would love that,” giggled her mother.


“The alligators and turtles are so boring compared to the lions and the monkeys.” Emmy told her mother.


“Well alligators and turtles enjoy the sunshine. To them, just lying in the sun is fun. And the lions and monkeys enjoy running and jumping and climbing, which is a lot more like how kids play.”


That night, when her mother was tucking her into bed, she asked Emmy a question:

“So, tell me, did you enjoy the zoo today? Did you have enough fun?”


“Well, I had the best time ever, but I’m sad it’s over.”


“I guess that’s what we learned today. You can never really have enough fun, but the secret is to love the fun you had, when the day is done.”


And Emmy said, “Mom, I think you’re right.” And her mother put her arm around Emmy, and they smiled until they fell asleep.










Linzy has been writing for many years; seriously since her 3 kids were still young and inspirational. She has taken 2 courses in Bible studies and completed "Four Soils" Bible study course in a 26-month period; earning her certification in Bible Counselling.

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