How to Make Good Decisions
by Tonja Taylor

Decisions, decisions.


Inherently, we never want to make a mistake, unless we're in open rebeliion and choosing wrongly on purpose. But most of us just want to do what the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 4:11, NLT: "Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before."

Our Father God is so good and patient and faithful! He is the Master at taking our mistakes and messes and making miracles, and only HE can do that!

However, His best plan for us is that we walk humbly with Him, by daily spending time with Him in prayer, His Word, worship, and staying in peace, along with doing our best wherever we are, and helping our fellow man.  

As Believers in Christ, we want to make decisions that honor Him and advance His Kingdom. On top of that, we must understand that our decisions affect many more people than just ourselves. Even if we are single with no kids, others are watching. Honestly, those who don't yet know Christ want to see Him in action (Romans 8:19)--and we are the "movie screens" through which He operates! 

So when we make good decisions, we stop the curse and bring more of the fullness of the Blessing into the lives of ourselves, our families, our church body, our workplaces--and beyond. Every decision makes a ripple in the ocean of life, and that ocean includes every human! 

Our decisions can literally affect whether others live or die! 

His best plan is that we ask Him for wisdom. Primarily, wisdom is found in His Word; the reading of it and the hearing of it by true Bible-based preaching and teaching. There are also, praise the LORD, many worship songs that are Biblically-based and anointed, infused with His Presence. 

Praying in the Holy Spirit is a way that we can pray the perfect will of God, and then ask Him for interpretation in our understanding--our minds. This is one way to receive answers to help us make decisions, and one of the very best. 

Another way to make good decisions is to start thanking and praising the LORD out loud, with true worship music, or just a warm expression of thanks for all He has done. It should not take long for anyone to start feeling genuine thanks when they start orally rehearsing (or even writing out) even just a few things God has done! 

When we thank and praise Him, we enter His Presence (Psalm 100:4). Also, God draws near when we praise and thank Him (The LORD has emotions, and who do you know who does not like to hear gratitude?), as Psalm 22:3 speaks.

When the LORD's Presence is near, then all the answers are near. Enjoying His wonderful Presence can bring the answers we need. However, this involves having a heart that can hear Him. 

Having a heart that can hear His Voice (usually a knowing, or a whisper inside of our hearts/spirits) is the important thing. If a Believer is in open sin or other rebellion, then it can be hard for that person to discern the LORD's voice. But He is so gracious and merciful! As Believers in His Son, Jesus Christ, He wants to help us hear Him and get victory! He wants to keep us from danger, frustration, and distress! 

He promises in I Samuel 12:14, "If ye will fear they LORD, and serve Him, and obey his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the Lord, then shall both ye and also the king that reigneth over you continue following the Lord your God:"

He is our good Shepherd, Who leads us always in right paths. We must be willing to change our own plans and follow Him. (Ask me how I know! But He is always right, and always good, and His Plans for us are amazingly satisfying and delightful (Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 37:4) 

So asking the LORD to lead you to Bible verses that will reveal what you need to know is one way. Worshiping the LORD is another way you can hear His voice and understand the way to go. 

An additional way to make good decisions is to consult your pastor or other spiritual overseer, and friends whom you know truly follow the LORD. Be prepared that they may ask questions or make statements that you did not expect. If they really follow God and love you, they are truly trying to help you.

Another way to make good decisions is to ask the LORD to remember how He has led you in the past. Remember His faithfulness, and that, no matter how you responded to Him, He in His goodness has always made things work out for good for you one way or another--because Jesus died for you and He truly loves you.

The LORD has helped me make many hard decisions. Once, when I was sure He was leading me to move myself and my 4-year-old daughter to a city 5 hours away, that was 10 times bigger, where I knew only one person sort of, to a new job and a new life, I could not get total peace. I knew in my heart that He was telling me to go. I knew He had been faithful, and in frustration, wanting to please Him and get things settled, I cried out and asked Him to please help me wake up with that city strong on my mind, and the current city--where I'd lived almost every moment of my life for thirty years--to fade. 

My answer came when I woke and the new city was very strong. He was faithful and merciful as my dear Father to answer my prayer for that. So I put things in motion and we moved. It was not easy, but it was Him, and the rewards were beyond what I could have imagined--from the healing of my little daughter to my baptism in the Holy Spirit and the honor of partnering with my church to lead many people to the LORD. 

However, the bottom line is that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, leads us by peace. There have been many decisions I've made that were not His perfect will, because I was thinking carnally--mostly about the perceived need for finances, and the fact that the Bible talks many times about the necessity to work.  I had a challenge because I knew He was also telling me to do a lot of writing, and often, that has not been lucrative for many people.  Anyway, there have been jobs I've taken that, either He caused my peace to leave during the interview process, or even after I'd accepted a position--or even months down the road--and I just knew that I knew within that, without having to understand the reason or reasons, it was time to go.

Some things we will never understand, but we trust in the LORD, Who is our very life (Colossians 3:4).  He will never lead us where we will be destroyed. Sometimes we may think He has given us more than we can bear, but we need to ask ourselves: Did I obey what the LORD was telling me, or did I do my own thing? 

Fasting (however He tells you to do it) can also help you hear the LORD's voice more clearly, to make good decisions. 

The LORD can also speak through nature, a movie, a book, an article, a poem, a song, a circumstance, or any other way He chooses, to help you make right decisions. Let peace be your leader. If you don't have peace about a decision, don't decide right then. If you must decide quickly, ask the LORD to guide your mind and claim I Corinthians 2:16--that you have the mind of Christ the Anointed One, Who is wisdom. Christ is made unto us wisdom and He is inside every true Believer to help us. Ask the Holy Spirit, Who is the Spirit of Truth, to lead you into all truth.

I also like to quote Psalm 25:12, where it states that when we respect and honor the LORD (That is what "fear the LORD" means.), He will teach us the way we should choose. 

The closer we get to God, the more easy it is to hear and obey Him. It's a process, it's a journey. But He will help you go deeper today, and honor your desire to please Him by making right decisions. 

We have all missed it, but our Father is gracious, and joyfully faithful to get us back on the right path, thank goodness! 

To recap, there are many ways the LORD can help his kids make right decisions:

1. Read the Word of God.

2. Listen to Bible-based preaching and teaching.

3. Listen to true worship.

4. Fast.

5. Pray, in the Spirit, and praying out loud the Word of God.

6. Thankging and praising Him for His goodness.

7. Rehearsing in writing and especially out loud the many good things He has done for you.

8. Consulting spiritual oversees or elders, or others you know who truly love and want to help you.

9. Binding your mind and emotions and will to Christ, and binding every spirit of confusion and distraction, in the Name of Jesus. 

10. Following peace in the end, no matter what you think you hear from any one or even your own heart. By the way, the heart and the mind can be saying two different things; you can have faith in your heart and fear and doubt in your mind. Tell the fear and doubt to shut up in the Name of Jesus!

Remember that, no matter what, the LORD is for you and, just like any truly loving parent, will make a way to work even your mistakes for your good, when you are really doing your best to follow Him!

Ask Your Father today to help you make right decisions, and He will. He is faithful! 


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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