Who Am I?
by Anne O'Donnell

Who Am I?

I’ll tell you who I am . . .

Created in God’s image, uniquely special, carved in the palm of his hand, and of significant worth. I’m not bragging, I just know these things about myself. I value my role as a woman, a wife, a mother, a friend, a sister, a neighbor, an employee, and mentor. I bloom where I am planted.


I’ll tell you who I’m not . . .

I’m not a college graduate or scholar. I’m not certified, ordained, credentialed, licensed, accredited or approved by the state. I’m not the president of anything, not on the board of anything, nor am I the leader of anything. I’m not famous or well known. My name or picture isn’t on the cover of any magazine, and I don’t own any trophies or awards for a recognized accomplishment.


But I know who I am . . .

I am God’s beloved - forgiven, cleansed, set free and growing in grace. I’ve been purchased by His blood and have hope alive in my heart.


By the world’s standards I’m not highly appraised . . .

I’ve been used, labeled, numbered, judged, categorized, controlled, manipulated, hired, fired, ridiculed, belittled, slandered, humiliated, shamed, threatened, criticized, and degraded. I’m not anybody’s boss nor do I climb the corporate ladder. I’ve never been nominated for anything, nor have I ever gotten voted into anything. I haven’t copyrighted anything, discovered, invented or patented anything. I never appeared on TV, nobody’s written a review on me, or asked for my autograph. I’ve never been called a hero, and I don’t own any medals of honor. I never reached the top ten of anything, and my mayor doesn’t even know I exist. By the world’s standards I haven’t accomplished much of anything.


But I know who I am . . .

An adopted child of God, alive in Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit with a peace in my heart that comes from a Heavenly Father who loves me unconditionally. Many who claim to know me cannot discern my worth; it is invisible to them. No one sees when I encourage the hopeless, serve my family’s needs, labor over an important project, reach out to the lost, or spend time in prayer.


No one ever sees when I go to my Heavenly Father asking forgiveness, sometimes full of shame and grief. No one witnesses my answered prayers or my victory over sin. These things only happen in the secret places of my relationship with God.


No organized system or institution on this earth owns the final authority to dictate who I am. My infinite worth in God’s eyes is immeasurable. By his standards, I am priceless.


Yes, I know who I am. . .

I am God’s beloved, redeemed, set apart, sanctified, justified, and unconditionally loved 24/7. He pays attention to me when I call out in prayer, sometimes rejoicing, and sometimes full of anguish. I am the apple of his eye. I am chosen and called, reconciled and redeemed. 


He carries me through every circumstance I face. He is with me always and I shall never fear what mere man thinks of me. My hope is in Christ. I am complete in him.


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Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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