BILL GATES, His ïContributionï to Mankind and the Corona Vaccine.
by Eugene Lopatynsky


Bill is one of the founders of Microsoft, supposedly 3rd richest GOY in the world (110 billion Dollars). Some say, that a Jew who betrays the God of Israel, is no longer a Jew. He is a GOY.

Reportedly, his greatest passion is to construct a means for reducing overpopulation.

Bill loves vaccines. He believes that the vaccines are an answer to overpopulation. His dad once headed Planned Parenthood with Margaret Sanger.

Bill loves vaccines. He believes that the vaccines are an answer to overpopulation. His dad once headed Planned Parenthood with Margaret Sanger.

Pretending to eradicate Polio in India, Gates and his cronies were evicted by the Indian Government after his Polio Vaccine paralyzed 496 000 children between 2000 and 2017 AD. In one remote village he vaccinated 23 000 young girls and 1200 suffered autoimmune (AIDS?) and fertility disorders. After Gates was kicked out, the paralysis cases dropped dramatically. The case is now in India’s Supreme Court.

In Sub-Sahara Africa Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of children for meningitis. Up to 500 developed paralysis. In 2010 Gates conducted a trial with malaria vaccines, killing 151 infants and causing dangerous complications for 1048 of the 5049 children vaccinated.

In 2017 a study (Morgensen et Al, 2017) showed that WHO’s (World Health Org.) popular DPT vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) is killing more Africans than the disease it pretends to prevent (10x the death rate of unvaccinated children).

There are dozens of similar examples of Bills great, compassionate heart.

A well designed vaccine should not show its disastrous effect until several years later. That is according to some of the Bilderbergers. The recipient should not know, from where his misery is coming. “The Gulf War Syndrome” (incurable) is an example. All manufacturers of vaccines are exempt from any liability for the content of the vaccines and for any disastrous effects produced, they are protected by “our” government.

This worthy man is now deeply involved in the development of Covid 19 “vaccines” and global vaccinations. You trust him?

Adam and Eve really trusted Satan, no?

Anything on the internet, which these nice people don’t like, is almost immediately denied or erased. But the history of their past work remains, and is verifiable.

Same say, the vaccines may contain HIV (AIDS, 10 year life expectancy), pro-cancer material and, most importantly, a pro-hormone to sterilize the recipient. No more babies. Or less babies. Perhaps much worse is still planned for this “vaccine”. Launching EBOLA (98 % lethal) is said just waiting for a propitious time.

But, perhaps, it might not be true.

“Who knoweth?” (King James language)


For one thing, the police and military which every world government is now using against their own people (its population), are reported nearly immune to infection. Others catch the infection, require quarantine to prevent it, but not the police. How come? HOW DID THE GLOBALISTS ARRANGE THAT?

 For some time now, GLOBALISTS HAVE ALMOST ELIMINATED NEARLY ALL VIT B1, VIT B2, VIT B6 AND D3 in all multi-vitamin supplements. Sub-threshold quantities only have been left in. I thought the reason was to defeat successful pregnancies, but these vitamins are also essential for resistance to infections. Perhaps the military ARE receiving some in their food.

Clinicians, in their sterile, closed clothing, also catch the virus. IS THERE A SECRET, ALTERNATE WAY TO CONVEY THE INFECTION? PERHAPS WITH FOOD OR DRINK? OR EXPOSURE TO G5 RADIATION (MICROWAVE)? Radiation burns (internal), reportedly have very similar symptoms.


The building of G5 microwave transmission towers, GLOBALLY, simultaneously, and many secretly, is more than suspicious. Who financed it? There is no immediate profit from this. Immediately when these installations were in place - started the Sars Covid 19 propaganda. Doubly suspicious was the immediate GLOBAL Covid fiasco – masks, hospital space, incarcerations, lockdowns. This is absolutely unprecedented for any previous plague or infectious illness. Some say, these things were set up and ready before any “infection” appeared. Some say this TEATRO is necessary to justify imprisoning the population, so they can’t defend themselves. The death count reported, includes traffic deaths, old age deaths and all – all are reported as Corona.

The interaction of radio frequency emissions with living systems has been an open and unanswered question for many decades. The public keeps receiving lying denials. Magnetic Biology is never taught in any medical school, not in chemical research, not in any engineering, not in Physics. Why? Why keep it a secret?

Hemoglobin (blood) contains iron. Does iron not always exhibit magnetic tendencies?

Microwave Radio Frequencies have been used now for some time in COMBAT. That alone should be sufficient to rate them as dangerous or deadly.

Trees, especially with dew, seem to reduce some radiation. Your microwave oven has a semitransparent screen to essentially stop radiation leakage.  A similar METAL screen in any enclosure would block anything a G5 tower might emit. If your cell phone has a metal backing and you must wear it, always turn the metal toward your body. I blocks much of the radiation.

There is some question about the use of portable microwave generators (left near you by the enemy), and receivers (for your use) to detect this radiation.


The Georgia Guide Stones may help provide one answer. Google it now. The Luciferians want to eliminate 93% of mankind and leave only 500 million slaves. The benefits mentioned in Guide Stones are for the conspirators, not for us. The first step for America is supposed to be 100 million graves, but in stages.

Who might be directing most of this? Take a look at Americas Debt Clock (USA National Debt) . There are some very special people who own our American National Debt and that of the whole World. This is besides the Rothschilds, Rockefellers. Bilderbergers, English Royalty, etc.



There are reports that sufficient 60 Gigahertz radio frequency, mm waves, 180 modulation, can cause RESPIRATORY COLLAPSE and DEATH. This might be augmented by a deficiency in above mentioned vitamins and a low immune response.

The Luciferians will deny exceedingly any connection of Corona illness and G5 radiation. What did you expect them to do? If you doubt this information, try exposing a few test animals (mice, hamsters, etc.) to above radiation and observe the results.

Their interest in this frequency band stems from a phenomenon of nature: the oxygen molecule (O2) absorbs electromagnetic energy at 60 GHz like a piece of food in a microwave oven. The O2 electrons cease ordered orbits and commence spinning.

At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen.

The impact of oxygen molecules, with spinning electrons, is that it makes the hemoglobin unable to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body.

In this event there is diminished bonding with Hemoglobin and acute respiratory distress. If this is allowed to escalate the patient will suffocate.

Much of the history of “Corona Virus” and its subsequent use is available on :

(Most of the information on Radio Waves and Corona Virus is being rapidly deleted on global internet)

Flu and microwave symptoms are almost identical

Some symptoms people attribute to the flu are identical to symptoms of radiation sickness.

 Whereas 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 and 5 gigahertz frequency, 5G uses between 24 and 90 gigahertz frequency. Radio frequency radiation dissipates with distance, obeying the inverse-square law. That makes sources close to you far more dangerous than a source that is farther away.

If RF (radio frequency) radiation is absorbed by the body in large enough amounts, it can produce heat. This can lead to burns and body tissue damage.

What frequency can kill you? It is 7 hz.

The most dangerous frequency is at the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain: 7 hz. This is also the resonant frequency of the body's organs.

The results of a study of International Commission of Non Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) reports showed the people, who spend more than 50 minutes a day using a cell phone, could have early dementia or other thermal damage due to the burning of glucose in the brain.

Crazy, what?

This whole world, some say, is going crazy. Welcome to nuthouse?

But we might not be that lucky. This might be intended to become a gigantic, global mass – murder of humanity, blaming some ridiculous diseases. The “vaccines” pushed globally might be, in time, the principal vehicle to a mass grave. Unless all global G 5 connected personnel and its financiers are rapidly brought to justice, unless that happens, you will stand confronted by the greatest ongoing GENECIDE in all history. If this does not materialize now, some say, it will surely happen in the future.

Children and pregnant women are extremely susceptible to radio wave damage. In addition to above information there is evidence of promotion (by radiation) of permanent sterility, Cardiac effects, and so on.

Some urgently advocate the removal of all internet from children, return to table phones, home schooling, and metal screening (near radio towers – aluminum paper?) or moving out of the cities.

Young Americans are fighting Moslems, Syrians and so on. What for? To further advance the cause of Globalism? In the meantime some of these filthiest of all beasts are poisoning your family and kids at home?

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