P.O.W.E.R. Girl II (excerpt) - Headed for the Amusement Park
by Tonja Taylor

Wow, it's so cool that we're going to Lightwaves Park today! thought Pearl. Thank You, Daddy God! She rushed to tie her running shoes. "Xi, isn't this great! So glad you're going with us!"

"Yeah, it will be fun," Xi said, grabbing her shades. "Wanna do the roller coasters with me?"

"Sure!" said Pearl. She was headed out the door and suddenly stopped. "Wait! OK, God. Yeah--thanks for reminding me!"

Xi shook her head. "Is God talking to you again? How do you do that? It's weird that you can't see Him, but you hear Him."

"Right," said Pearl, digging in her middle chest drawer. "You'll hear Him too, once you ask His Son Jesus to be your BFF!" She held up some folded papers. "There! He told me to take these with us."

"What are they?"

"Tracts that tell people about Jesus."

"Hmm. You're going to give those out at the park? I thought this was a Christian theme park!"

"Yep," said Pearl. "It is, but anyone can come to it. And I won't give them to everyone--just to those He points out."

Xi looked a little frustrated. "How do you know this stuff?"

Pearl smiled mysteriously. LORD, at least she is curious about You! She giggled and said, "You'll have to meet Him and see for yourself!" She went out the door and headed down the stairs. 

"Wait up, God Girl!" said Xi, rushing after her. 

"That's me!" said Pearl, and gave Daddy God a high-five in the air. 

They got downstairs and Burt and Queen Mother and Robert were all waiting.

Vivace barked at Pearl, who picked her up. "You are such a good puppy!" she said, petting her dog. "We're going to have fun, and you can't come, but you can watch over the place, okay?"

"I get to ride in the front with Uncle Burt!" bragged Robert.

"Great!" said Pearl. "You'll be farther away from me!" 

Her mother shot her a frown. 

A P.O.W.E.R. Princess is not rude, she heard in her heart. 

"Oops......I mean, good for you, Rob," she said, apologizing quickly. "Here, you can hold Vivace." 

Rob shook his head and folded his arms, so Pearl put her puppy on the floor. 

"Kids," said their mother sternly, "you all know how to act and that is what I expect. I am sure that none of you wants to have to miss rides or other fun, right?"

Xi, Pearl, and Robert all answered together, "Right!"

"Okay then. Risa and her kiddos will be here any minute."

Pearl jumped up and down. "This is going to be so great! Uncle Burt, can all four of us sit together in the back of the Suburban?"

"Well, I think Xi is actually going to sit with Charlotte--if that's OK with Xi, of course." He looked at her and smiled.

Xi held up her cell phone. "Hope you don't mind me listening to my tunes on the trip," she said. 

"Not at all. I know Burt loaded a lot of good Christian music on there for you," said Pearl's mother.

"Yes ma'am," said Xi. "I appreciate it. I don't understand everything they are singing, but I feel peaceful when I listen to it."

"Yeah, and so will I when I get my cell phone this Christmas!" said Pearl. "Right, Queen Mother?"

"We shall see. That's a few weeks away," said her mother.

Vivace barked, and they heard car doors slam. She opened the door. "Hey guys! So glad you're here!"

Risa smiled big and she and Robin and Lucas came in, with hugs all around. "So glad you're going with us, Xi!" said Risa. 

"Me too," Xi replied.

Pearl told Vivace to sit on her blanket, then everyone loaded into the Suburban. "Before we go," said Burt, "let's pray." 

Everyone bowed their heads, and Burt prayed, "Father, we thank You for this good family time we're having today. We thank You that Your Word says that we are blessed coming and going out, and blessed in the city and the field. We appreciate this sunny, cool weather. You are so good! Thank You for the money to go and have a great, safe time. We also ask that You touch our hearts if we are to say something to people there, or pray for them--"

"He told me to take my tracts!" said Pearl. 

Burt nodded, smiled and gave Pearl the "thumbs up" sign, then continued. "Please help us just relax and have fun and fill us up with Your love so it will flow out to others--and to each other. In Jesus' name and we thank You for these things. Amen!"

He started the truck and pulled out onto the road. "Here we go, kids. New adventures in Jesus today!"



Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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