Just Quit!
by Tonja Taylor

For everything there is a season: This includes a time to quit!

Many frown on that, and say--or at least imply by their tones and other nonverbal language such attitudes: "Where's your can-do spirit?" "Are you a wimp?" "What are you going to do now?" and so on.

There's so much I could say right now. I could go many directions with this. However, I know the LORD gave me this title this evening, and prompted me to write it. So I truly want His words to speak to you.

It is an honor for a man to cease from strife and keep aloof from it, but every fool will quarrel.--Proverbs 20:3, AMPC

Most of my life, I thought this meant strife (disagreements, arguments) with others. It actually includes strife within, meaning conflicts we have within ourselves as the Holy Spirit convicts us about things and our flesh (minds/wills/emotions; "souls") wrestles with God and tries to have its way; or strife that comes from condemnation, when we feel guilty because of unconfessed sin, or even just agreeing with the lies of the enemy, who forever tries to put the condemnation that is his onto us, the righteous! (Let me clarify that we are righteous with God only by our faith in the shed blood of Jesus on the cross, and His resurrection three days later!)

Strife includes worry, which is what "care" means in the Word.

"Your cares are My concern," my sweet Father God told me once years ago, when I was allowing myself to be agitated about something. 

He loves us so much! Truly, He is the only One Who can handle the cares, and it is, as my dear pastor has stated more than once, a form of pride to worry and try to figure things out. Yet, that is what the enemy loves to tempt us to do!

So I say to you (and to myself!), just quit!

Quit allowing yourself to be fearful, agitated, discomforted. Quit allowing others to irritate you (for truly, although most of us don't like to admit it), no one has the power to affect your emotions unless you let them!). Quit allowing the enemy to tempt you to worry and fret; to be anxious and discouraged.

Ask the LORD to help you focus on Him and His strength. Ask Him to reveal roots (strongholds) that have been planted by the enemy, where there are "buttons" it's easy for the enemy to push and cause strife, trouble, fear, doubt, accusation,  and other junk--the goal of which is to distract you from the peace and plan of God!

Ask me how I know! The LORD is continuing to show me things to change and restoring my heart and my life, to more fully grasp, enjoy, and fulfill His wonderful Ephesians 2:10 Plan for my life! Hallelujah!

If He'll do it for me, He'll do it for you! Ask Him, and listen to His instruction, then look out! He will do mighty things and you'll be amazed!

We truly serve THE Awesome God (I can only use that word for Him!)! There is no one like Him!

For we who have believed (adhered to and trusted in and relied on God) do enter that rest, in accordance with His declaration that those [who did not believe] should not enter when He said, As I swore in My wrath, They shall not enter My rest; and this He said although [His] works had been completed and prepared [and waiting for all who would believe] from the foundation of the world.--Hebrews 4:3, AMPC


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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