P.O.W.E.R. Girl II (excerpt) - The Right Music
by Tonja Taylor

"Xi, you can come up with me into my la casita la arbol if you like," said Pearl. "But you have to stay on the ground, Vivace," she said, then hugged her dog and put her down. Vivace whined and leaned against her.

"Your what?" Xi reached down to pat the dog. "Little dancing black mop!" she said. "You're cute!" 

Pearl giggled. "Mmph, she's not a mop, okay? Robert calls her that, so please don't," Pearl said. "But what I said is Spanish for 'little tree house.'" She started climbing the rope ladder.

"Oh, sure, your Royal Highness," said Xi, watching her. "You're right. Mops don't dance!" She smiled. "Do you know Spanish?"

"Not really," said Pearl, topping the ladder. She sat down, her legs dangling over the edge. "But it's interesting. Ms. Risa can teach me, I bet! Aren't you coming up?"

Xi counted. "Twelve steps! That's pretty high."

"Not compared to an airplane in the sky," joked Pearl.

Xi laughed, and carefully put her foot on the bottom step. "I'm heavier than you--"

"Uncle Burt makes things really strong. He climbed up with no problem, to test it. So you're OK!"

Xi looked unsure, but she climbed the ladder and sat next to Pearl. "Now what?"

"Well, I like to sit here and watch the water flow in the fountain while I listen to great Jesus music." She gave one earbud to Xi and put the other in her ear, and turned on her iPod. "Listen; it's cool. And watch the water."

Xi carefully wiped off the earbud Pearl gave her and put it in her ear. As the music played, she gazed at the three-tiered fountain, and looked surprised. "Not bad," she said. "They sound like they're in a good mood."

"But of course!" said Pearl. "If people are really praising and worshiping God, they'd have to be in a good mood! Let's hear it again. This is one of my favorites, then I want you to hear my next favorite after that."

Xi sat obediently, hanging her legs off the edge of the treehouse floor like Pearl did.  After a few minutes, she shifted, as if she were uncomfortable, and took the earbud out. “Don’t you get tired of hearing the same thing over and over?”

“Sorry, told ya I liked those a lot," Pearl said. "But it depends. Sometimes I want to hear a certain song 'cause I know it really gets me in a deep mood, like to worship God, or be really happy, or maybe deeper, and I just want to get really tuned in, like Queen Mother says.”

She closed her eyes, then opened them and looked right at Xi. “You know, don’t you do that with the rock you listen to?”

“No, I don’t think I’ve ever listened to a song more than once," said Xi, sounding a little bothered. "And, for your information, dear Princess, I stopped listening to most of that hard stuff a couple weeks ago when I moved in. I didn't figure you'd want to hear it anyway. It’s weird, but it just sounds a lot like noise now, like drunk guys banging their heads on glass trashcans or something." She shook her head." I still like drums and electric guitar though--and I heard some in your songs. One guy was even singing what I've felt lately, which was weird....I thought you guys just sang about God!”

Pearl beamed, and jumped up. “Yes!

Vivace barked and danced around, watching her master. 

"Yes what?" Xi said.

Pearl smiled really big and jumped up and down again. “God is helping you with it, like we prayed!”

Xi looked confused. “We prayed? Gee, aren't you going to break through the floor if you keep jumping up and down?"

“Yes, Xiomara Farrar! I mean, No!" Pearl laughed. "Yes, we prayed and no, I told you, Uncle Burt makes things solid. You won't fall! Don’t you remember we prayed right after you moved in for God to help you listen to the good stuff that He lives in?”

“Lives in? What? What are you talking about?"

“Okay, it doesn’t matter if you remember. Point is, God remembers. He never forgets anything--but our sins! And He lives in our praise!”

“Yeah...” Xi said. “Okay, well, whatever. It must be working. But I still like rock n roll!" She picked at a cuticle. "He's going to have to wean me off of it, I guess. But it won't be easy!" 

"Of course it is!” Pearl said, hearing Queen Mother's words in her heart; The prayers of a P.O.W.E.R. Princess get results! She laughed, and gave God a high-five in the air. "No problem, Xi," said Pearl. "God likes a challenge, and with Him, all things are possible!"

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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