P.O.W.E.R. Girl II (excerpt) - Healing for Xi
by Tonja Taylor

"Okay, Pearl, are you sure you want to do this?" said Xi, sounding very uncomfortable. "It's kind of a trashy place. And I have no idea what weirdos will be over there......"

Gee, Xi seems really nervous, Pearl thought. We are just going to visit her mom!

"Yes. You have forgiven your mom, right? And, we could ask Uncle Burt to go with us if we need to. He was a cop, you know."

"Yeah, well that would probably freak her out if she knew that!" Xi said, scowling. "Not to mention the people she calls 'friends' that she lets hang around........or used to. I don't know.....maybe he could like ride his motorcycle by or something. That should make any bad guys nervous--or curious." She shook her head. "If you want, we can just stay outside. In fact, that would probably be best. I haven't been there in a month to clean the place!"

She stomped the front of her running shoe in the carpet. "I can't believe I'm going to visit her, after she threw me out! But I've had such a better life with you guys....." A tear rolled down her cheek and she wiped it away, angrily.

"Well, it's Thanksgiving week, and all things work together---" Pearl started, then stopped when she saw Xi's face. 

Help me say the right things, LORD! Pearl prayed. She stopped talking and went over and hugged her friend. "You can do this, Xi. God will help you. He's helping me stop missing Daddy so much."

"Oh yeah," Xi said, "I'm sorry. Your dad is dead and it's kinda like my mom is too. My dad died in jail when I was really little, she told me, for hard drugs, I think.......I guess that's the truth! I don't know!" She slammed the pillow down on the bed.

"Xi--" Pearl started.

"How are you girls?" said Pearl's mother quietly, as she came in the room.

"Well--" Pearl tried again.

"Fine!" Xi said. "You don't care if I take Pearl with me to go visit my mom, do you, Mrs. Williams? She says she wants to go. I told her I'm not sure who or what will be over there......but I really don't want to go by myself. I'm only doing this because you and Mrs. Hope said I should." She looked confused. "I don't even know what I'm going to say---'Happy Thanksgiving, thanks for ruining my life,' I guess! But I suppose that would be rude!"

"It's all right, dear heart," Pearl's mother said. "Jesus understands. He is with you and He will help you." She sat down on the bed next to Xi. "You are doing a very hard thing, but it's the right thing. Whatever the case, she is your mother. And sometimes, we don't need to say much. I'm learning that." She hugged Xi.

I love my dear mother so much! thought Pearl. Thank You God for giving me such a great mother who loves You and loves others, and forgive me for being grumpy about her sometimes! Pearl hugged Xi from the other side.

A P.O.W.E.R. Princess helps turn sad situations around, she heard in her heart.

Pearl motioned to her mother to hug Xi again. Together, they hugged her snugly between them. "Hey!" Pearl said, "It's a Xiomara sandwich!"

One corner of Xi's mouth turned up.

I think she's sort of smiling! Pearl thought. Maybe I can get her to laugh!

She took a pillow and put it on Xi's head. "How about a giant marshmallow for topping?"

They all laughed. Then Pearl started lightly tickling Xi in the ribs.

"Stop, Pearl, that tickles!" said Xi, between giggles. "But it's great!" She started laughing, then more and more. "I haven't laughed this hard in ages!" Tears were streaming down her face.

This time they are happy tears, thought Pearl. Thank You, God! Pearl tickled her a bit more, then patted Xi on the shoulder. "I love you, my friend," she said.

Pearl's mother had her hand on Xi's back. Her lips were moving as she prayed quietly. They felt Xi relax, and  helped her lie on the bed. They spread a light blanket over her, then headed for the door.

"Thanks," Xi said, almost in a whisper.

Pearl made the "I love you" sign with her hand to Xi.

"Love you, Sweetie," Pearl's mother said. "Rest well." She turned out the light and shut the door quietly.

"Thank You, Pearl," she said, hugging her daughter. "You truly are a jewel! Now, how about some organic ice cream?"

"Yes ma'am!" said Pearl. "All that heart-work made me hungry!"

"Good one, my clever girl!" her mother said. "Heart work indeed!" 

Pearl and her mother walked down the stairs together, holding hands.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, Pearl heard deep within. Yes, LORD, thank You that You are healing Xi's broken heart. And Queen Mother's. And mine!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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