Stunned by Grace
by Lorraine Taylor

The evil in this world can be overwhelming at times. Awareness of darkness and its wicked intentions towards us causes us to be ever sensitive and attunely devoted to the source of whose we are - empowered saints in the fullness of the life of Jesus!

We are his life being sustained and enabled by him and there is nothing and no person who comes against us who can ever destroy the sanctity of the life of Jesus whose breath we are!

Our focus and dwelling place is known in the righteousness of our Lord's immersed presence.

As believers we move, live and breathe from the life of Christ and this is how God views us; righteous, holy, Christ-ones!

There is no force, no other power and no evil plans that can ever separate us from the grasp of the Lord's love and this is how we overcome - love.

Love is the transformative power of Christ whereby as his sent-ones - fully supplied in his life!

Living in and from the sufficient, all- power in the life of Jesus whose life is thinking, talking, moving and being in us. We discover that in his life we are more than conquerors!

As revelation awakens, enlightens and stirs his life to move, be and act, we become the fragrance of his demonstrated love wherever we step.

Pressing, digging, and leaning further into his life is our high honor as we are his intentions, holy desires and bountiful love-heart as living gospels of Jesus!

We are members of the royal priesthood of God's chosen army of saints, marching to the beat and rhythm in His manifested love - displayed in human flesh as distinct people of God!

We are the integrity of Jesus' life passing through us breathing life into cold stone hearts - sparking light, hope and love in a world in great need of being revived as the creation of this most holy God!

Our clothing is holiness, our weapons are the living word and our power is abiding in the heart of the One whose spirit is a being. This spirit-being inhabits, exemplifies and exhibits this love in our lifestyles!

We are not left to despair of what we see visibly as we live from the unseen supernatural and divine life of Jesus. His highest desires is to be life in our thoughts, in our words and in our consecrated actions.

This is the center of who we are and whose we are - loved ones - redeemed ones- sanctified ones - righteous ones - sent-ones whose glory is this bountiful and unlimited supplied source of Jesus as our sole sufficiecy!

His grace is unlimited, accessible, and always available for each one of us!!!!

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us!

We have yet to know, discover, sense or realize the height, the depth and the width of the Godhead whose being is this love. His love-life moves in our beings --- longs to birth this sacrificial and selfless entity of desired love -----in passing through our humanity!

This God of spirit-love is unimaginable, unbelievable and a wonder. In beholding him, I gaze, bask, linger, stay, and look upon his majestic glory as my life!

Stunned by grace-love is all I can say and all I know and all I want!

Lorraine is an author, speaker, teacher and an integrative coach who seeks to live from Christ as her sole supply. Her first book covers the topic of Trauma and Faith; 'Hope Rises from a Shattered Innocence'

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