Obey, and God Will Make a Way!
by Tonja Taylor

I had no intention of going to Bible school.  After all, I was in my Bible-believing church almost every time the doors were open, and I was reading my Bible or listening to preaching (or both) every day.  In addition, I'd had several courses on the Bible, including an official year of Bible school under another anointed ministry.

A few months earlier, the LORD had whispered to me, "Go deeper with Me." So I had said Yes, and had been doing what I'd known to do, as I thought I had time, to go deeper. 

We need to remember that, when the LORD speaks to us, He always has a higher purpose in mind than we can often understand at the time. 

While serving in my church's bookstore on Sunday morning, my pastor's wife visited. We had a pleasant conversation about an upcoming project; to get all the Christian materials my husband and I had gathered to the hub several states away, where they'll be shipped overseas to many ministries in other countries that are hungry for more of the Word. Hallelujah!

We did not talk about Bible school at all, yet right after my pastor's wife left, the LORD immediately started convicting me that I should enroll! 

The conviction grew during the service, and in my heart, I believed it was the LORD. This was the inaugural in-person class, to be held in our ministry's new airplane hangar office. It was a unique opportunity. 

One test I go through when making decisions is this: I ask, Is this something my soul wants to do? With the leading to enroll in Bible school, my mind, will,  and emotions had immediately thought, Is there enough money for this? Will my husband be in agreement? I'd been deeply burned on the agreement thing more times than I wanted to remember.   

So this was not a soulish leading to enroll in Bible school, because my soul was devising reasons why I shouldn't. 

Is this the devil? No way. That one was easy, because of course the devil never wants anyone to enroll in a Bible school where the whole Bible will truly be taught--and I knew this course was that and more!

It had to be the LORD. And, even with my soul doubting about the money and the agreement, I picked up an application on the way out.  As I walked to the door,  I said in my heart, "LORD, I believe You have convicted me to do this. I am trusting You to supply the money, and especially the agreement with my husband! Show me when to mention this to him."

The LORD is faithful! When we obey, God will always make a way!

I had thought it might take a few days, but the LORD was working quickly! I had stepped out in obedience, and He was faithful; my husband brought up Bible school on the way home, and I confessed the LORD had convicted me to enroll. I admitted I was going in faith that the LORD would supply the money, for I had no idea of the fee. 

"Okay, I'm in agreement," my husband said. My soul was amazed, but my spirit (which is one with Christ forever!) knew it was right. "Thank you," I said. "I know God's got this, money and all!"

And He did, of course! After I turned in my application, I got a call that night, telling me that, if I would help film, that my course fee would be "half of half price." 

I had obeyed, and God had made a way! 


It was such an excellent price, and I was thrilled. So was my husband! We both knew that, from the dear apostle, our pastor, who would be teaching the  course, that I would receive such rich revelation and instruction that no amount of money could pay for it. 

Not only did my faithful Daddy God provide the money easily, but my dear husband (who does love God, and who himself has been through three years of intense Bible school with another accredited, anointed ministry) got involved! He started reading all the books, and then coming to the school to help with the filming and editing of the videos, which means he is receiving all the teaching just like me! 

How awesome is God! He always can do Ephesians 3:20--far above and beyond all that we ask or think or imagine. 

This is just the first quarter, too. There are 7 more quarters of Bible school! The first quarter has been so rich and rewarding, and I've grown closer to my husband and the other almost-20  people in this inaugural physical class of the Bible school, that I'm eternally grateful my Father God made sure I did not miss this kairos opportunity! 

If the LORD is leading you to go deeper with Him (and He always is, if you're listening!), ask Him to reveal to you specifics, and then ask Him to help you obey. 

He will--and your life will never be the same! He will make a way!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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