Pray Without Ceasing
by Sue Darling

1 Thessalonians. 5:17-18. Pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

When I first was converted into believing the power of prayer, I thought prayer was just saying formula prayers and talking to God in your own words. What I found over the years, prayer is being in union with God in many different ways. Walking in faith in God, is prayer. And a powerful one at that. It doesn’t have to be words, but rather a state of being. Being conscious of God in the most ordinary things in life as well as in our sorrows, relaxations, excitement and etc. Being present and being aware that God is with you in all of this.

When you suffer don’t waste a moment of it, offer your suffering with our Lord and it will be rewarded beyond measure in heaven. Offering up our sufferings in patience, faith and love of God is a very powerful prayer. Most people agree fasting is something God is calling all Christians to offer up. But not everybody understands to offer up their lives to God for His glory, is to walk with Him in your daily activities with the same virtues as Jesus Christ. All this is prayer.

People sometimes think you only offer up your sufferings, but God wants you to offer everything about your life, your joys and relaxations as well. When you do that you become more careful to imitate Jesus. And therefore nothing about your life is wasted. Even you sinful nature, offer it up to God that you learn humility and be free of judging others.

If you look at nature God has made this world in such a way, nothing is being wasted. Even waste products is use to fertilise the soil. Our sins when repented of them can act in the same way. It is very humbling to know that it is only the love of God and the sacrifice that Jesus has made makes us worthy to be children of God. We have done nothing to deserve this honour, except to believe in Him and to live a life to please him much as possible. We are expected to do our best and be imitators of Christ. If we do that we are showing reverence and love and gratitude to God for all that He does for us. Which is always good.

Don’t ever be confused with the lies that Satan spreads about God. That God wants us to suffer, but rather realise we are in a fallen world and suffering is part and parcel of a world that has turn its back from God and Gods’ commandments, which is love and wisdom itself.

To pray without ceasing with a grateful heart will open doors to such intimacy with God. It usually doesn’t happen over-night. But it is truly rewarding if you make a habit of being with God, in faith. Sometimes you might experience His tangible presence, but mostly you will be resting in Him. What I mean by that you will be at peace with yourself and with God. You will learn to listen and do things His way, because you are always thinking of Him either consciously or unconsciously. He becomes the love of your life. And you will be able to carry your burdens easier, because you know God is with you in all of this. God doesn’t leave anybody, but we have to make a daily effort to choose to be with God in all of our activities and rest. I am not talking about hard thinking, but just a consciousness that God is with us. Learn to rest in Him. When you do, you will notice this comes about when you believe and trust Him to be the God He says He is.

Prayer is so powerful and we need to pray for everybody not just our family.

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