Where is God in dark seasons?
by Lorraine Taylor

It is impossible to visualize or picture what the next 'thing' or even what the next moment will bring in the strange events of life.

Often it is unclear to predict how we are to proceed forward in life's many complexities. In the ebb and flow of living our faith, we must learn to cope with challenging events; trauma, abuses, losses, illness, death of loved ones, mental illness, pandemics, etc.

There is no doubting, questioning, mistake, regret, tragedy, mental illness, sickness, and nothing that will ever keep us from the love of our heavenly Father. The harsh adversities we experienced in the past, now, or in the future will never remove God's love.

Scripture encourages us to place our confidence and security in trusting and continually receiving God's love as truth.

In uncertain seasons, our emotional reactions (anxiety, sorrow, grief, depression) may overwhelm us. We must find this place in God and descend within the cocooning balm of his sacred love-heart when experiencing tumultuous emotions.  These emotional roller-coasters send false signals to our brains where we might not sense Abba's presence, and we may question his love.

It becomes vital to redirect our thoughts to the sound truth in the scriptures that tell of Abba's faithfulness to remain loving all the time, no matter the difficulty. Then we must hang tight to the truth Abba is love, and his love is often revealed in the suffering and pain of our unwanted circumstances.

When the unexpected interrupts normal rhythms, and we find ourselves in dark places, feeling pressured beyond our capacity to cope, You, I, and we as the community needs to remind ourselves God's love becomes our steady rock that secures and grounds – even when we fear, doubt, or don't understand.

"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord"   

Romans 8:37-38 NRSV

We know in the natural when the darkness of storm clouds dissipates, and the sun peaks through the haze, and we see the colors of a rainbow, we are reminded of God's unchanging promised love.

Just as darkness obscures the sunshine and we cannot physically see what is behind the clouds, demanding situations may feel like a never-ending sort of darkness. We may be feeling our Lord's love, and presence has gone AWOL.

We must intentionally redirect our thoughts away from the false signals our emotions are sounding and trust the truth that no matter what happens to us or around us, we are anchored and rooted in our Lord's forever-love as our foundation.


May you know the Father's love for you is always present, no matter the heartache, sorrow, or grief experienced. May Abba reveal his tender passion and love during your life today.  The situation might not change, but your heart's attitude will.




Lorraine is an author, speaker, teacher and an integrative coach who seeks to live from Christ as her sole supply. Her first book covers the topic of Trauma and Faith; 'Hope Rises from a Shattered Innocence' https://www.amazon.com/author/hoperises


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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