Throwing Off the Hair Care
by Tonja Taylor

It was such a delight to have my daughter and her long-time friend/new husband over to visit a few hours before the wedding Blessing Party of our mutual church family member. 

This was a part of the restoration the LORD was doing among my daughter and my husband and myself--and between her and God and the church family. 

As the afternoon passed, we were having fun playing cards and talking. Several times, the thought came that I should get up and spend quite a bit of time primping because, after all, "everyone" was going to be so dressesd up at this event. 

I had--after spending way too much money, time, and energy shopping, planning, and primping in front of a mirror through the years trying to look just a certain way--finally realized (with the LORD's help) that, first of all, you can't please everyone, no matter what you wear or don't. They may be jealous or resentful if they think you look better than them, or scornful if they think you don't look (in their opinion) good enough. 

This is human nature at some of it's worst. 

Second, because humans are, until they are trained and discipled by Jesus, inherently self-centered, no matter how much time, effort, or money you invest, people will, usually after just a few seconds, start looking at others, or mostly thinking about themselves again.

That's just the way it is.

Unless someone has a problem with lust and the way you look becomes a negative fantasy to them (which, unless it's your husband, they need to repent and be delivered of!), people just don't really care. 

It is fun, to a point, to dress up of course, and to see what everyone else is wearing.

Unfortunately, because we've gotten away from standards of true holiness (I do NOT mean religion!), where we dress in a way that others won't be distracted or tempted to think wrong about how our bodies look (although it is truly the responsibility of the person to guard their minds; but we don't want to be seen as having a temptress spirit, right!), it can create problems. Because we love the Body of Christ, our brothers and sisters, and want to only draw attention to Christ, not to ourselves. For Christ is our Example.

So, with all that inside my heart, I decided to keep on playing cards. I had spent way too many years being concerned with how I looked and what others thought about it. 

This time was different. While I was dressed nicely and honorably to show respect to the bride and groom at their pre-wedding party, it was not in a way to distract or tempt anyone.  I quite being concerned about my hair. As it turned out, the worship was so powerful that I wept, full of rejoicing at God's mercy, faithfulness, grace and restoration, and know I cried most if not all of my makeup off. But it was so sweet!

My hair was not fancy, but clean. My clothes were nice and fun and covered me well. I had a couple of darts that I had to throw down, where the devil told me I didn't look right, but I shut him up in the name of Jesus and chose to enjoy myself and rejoice at the restoration of my daughter to the church body, where she enjoyed introducing her new husband (He is also a strong Believer, praise the LORD. God is faithful! They met at church camp sponsored by this church body, 8 years ago, became best friends, and married to His glory!)

I threw off the "hair care" and honored my God, my husband, and the others.  

No one acted like I looked wrong, and really, no one cared! They will not remember anything except the good time they had. 

So there you go. May this help liberate you from "hair (appearance) care"!

The LORD will help anyone struggling with this. Sometimes He will impress someone to wear a certain thing, or to NOT wear a certain thing.

Just ask Him. He will help you! He is faithful, because He tells us to "cast all our cares on Him, for He cares for us." Amen and amen!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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