by Lewis E. Thomas

We all know what slavery is and in the early days of America we practiced that evil crime!
But, thanks to God we have made great progress in moving beyond that unholy time!
The slaves at that time "KNEW" that they were slaves and it was obvious to one and all!
Yet, millions upon millions are "SLAVES" to Sin and yet totally "UNAWARE" that they are "SLAVES" at all!
The "WORST" state of slavery is when one is bound with "SPIRITUAL CHAINS" while still believing they are "FREE"!
When such is the case, "ONLY" the precious blood of Jesus Christ can open our blind eyes and enable us to "SEE"!
We can detect these "UNSEEN CHAINS" easily if we have been "BORN AGAIN"!
We will see evidence of them throughout our day if we watch for them because they "ARE" "THERE" my friend!
You ask, How can I see spiritual chains that cannot be seen with the natural eye?
The key is to study God's holy word the Bible, it gives us spiritual insight and makes us "WISE"!
We can detect the effects of Sin upon people the same way we see the winds effect on the branches of the "TREES"!
We can discern someone's spiritual condition by observing the good or bad fruit they are producing upon their "SPIRITUAL TREE"!
If we sense we are bound with "SPIRITUAL CHAINS" that only God can clearly see?
We can run to that "OLD RUGGED CROSS" today and humbly "BOW OUR KNEE"!
If we don't know Jesus as our "SAVIOR" and "LORD" we are still bound with the CHAINS of "SIN"!
"FEAR NOT", for the Holy Bible tells us that we "CAN" be "BORN AGAIN"!
If we run into the "ARMS OF JESUS" today He will forgive us and "SET US FREE"!
If the SON therefore shall make you free, ye shall be "FREE"  indeed!
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 6/8/2021
Matthew 7:15:27
 John 8:36
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.


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