P.O.W.E.R. Girl II (excerpt) - Pearl Prays for Xi
by Tonja Taylor

Xi sighed and slumped into the big easy chair. "I'm just still down, Princess....Not like you. You are always up. How do you do that?" She looked at Pearl with admiring eyes. "Hey....can you pray for me?”

A P.O.W.E.R. Princess is always ready to pray when someone asks, she heard in her heart. 

"Sure I will, my friend," said Pearl. "Just remember it's God the Holy Spirit praying through me, and not me."

"But you are the one talking, right?" said Xi. "I don't want nothing spooky!"

"You don't want anything spooky," Pearl said, correcting her friend. "Oops, sorry, Xi. Queen Mother corrects us when we don't talk right, to help us."

Xi laughed a bit scornfully. "Well, I sure need a lot of help there too," she said. "And my mom always said she couldn’t stand it when I was upset and didn't want to be around me. Said she had enough junk going on." 

“Your mom is not God, and God is not your mom,” said Pearl firmly, remembering what her Daddy had said. 

“Thank God she's not. Or He's not, or--you know what I mean!” said Xi, sarcastically. 

“It must be harder for you to understand how much God loves you, Xi, than for me. I have had great parents that I know love me." Her heart hurt for a moment. I miss my daddy so much! But thank You, God, that you are helping me help Xi know more of Your love for her.

“Anyway, let’s pray, OK?" said Pearl, trying to sound cheerful. "It’s so neat that God knows everything anyway, but He wants us to just talk to Him and get everything off our chest, so we can be free, and just trust Him to handle things!”

“Yeah,” said Xi. “Okay, go for it.”

"Sure. I just want to tell you again that God loves you, Xi. And it's Him that helps us with everything! We are just willing vessels."

"What does that mean, really? Sometimes I don't know what you're talking about!"

"It's OK," Pearl said. "Here, let me pray for you, OK?" She hugged Xi. "Thanks for asking. You're the first teenager who's ever asked me to pray."

Xi looked little uncomfortable. "Well, I like you and I really appreciate you guys taking me in. You've been really nice. Very nice. Anyway, I know I have a lot of problems, but if God is real, then He will help me, right?" 

"Of course! He is all good--and the reason for every good thing in our lives! Do you want me to show you in the Bible?"

"No, no, I just want you to pray," said Xi. "But that's cool that you know the Bible like that." 

"Well, I thank Daddy and Queen Mother. They prayed over me since I was in her tummy, and taught me and Robert to read it since we were little." Pearl said. "They helped us understand it's Daddy God's Love Letter to us, how He wants us to live and all that He's done for us."

"Hmm. Well, I've looked in the one you guys got me a little, and it's just hard to understand," Xi admitted. "I want to believe it, but--anyway, I'm glad your mom goes over stuff at breakfast. I'm learning verses, just cause they're in every subject!"

Pearl smiled. "Yes, that's a great thing about homeschool--every class is based on the Word! After all, God created everything and knows about every subject! Cool, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess," said Xi. "Are you gonna pray for me?"

"Yes," said Pearl. "I just want to tell you that, the Bible is a living Book--"

"A living book? Whadya mean, like the story I read once about a witch's book that levitated and would open by itself to whatever spell she needed?"

That enemy! All he can do is try to copy God! Pearl thought. 

"No!" Pearl said. "It never changes, but Jesus is the Word--John 1--and--"

"Sorry, Princess," said Xi. "You are not making any sense!"

A P.O.W.E.R. Princess stays cool, she thought. 

Pearl sighed. "Xiomara Farrar, you've gotta have Jesus in you to help you understand it!"

"Hmm, I hear you," Xi said. "Maybe later. Right now, will you pray for me? I need to go do the ironing for your mom."

Daddy God, please pray through me, cause I don't think I can do this, thought Pearl. Please put your words in my mouth. 

She walked up to Xi and touched her shoulder. She shut her eyes. LORD, help me remember how Queen Mother prays, please!  She hesitated a bit, then started speaking. “LORD, Xi is  my friend. I love her very much and I know You love her more. I know too, Jesus, that You care about everything she feels, and You totally understand. After all, You went through every feeling and all the junk we ever will, and You are our Comfort. When we're down, You feel it, and You lift us up. Please help Xi to get back up, LORD. Wrap Your arms around her and lift her out of this pit. Help her to know You. In Jesus' name, amen."

She opened her eyes, and Xi was staring at her.

"What?" Pearl said, feeling a little irritated. I don't think my prayer did anything, but I tried, LORD.

"That was amazing!" Xi said. "I think I felt God!" 


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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