Repetitive Prayers
by Sue Darling

I find some prayer groups actually do very little praying. Mostly gossiping instead. I do admire people who can confidently pray from their hearts in public. There are many of us however are very shy at praying in public. We think everybody is judging us. Then there others who pray very long prayers for show. Their prayers to me are usually very boring, because they are not giving God any glory.

I know many Protestants are against saying the Rosary. I feel because they are misled into thinking it is all about Mary. She is not being worshiped as many supposed, but rather God is. Some people call the Rosary ‘the Bible on strings,’ because that is what is being meditated on.

Saying the Rosary in a group I love, because it doesn’t matter how shy you are, everybody says the Rosary together. I love it also because we pray non-stop for approximately twenty minutes, that is if we only saying one mystery. There are four mysteries in told. Another reason I love it, it is intense praying. It is not wishy washy. You put your heart into it and offer up your meditation to God for a specific purpose. Maybe it is for your country’s conversion, or maybe it is to stop abortions etc. saying the Rosary is a powerful weapon against Satan’s attacks. I know that personally. My mother and I were put into a position where somebody was oppressed by a powerful demon and all we could think of doing was to say the Rosary over her. The young person calmed down half way through the Rosary, then was able to deliver herself from the demon. It was a scary moment, but by saying the Rosary Mary came to our rescue. Demons are afraid of her.

Matthew 6:7-8. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

In this verse many people think the Rosary is full of babbling prayers, because of its repetition. They forget Psalms 135 repeats itself over and over again. ‘For his love endures forever.’ The NKJV Bible says ‘For his mercy endures forever.’ When you honouring God over and over again it can hardly be called babbling. I think those people who say those boring long prayers, for their own benefit not for Gods’ are babbling.

My main goal in this article is to get people to intensively pray. Sometimes we have plenty to pray about, and then there be times we have nothing to say, or we are all dried up. That’s when saying the same prayer over and over again is very helpful. It puts you in a calm relaxed state so that you feel closer to God. If you too nervous to give the Rosary ago, there are many other prayers you can say using the Rosary beads. Lately I have been saying ‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven,’ over and over again for the martyrs to be strong and to persevere to the end. You can offer it up for anything. If you pray with fire your faith is very active and you know your prayers has been heard. This kind of praying is energetic.

There are many different ways of praying and they are all excellent. Whatever way that brings you closer to God and builds your faith up is perfect. I don’t always repeat my prayers over and over again. Many times I just talk to God with my own words as well. That is necessary to build a relationship up with God. But in groups I prefer to say the Rosary. There are people on YouTube saying the Rosary. I particular like the Scripture Rosary. Some people meditate using Scripture verses, other people prefer to use their own meditation on Jesus’s life. Whatever brings you closer to God, makes God happy.


Prayer is so powerful and we need to pray for everybody not just our family.

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