It Doesn't Matter
by Tonja Taylor

For the Lord will not forsake his people, for his great name's sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make you a people for himself.                                                                                   -- I Samuel 12:22, ESV

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.                                                                                                          -- Psalm 139:14, ESV

"It doesn't matter," I told myself as I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair for the fifth time. "Besides, the way I worship, it won't stay this way, and after all, who will notice? Who will care? If they do think it looks messy, so what?"

"It doesn't matter!" I said out loud again. 

I put the brush down then grabbed my Bible and notebook.  The greeters smiled at me and didn't seem to think I looked weird. 

I passed a friend in the hall. "I like your hair!" she said. 

I laughed inside. See, devil? It's YOU that's concerned with appearance, not me! I am here to worship the LORD!

I took my place at the back, where I'd asked my husband to save me a spot. It was really convenient that he got there an hour earlier. 

As the worship music started, I realized I was distracted, looking at the hair and clothes of many women in the gathering. Help me focus, dear Holy Spirit, so I can worship the Father and Jesus! Thank You! 

I raised my hands and closed my eyes--always a good idea in worship, unless you have to keep them open for some reason (like my husband, who played the guitar on stage every service). That helped a lot. 

As I entered into worship, the LORD spoke to my heart that I had been concerned about way too many things in life that really did not matter. And the root of it was competition, carnality, and covetousness--all related to fear; fear of not being enough, doing enough, being loved enough.

So I repented. "Thank You, LORD, that You love me no matter what," I whispered to Him. "Thank You that I'm Your precious daughter and I am fearfully, cheerfully, wonderfully created by You! Thank You even more that I am one with You through Christ!" 

Worship was more glorious that day, and the LORD did a deep healing in my heart. 

There were more steps for complete freedom, and of course we all like compliments and to think we look nice. We want our appearance to bring God glory.  But we are not in control of what others think--not of our appearance, our works, our words........Let us ever and always seek and speak and act to please our loving Heavenly Father Who loves us perfectly.

And pleasing Him is the only thing that does matter!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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