by Lewis E. Thomas


Do you love the House of The Lord and do you love to enter His courts with "PRAISE"!
Or do you ignore God on Sundays and pretty much "ALL" the other days?
King David said "I Was Glad when they said let us go into the House of the Lord"!
There is "NOTHING" that equals worshipping and praising God in "ONE ACCORD"!
It is easy to see that millions upon millions have never been "BORN AGAIN"!
The evil deeds they do clearly show that they are lost Slaves to Sin!
Most don't even realize they already have one foot planted firmly in Hell!
They live unholy/immoral lives going through their daily routines believing "ALL IS WELL"!
Multitudes say they believe there is a God but they don't "SERVE" God or Jesus His Son!
They love to live in Sin because they believe that sinning brings them much "MORE FUN"!
There Godless lifestyle is damning them and their "OWN CHILDREN" who follow their lead!
Oh, How "TOTALLY BLIND" they are to their great and urgent "SPIRITUAL NEED"!
In America there are millions of Churches and Bibles scattered across our land!
Yet many live GODLESS lives in spite of that fact simply because "THEY CAN"!
Many think they are "GOOD TO GO" just as they are without that "OLD RUGGED CROSS"!
Multitudes will die and go to Hell and become "ETERNALLY LOST"!
How about you today on that path you trod?
Do you think you can get into Heaven one day after you've lived your whole life ignoring God?
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 6/24/2021


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