Can God Be Trusted when Life Is a Mess?
by Alan Allegra

The church was a mess. We good Christians on the outside would have looked at them through the windows and wondered how these “professing” Christians could possibly be saved. They were immoral, selfish, divided, drunk, arrogant, showy, idolatrous, and disorderly. Certainly not the kind of people God could save, although they thought they were right with Him. Some of them may even have had tattoos or funny hair!

            What’s really funny is that those are the “kind” of people God saves. Perfect people — of whom there was only ever one — don’t need salvation. And if it depended upon us to merit salvation or keep it when we have it, we would never make it.

            The church in Corinth was immature and worldly, yet it was a true church. They may have been weak in faith, confused, and even doubtful about their own salvation, but that didn’t matter — their Savior was faithful.

            God does not leave us hanging after we are saved. “[I]f we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). God does not wind us up at salvation and let us run on our own like a clock. He does not change, even when we do. If it were up to us to keep our salvation, we would be lost right out of the gate. In troubled times, we can doubt God’s faithfulness when we are afraid or discouraged. But God is ever-faithful.

            How does God show His faithfulness? He give outward testimony to His work in us. Paul saw the grace of God manifested in the spiritual speech and knowledge of the Corinthians that gave testimony to the reality of Christ in their lives (Vv. 4-6). Can people see God faithfully working in your life? If so, that is a sign of God’s faithfulness.

            God endows us with spiritual gifts for the work of ministry (V. 7). Are you using your gifts for the good of the body of believers? Are you bearing spiritual fruit? If so, that is a sign of God’s faithfulness.

            True believers cry with the apostle John, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” (KJV). A true believer anxiously awaits the return of “his Son from heaven” (1 Thessalonians 1:10). Are you waiting for Jesus to return and get us out of this mess?

            God shows His faithfulness by sustaining our faith until Jesus returns (V. 8) and by presenting us spotless “before the throne and before the Lamb’’ (Revelation 7:9).

            In times of doubt, when you are wondering if Jesus really is returning; if you think you’ve sinned yourself outside the boundaries of God’s forgiveness; if you wonder if you are of any use to the church; if you doubt that you’d be convicted of being a Christian in a court of spiritual law; remember what God has already done for you and through you. Even more so, reflect on what He did for a really messed-up church. He did not recall His gifts or renege on His promises. He reproved, rebuked, and exhorted them, restored them, and loved them. God is faithful!

Alan is editor of Lifestyles Over 50 (Thrive Media) and contributor to the Allentown, PA, Morning Call. He is also an adult Sunday school teacher and Bible study leader. Passionate about reviving theology and church methodology, and being a senior citizen!

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