P.O.W.E.R. Girl II (excerpt) - Driving Sense
by Tonja Taylor

 “Those idiots cut me off!” Xi fumes, as she slammed on the brake and raised her fist. “This is a brand new Mustang. How dare they try to make me scratch it!”

“Xi, peace!” said Pearl, then closed her eyes, as she grabbed the armrest. “We ask You, Daddy God, that You help those people drive more safely. And we pray you’d help them know You--not by a wreck--and protect us and all in their paths!”

Xi rolled her eyes. “Do you pray about everything?”

“Well, Queen Mother said instead of getting mad, just pray. And to ask God for driving sense."

“Does that work? Does she do it?” Xi whipped into the drive-through, a little too fast for Pearl’s liking.

Help her slow down, LORD! 

Pearl touched Xi's arm. “She says she had to learn to do that, instead of getting upset at all the id--I mean, bad drivers on the road.”

Xi cracked a grin. “Oh, so she calls them idiots too!”

“Not anymore. I had to keep telling her not to.”

“Boy, I bet she liked that!” said Xi., sarcastically.

“No, she got mad at me a few times, but it worked. She doesn’t say that anymore. She says I helped her learn to pray for them,” said Pearl, proud of herself. “And once, I suggested we pray for a man driving a big truck that was going really slow in our way, to know Jesus. We couldn’t pass him, and Queen Mother was worried we wouldn’t make the meeting on time, but we prayed and she thanked me and said she was sure that made a differeence in his life and maybe that’s why we were stuck behind him.

Xi stared at her for a few seconds. “ZePearl, you are just something else,” she said, shaking her head and pulling forward. “What do you want?”

Pearl looked at herself in the passenger mirror and smiled. Her dark blond hair shone in the sunlight streaming through. “I want a large hot fudge sundae with almonds and pecans. I’m celebrating.”

Xi gave the person their order and said, “Really. What are we celebrating?” She winked at the cute guy taking their money. He gave them their change then shut the window while he got their order.

“Lots of exciting new things God has for us," said Pearl, "including tomorrow. Hey Xi, why don’t you tell that guy 'God bless you’? I always do when Queen Mother takes me to a fastfood place."

Xi shifted, uncomfortable. “Yeah, well, I’m not there yet.”

“Oh Xi, are you afraid? JESUS is in you. He is right here and will help you--”

“Yeah, I know, but what if I don’t want help? That guy will think I’m crazy if I say that.”

Pearl wasn’t going to let this one go. It was time to break Xi into some new ground. “What if you are the one God has put across his path to show him Jesus?” she said a little louder, enjoying Xi’s discomfort. “Maybe he’s had a bad day. Maybe his mom or his sister has cancer. Maybe his dad beats him, or he’s about to get fired, or he lost his best friend. Maybe he just needs to know someone cares--”

“How old are you anyway, Pearl? You’re pretty deep for a “barely” teen.”

“Hmph,” said Pearl, a little miffed. “Age has nothing to do with it, Queen Mother says. “I'm thirteen, but age doesn’t matter, like Queen Mother told me long ago. God will use anyone who will let Him work through them. All we have to do is be willing--like you are, right Xi?”

At that time, the window opened and the cute guy held their desserts. He smiled and winked big at Xi. “Thanks....and, God bless you,” she whispered.

The guy squinted his eyes, as if it would help him hear better. “What?”

Xi paused, blushing, and Pearl elbowed her.

“G-God bless you. That’s all!” said Xi, a little louder, then rolled up her window and peeled rubber away from the window.

Pearl looked back in time to see him hanging his head out the window, waving, with a big smile on his face.

“Pearl held her sundae in her lap and clapped. “Wow! You did it! That was great! Did you see the look on his face? He was happy! And who knows what God will do with that seed! We tell it to go and grow in Jesus’ name!”

“You talk so weird sometimes!” said Xi, and rolled her eyes again. “I hope I don’t start talking like that! But what do you mean, seed?”

Pearl pulled a little New Testament out of her purse and said, “Let’s go to the park and sit in the sun. I want to show you something totally cool!”

Xi groaned, shaking her head again. But she drove to the nearby park and they parked in the sun, next to the lake. She turned off the engine and turned to Pearl. “Are you a preacher or something disguised as a girl?”

Pearl smiled and giggled. “No, but I am a ‘Minister of Light’! It’s so much fun!

“You’re crazy,” said Xi affectionately.

“Nope, I have the mind of Christ!” said Pearl.

Xi rolled her eyes again, but she laughed.

Pearl opened her Bible. “Now, let me show you this, in Mark 4....”

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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