I am Not Doing Anything Wrong!
by Tonja Taylor

A couple of years ago, my 20-year-old car had yet another problem. It was, as some would say, "ragged out." It had been repaired many times in many ways through the years, and it was time for another.

For some reason, I felt guilty about getting another car--even though I knew I was not doing anything wrong! I needed a dependable car. I didn't have to have fancy, but functional was absoluately necessary. 

My husband and I had been learning about getting out of debt and accessing prosperity that is ours in Christ.  We had paid off many debts and it was such a great peace to "owe no man anything but to love him." 

Yet I needed a car, and we prayed. We certainly did not want to borrow money, but we had learned that borrowing is not a sin, or the LORD would never have allowed any of His people (in ancient times or now) to lend money. So we took out a loan.

Again, I felt kind of guilty, but I knew my Father God loved me and would help us pay off the debt. I was not doing anything wrong! I wasn't even asking for the extras. I just needed a good car.

However,  and because of financial challenges and wrong attitudes about money that we'd struggled with for decades (and all of our marriage, really), it took me two long days to realize that my husband was not in true agreement about the car. He'd been resenting it and trying to figure out how it was all going to work.

No wonder I had been feeling guilty, even though I knew I was not doing anything wrong. My spirit was sensing his disagreement, and it created an emotional conflict in my soul. 

No wonder we couldn't find the right car, even though we had driven miles upon miles and visited many cities, to no avail.

But that evening over a meal, he finally admitted his lack of agreement--and verbally decided to agree.  Peace came to me, and I forgave him. We were now in true unity. 

It didn't take long for us to find the right car the next day. We were in true agreement.  The second city we visited that third day was the right one. In fact, the car for us had just been delivered within the previous hour and had not even had time to be detailed! But I knew it was the one when I saw it. 

As my darling generous Daddy God does every time, He outdid Himself with this blessing too. The car was not only very dependable and functional, but has so many features and "bells and whistles" that I was still discovering some weeks after getting it! It is a joy to have and drive, and will serve me very well for years to come! How good is God! He is also helping us pay it off in record time!

We had prayed, and even though my husband's prayer was not sincere at first, he had repented to me and truly come into agreement. When we came into true agreement, the false feelings of guilt went away. 

If you keep feeling guilty about something and know that--especially if you have asked the LORD to show you anywhere you need to repent, and you have repented as He'd led you--you are not doing anything wrong,then declare you are right with God through your faith in the blood of Christ Jesus on the cross, and rest. The LORD will reveal to you what the root of the problem is, and give you victory.

He is faithful!


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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