by Lewis E. Thomas

Why do many Christian Ministers avoid certain words of Christ printed in "RED"?
Why are some of the words Jesus preached "IGNORED" as if they were never "SAID"?
It seems many Churches are "SILENT" on the unpopular subject of "HELL" today!
Yet, Jesus spoke more about Hell than anyone else of His day!
Why do so many pastors refuse to preach on Hell, the Wrath of God and Eternal damnation?
Can't they see that their "WATERED DOWN" sermons are "DESTROYING OUR NATION"?
There is absolutely "NO FEAR OF GOD" in most churches today!
That is why so many people in the Church are not walking on that Straight and Narrow way!
The divorce rate within our churches is equal to the divorce rate outside!
Yet we pretend things are ok and continue to walk in our foolish pride! 
We are warned in Revelation not to add to or take away from the words written therein!
Aren't we guilty of disobedience when we "AVOID" scriptures that don't soothe and "APPEASE" our congregations my friend?
Why do many pastors refuse to preach about Hell the way our "SAVIOR" did?
Why do some ministers "IGNORE and AVOID" the scriptures on "HELL" and try to keep them hid?
When do some ministers "CHOOSE" to ignore many portions of the scriptures God gave to us?
Why do so many ministers keep the scriptures on "Hell" and "God's Wrath" in the "BACK of THE BUS"?
Could it be that many are afraid that if they preach on Hell it may cause many tithe payers to "CUT AND RUN"?
Who do you think we should be trying to "APPEASE", the congregations or "GOD THE FATHER and THE SON"?
If Jesus took a long look into all of our  "AMERICAN" churches today!
Would he say "WELL DONE" or would he bow his head in shame and begin to weep as he turned and walked away?
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 5/18/2022
Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of  knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 16:6 By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil.
Luke 12:4-5, Matthew 5:29-30, 18:8-9,            Mark 9:43-48,
to yield or concede to the belligerent demands, of a nation, group, person, etc. in a conciliatory effort, sometimes at the expense of justice or other principles or truths.
to soothe, pacify, to comfort


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