Fairs Evangelism
by Pamela Walck

If someone told me years ago that I would do fair evangelism, I would have said, “You’re crazy, why would I do that? It sounds more like fear evangelism.” But that’s exactly what happened. In my mid-thirties, after trusting in Christ about ten years prior, I attended Dallas Theological Seminary. Often we received notices in our school mailbox of various ministries we could get involved in. One day, I received a request for volunteers to work in a booth sharing Jesus at the Texas State Fair.

Since childhood, I’ve loved attending fairs, county, state, it didn’t matter. I always have fun at them. Not that I was a country bumpkin, but I enjoyed the many things they offered. Food, animals, rides, vending tables, even some health related tests you could take that always interested me.

So after seeing the notice at Dallas Theological, I called the number and signed up for fair evangelism. I shared the Gospel of Jesus before, more one on one with someone I knew, even if briefly such as at an event. This would involve conversations with complete strangers, so I felt a little nervous. Despite any apprehension, I blocked it out of my mind. I wanted people to know the Lord and that desire triumphed over any lack of courage. God would want me to love people as He would through sharing His Word.

When I arrived at the fair, there were already a few workers in the booth. We knew how we would bring up Jesus. The day went pretty smoothly and I listened and observed as several people prayed to trust in Christ. The man that ran the booth, Jimmy, did fair evangelism all over the country throughout the warm months. He had a cot behind the back curtain wall to take naps. I felt a little sorry for him, considering all the work he put in and it certainly wasn’t a plush way to take a snooze. Yet, he was doing something that mattered to him and the Lord, and I could see that he enjoyed the fruits of his labor—that of seeing lives changed for the glory of God.

In Buffalo, New York, several years later, I also did evangelism at the Erie County Fair. I told a friend, Frank about my upcoming plans and although a bit nervous, he wanted to go too. A few weeks before the fair, we went for a night of training with both seasoned veterans and those who had never shared Jesus, so we were all on the same page. During the training we learned to get the main points of the Gospel across and not to focus on more trivial matters. Ralph, who had done fair evangelism for over twenty-two years, and the pastor from his church, instructed us. The Gospel presentation was based on Biblical principles, to show why we need a Savior as the solution for our sin.

The first day I went, Ralph was also in the booth with me. As I sat on a stool behind the counter a heavy woman, about fifty, with dark hair approached me after seeing her read the posted sign asking, ‘Do you know if you are going to Heaven?’

Hi, my name’s Pam. What’s your name?”

Anita,” she said.

Can I ask you a question?” I said to the woman.

Sure, go ahead.”

Do you know for sure, without a shadow of a doubt that you will go to Heaven?”

Yes, I think so,” she said.

Can I ask you why you think you would go to Heaven?”

Because I’m a pretty good person, I try to live by the golden rule. I haven’t murdered anyone or done anything really bad.”

Can I share what the Bible states?”

Go ahead,” she said. “I’m listening.”

Romans 3:23 states, “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” That means every one of us is a sinner. We all have that in common, right? Perhaps we’ve told a lie, stolen something even small, lusted after someone, or taken the Lord’s name in vain. The point is we are all sinners.”

Anita nodded her head, yes, in agreement.

The second thing is the Bible says, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.” Now a wage is something we receive for what we do. God says what we earn for our sin is separation from Him, in Hell. Why? Because He is a just God and must punish those who break His laws. But the Good News is Jesus died on the Cross and took those wages and punishment for us when He died on the Cross. Now we can choose to pay our own debt, if we like or accept what Christ has done for us. Quite frankly I’d much rather accept what He did for me, wouldn’t you?”

Yes,” Anita mouthed.

And number three, the Bible also states that whosever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Whosoever means anyone can.”

So before you go, can I pray for you Anita?”

I extended my hand and she took it. I prayed for God to bless Anita and her family with a long and healthy life. I asked Jesus to make Himself very real to her. “And Anita,” I said, “if you have never received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I pray that you would do so right now. If you too would like to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, just say this after me…”

You can repeat something like this: ‘Dear Lord Jesus, I know I’m a sinner and I’m sorry for my sins. I believe Jesus died on the cross to pay my debt, to take my wages. Right now, come into my heart and forgive my sins. I accept You as my personal Lord and Savior. I thank you that my sins are now forgiven and I’m on my way to Heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.’”

If you sincerely meant that prayer, just give my hand a squeeze.”

Anita gave my hand a good squeeze. Tears welled up in my eyes when Anita trusted in Jesus. I felt excited for her as she was now in a relationship with the Creator of the Universe. Whether she truly meant what she prayed only God knows, but I do pray God continues to work in her life. As the Scriptures showed us, our good deeds can never get us to Heaven, only our faith in what Jesus did for us on the Cross. Anita previously had trusted in her own works to get to Heaven, but only God is perfect and has the ability to forgive sins when we repent and trust in Him.

Anita, do you have a church you can attend?”

She said she did not, so I asked her where she lived and gave her a list of Bible-believing churches in that area. I also encouraged her to read the Bible and pray daily to seek God. Just like spending time with your best friend, spending time with God results in you knowing Him better and you develop more Christ-like characteristics.

During one of the days I spent in the booth, a woman about twenty, named Emma trusted in Jesus. Afterwards without provocation, she immediately took the shirt off she was wearing, which I hadn’t noticed, that said Gay Pride (she had another one on underneath). Her friend stood by with her arms crossed looking mad, but it didn’t matter. If Emma really surrendered to Jesus, just like taking off the shirt, her actions would follow Him. He is the changer of not only our outsides, but our insides when we want to live for Him.

Years ago, I modeled part-time doing fashion, runway, and promotional shows. Often I did it for myself only, because I wanted to look good on the outside in the clothes and makeup, and liked the attention of people and the camera. I saw the extra money as a perk too. I realized later those feelings were short-lived. Now, it felt much better on the inside, helping someone else who couldn’t pay me back, such as a patient at work, or someone like Emma and Anita who need Jesus. The eternal consequences of seeing someone in Heaven one day, compared to being separated from Jesus in Hell, is a monumental reward to me, something like love, that money can’t buy.

God has changed me over the years, but it’s funny how He still manages to orchestrate my likes and desires to fit into the story for my life. Because you see my story, is so much better when He runs my life, not Pam.


Born again Christian that loves to inspire others to know the Lord, share the Gospel, and walk in faith. I'm a physical therapist and I take care of my ninety-three year old cute mom. I love teaching Bible studies, going on missions trips, exercising, and writing. Blog: joyluke157.wordpress.com

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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