by Lewis E. Thomas


"Mystery Babylon" is the "GREAT WHORE" who rides the Scarlet colored Beast in Revelation!
The Bible states that she corrupts the "WHOLE WORLD" with her unholy 
America's "PORN INDUSTRY" makes more than $97,000,000,000.00 per year off movies filled with perverted acts of "LUST"!
624,000 Child Porn traders were discovered in the UNITED STATES alone, true figures that you can trust!
America has exported Hollywood movies and porn "AROUND THE WORLD" laced with "IMMORALITY" that beggars description!
Elements of her own Government dealing in illegal drugs covertly around the World with nary anything close to a Doctor's prescription!
The "Great Whore" sits over "MANY WATERS" which are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues!
The "Great Whore" taking "PRIDE" in corrupting even "INNOCENT CHILDREN" who are very young!
She is drunk with the "BLOOD" of the "SAINTS" aiding groups that formed into "ISIS" killing millions of Christians throughout the "MIDDLE-EAST"!
She is drunk with the blood of 60+ MILLION babies she has murdered within their Mother's womb and the count continues to "INCREASE"!
The Bible tells us the WHORE sits upon Seven Hills where she rules as a "GREAT QUEEN"!
In DC that would be Capital Hill, Meridian Hill, Floral Hill, Forest Hill, Hillbrook, Hillcrest, and Knox Hill, the 7 Hills from which she forms strategies to do things evil and obscene!
The land Washington DC sits on was called "ROME, Maryland" when it was owned by Francis Pope in 1663 at an earlier date in time!
Are you beginning to see that "America" is the "Great Whore" and "Mystery Babylon" as you near the end of this rhyme?
America is the "RICHEST" nation on earth and her "World Trade Center" is in New York state!
Read Revelation 17-18 and turn your heart "AWAY" from the influence of "Mystery Babylon" and get back to God "BEFORE" it's too late!
An aerial view of Washington DC will reveal city streets laid out and designed to form a "SATANIC" PENTAGRAM!
DC is the "SEAT OF SATAN" where many unholy laws are passed that fly in the face of "THE GREAT I AM"!
America became Great because she "ONCE" walked in righteousness with God up above!
She has become the "GREAT WHORE" of Revelation 17-18 because she now mocks and rejects God's "AWESOME" love!
Mystery Babylon has passed laws to protect every kind of perverted "SEXUAL SIN" that the holy Bible condemns!
America has turned her back on God and she no longer "HONORS" and "OBEYS" Him!
America has passed laws to "BAN" God and the Holy Bible from every "PUBLIC PLACE"!
AMERICA is the "GREAT WHORE" who has "ABANDONED GOD" and "SHE" has 
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 5/18/2021
Revelation 17-18
Psalm 9:27
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
 No other Nation even comes close to the description given us in Revelation 17-18 of the "GREAT WHORE" as does the U.S.A.!
America is the "DOMINANT" Nation over the kings/rulers of the whole world!
America is the "MAIN BUYER" of all the goods from all other Nations!
As Mystery Babylon burns
 "The merchants of the world will weep and mourn for her, for there is no one left to buy their goods." Rev 18:11
No other nation peddles as much porno via the web around the world to corrupt the world as does the U.S.A!
Largest porn site is said to have received a staggering 33,500,000,000 visits in 2018 alone!
America is spreading that perversion around the "GLOBE"!
Child abuse and molestation are at an all time "HIGH" in the U.S.A!
America is filled with Churches from City to city and from coast to coast yet look at how evil our nation is!
America is "THE GREAT WHORE" of Revelation 17-18!


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