Waters Of Strife
by Olawale Ogunsola

"They angered Him also at the waters of strife,
So that it went ill with Moses on account of them,
Because they rebelled against His Spirit,
So that he spoke rashly with his lips." Psalm 106:32.


The roles of water in the life of man cannot be overstressed at all. Water is life! The purpose of this piece is not to itemise the functions that water plays nor it is to state one by one the types of water that exist according to science. Our discussion here will be narrowed to symbolic role of waters in a relationship.


There is an African metaphor (a good way of saying bad thing) that says
"They are putting water of rift on fire." anytime two or more people engage in any form of strife. In a relationship, there can be cold waters of strife or hot ones. In either of the two types, peace is absent. Where peace is missing, there cannot be joy, happiness and progress.


Quoted verse at the beginning of this piece refers to what transpired between the ancient Jews, Moses and the Lord their God.


Whenever there is any form of waters of strife, anger sets in. It is the next after setting the waters into action. An uncontrolled anger can do any harm. By their misdeeds, demanding things by lust from God and Moses. Provocation is ever present whenever there is a water of rift.


The next thing is that there is always a penalty to pay by someone at the waters of strife. Hardly can anger build but it destroys. Anger has negative consequences on someone near or far. It can even have negative effects on generations yet unborn.


This was the case with Moses. The ancient Jews provoked their God and they caused Moses to pay dearly for it. It went ill for the man of God who had been seen by the Lord as the most meek on the earth.


That is the devastating effect of waters of strife and those involved. These people must have said many unprintable things against Moses and his God who has been leading His people on their journey safely.


The people of God rebelled against the Spirit of the Lord and all that He has been doing in their midst. They did not appreciate all He had done through His servant, Moses. When the man of God could no longer contain it, "he spoke rashly with his lips," an ever gentle and humble man of God. The Jews overstretched the elastic patience of Moses until it broke.


No wonder, Prophet Isaiah said it right when he saw God in His glory,
"Woe is me, for I am undone!
Because I am a man of unclean lips,
And I dwell in the midst of a people
of unclean lips." Isaiah 6:5.


Moses also served the Lord his God among people with stiff-neck. There are lessons to learn from him!


Watch every relationship you are into, be very careful of people who are always ready to provide waters of strife. You may be the victim of such rift on the long run. If you are not, it may be someone very close to you or your generation after you.


You need to exercise serious caution most expecially if it involves you and God. There are people around you who do not care at all to ruin your dealings with your Creator. They can do this intentionally or unintentionally. Be careful what will your thoughts be as well as those words that will proceed from your mouth, do not belittle what your deeds will be. Be careful whenever you are brought to the waters of strife. May the Lord your God help you always in Jesus mighty name.
Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Note : All scriptures quoted are from New King James Version of the Holy Bible.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites www.4thlink.wordpress.com and www.peacelink.wordpress.com for more quality contents.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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