New Wine (Excerpt from PIANO LESSONS)
by Tonja Taylor

Rebecca grabbed the crystal goblet and filled it with water.

She had an impression to get rid of it.

Destroy it, she heard in her heart.

Hmm, it must be too early, and I'm just waking up, she thought, but the impression came again.

She remembered how, after being pronounced husband and wife, she and Seth had drunk grape juice from this goblet to take Communion. Our first act as one; so special!

She had felt the Anointing so strongly during the ceremony. Even when I stepped across the threshhold for the dress rehearsal, I felt the Spirit's Presence! Thank You, LORD! 

She felt the impression again to get rid of it, a little more insistent this time.

Then she remembered how she had used it from the past to drink wine, when she was sad. She had repented, and cleansed it with the Blood.

She sighed. "You know best, Daddy God. I will obey."

She took the goblet and dashed it on the patio outside. "Please forgive me, LORD; I should have spent the money to buy a new cup. But thank You for Your mercy and grace, and that we are now a new creature in Christ! I felt it!"

Later, she told Seth about it when he returned from work. 

"At first I doubted whether I'd heard from God, but I know it was Him," she told him.

Seth hugged her close, and looked deeply into her eyes. "Sweetheart, the LORD has given us new wine. Old things have passed away. It's time for the new wine!"

He kissed her and she relaxed.

I'm so glad that God changed my plans to never marry, she thought. He knows all things, and I love this man! She smiled and hugged him again.

"You're right, My wise Love," she said, pulling back a bit. She opened the cabinet and reached for a couple of regular drinking glasses. "Speaking of that, let's take Communion!"


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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