Pam's Story
by Pamela Walck

Many years ago, my life reflected a much different person than today. Five-six days of the week I went out with my friends drinking, led an immoral lifestyle, swore a lot, and the world revolved around me. I also had a huge anger problem.

As a child, my family took me to a local church. I believed in God and Jesus, but did not see any relationship between Christ’s death on the Cross two thousand years ago and now.

Once on my own and out of my family’s house, I stopped going to church except for Christmas and Easter out of tradition. Until one Sunday, I decided out of boredom to look for a church. At the same time, I questioned in my mind what love really is. That led me to remember receiving a Bible that I thought had ‘God is Love’ on the cover. I decided to open the Bible and read it—not a verse here and there as I had to memorize for confirmation—but really reading it. I thought maybe it would tell me what love is.

Between searching for a church every Sunday and reading my Bible nearly every day, I realized that the Bible is a book all about love. Because of God’s immense love for us, He wants us to live a certain way, to not sin, and to be restored to a relationship with the Father through Jesus. He wants this just as a father loves his child.

I realized that going to Heaven is not based on anything we do (confirmation, baptism, selfless acts, etc.), but on what Jesus did on the Cross. “We are saved by grace not works lest anyone should boast, Ephesians 2:8-9. And Romans 3:23, “The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life.” My going to Heaven and having Jesus His Holy Spirit with me on earth took my faith in Him—His gift to me for forgiveness of sins. And that faith could be expressed in how I love Him and others.

Three months after starting my search for the meaning of love—I surrendered my life to Christ in the fall of 1998, and am so grateful that I did. Obviously I had not been living a Christian life. Ephesians 5:18 states “Don't be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, let the Holy Spirit fill and control you.” I stopped getting drunk thinking that would make me happy. I also gave up my sexual immorality, “It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality,” 1 Thessalonians 4:3. I wanted to please God not out of obligation, but because I knew He has the best plan for me. And He continues to refine me into His character for His glory. He’s had a lot to work on.

God used my weakness in knowing what love is/my analytical nature to look for Him and I found love to be Him! Love is built upon a relationship with Jesus Christ. With this relationship, I now enjoy going to church and singing for Him, it’s not forced or out of tradition.

Humans will fail us in some ways, as imperfect and sinful beings—myself included, but God’s plans and His ways never fail because “Love never fails,” 1 Corinthians 13:8.

Over the years, God has changed me in many ways and continues to do so until the day I die (He does this to all followers of Christ)—it’s called sanctification. The person I used to be (the drinking, foul mouthed, immoral lifestyle leading, extremely short tempered person), is not the person I am today (2 Corinthians 5:17). I now feel inspired to do things as Jesus would—go on mission trips, teach Bible studies, give monetarily, and serve others who can’t pay me back. Only because of Jesus, only because of Him.

No amount of discipline or physical training can change the inner heart and mind into a person that loves Jesus. I’ve had many conversations with people of other beliefs. The difference between Christianity and all the other religions in the world, is that He wants a relationship with you, forever.

If you have already surrendered your life to Christ, live for Him.But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” Acts 1:8. He’s a living God, the only one and the whole earth needs Him.

So after hearing about me, what about you? What’s your story? If you don’t have a story, today could be your day that you meet and know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Just say a simple prayer to Him, repent--turn from any disbelief and sin, and trust alone in Jesus as your Savior. Ask Him to forgive your sins. Then one day you will go to Heaven and while on earth the Holy Spirit will be with you wherever you are!


Born again Christian that loves to inspire others to know the Lord, share the Gospel, and walk in faith. I'm a physical therapist and I take care of my ninety-three year old cute mom. I love teaching Bible studies, going on missions trips, exercising, and writing. Blog:

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