Dancing Is In Our DNA!
by Tonja Taylor

Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.--Psalm 149:3, KJV

I promise you that as you experience these things, you will celebrate and dance with overflowing joy, and the heavenly reward of your faith will be abundant, because you are being treated the same way as your forefathers the prophets.--Luke 6:23, The Passion Translation

Dancing is Biblical--both in the Old Testament and the New! Praise the LORD! He invented it; it's the devil and the world that have corrupted it.

You may not realize it, but if you are a Believer in Christ Jesus (John 3:14-17), then you have already probably been dancing to the LORD!

When we dance to the LORD--which can include even a wave of the hand, to His glory--we are taking back our rightful stance, as heirs and true worshipers of the Most High God, Elohim--our Heavenly Father (from the moment we receive the timeless forgiveness of what the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, did for us on the cross over 2,000 years ago!)! Hallelujah!

I was "dancing with hands" through basic and Spirit-led sign language, way before I understood the power of it. Now, I've been "speaking" with my hands for years, because I'm more animated than most people. However, it was not always that way!

Through the anointed, creative, and prophetic musical and dramatic ministry of Carman (now worshiping in Heaven!) and Danny Chambers (also now worshiping in Heaven!), the LORD got these formerlly Southern Baptist hands UP--even before He led me to Spirit-filled churches, where I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues!

He is not limited; all He needs is a willing heart. I had longed to learn to worship Him more deeply, and He has used many ways to teach me. Hallelujah!

During one of the most difficult times of my life (about 20 years ago), I started teaching myself to sign, by watching videos and looking at picture demonstrations in books on sign.  I would sign at home to worship music, then got bold enough to do it at church, in my chair.

Later, I was asked to sign on stage a couple of times, and it was powerful.

However, I truly learned it to be just between me and the LORD. Through the years, I've had many people tell me that my signing to the LORD in worship inspires them, which is my goal; if they're going to watch me, I've asked the LORD to let it not distract them, but to draw them closer to Him. Amen!

So signing to the LORD in worship is a form of dance!

I also move my body in various ways, and sometimes dramatically, but I always want it to be led of the LORD, and I usually sit at the back of the church so I can dance freely to God, and not be a distraction to anyone, who may not understand what God is doing through me and for me. 

There are many ways to "dance" to the LORD. Be free! If you feel intimidated--even when you are alone with the LORD--ask the LORD to liberate you! You are His Beloved, and He loves it when you dance in joy to Him!

Also, sometimes, we need to make ourselves dance in joy, especially if the enemy's attacking or we don't feel like it. There is great power in dancing on purpose, and it helps break the power of the evil one, because we are praising the LORD! The LORD draws near and the enemy must run. Hallelujah!

One way to dance to the LORD--as I've learned from a Spirit-filled, Word-based dance school I attended for a year--is to do your housework and other daily tasks, being conscious of the LORD. When you praise and worship Him in your heart, with your words, with your hands, with your life, you are, in fact, "dancing to the LORD."

HALLELUJAH, and dance on!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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