by Eugene Lopatynsky

Pathological Obesity (Serious overweight) in England is 6%. In the United States it is 36%, but, some say, it may involve nearly half the population. Look at people around you.  

Have you examined my article on weaponizing medicine? Sounds ridiculous? Unfortunately, it’s bitterly true.

Poisons are being added to food, especially in sweetening and flavoring, for mass consumption. Examine carefully the ingredients in every “Diet” drink and regular food. Observe:

ASPERTAME (NUTRASWEET), artificial sweetener. (Sweet Misery) 

Aspartame is considered the principal agent causing overweight. It contains a mixture of 3 terrible, separate poisons, methanol, as hydrolytic byproduct, aspartic acid and phenylalanine. Used continuously, it REDUCES BIRTHRATE SOME 15% to 30%, making most users chronically ill. For 17 years the Food and Drug administration would not permit its use, until a political appointee of the Reagan administration pushed it through.

Every test animal given aspartame had lesions on the hypothalamus at autopsy.  The other “peripheral benefits” include virtual destruction of the appetite control center, resulting pathological obesity, mild to severe reduction of intelligence (IQ), promoting and then severely aggravating existing diabetes,  endocrine dysfunction, brain tumors, lymphomas and leukemia, just to name a few of these great “blessings”, wished by them upon us. 


The perpetrators are getting concerned about the gigantic statistical evidence of massive damage from aspartame and are launching another artificial sweetener, SUCRALOSE, in case eventual law- suits materialize. There is insufficient reproducible evidence available for sucralose, but early studies report reduction of fertility, promotion of cancers, digestive disasters, as some of many suspected side effects. 

Sucralose breaks down on cooking, producing toxic chloropropanols, especially PCDF and DIOXIN, related to Agent Orange, possibly the most dangerous chemical known to man. There are reports of genetic damage, Leukemia (bone cancer), endocrine dysfunction (hormonal, loss of fertility), severe gastro-intestinal complaints due to destruction of intestinal flora (beneficial bacteria, damage lasts 3 months from single ingestion), seizures, migraines, OBESITY (alters glucose and A1C levels) and diabetes. Only some of the studies are in.  The dear establishment declares the product safe. Such wonderful people, no?

Only saccharin, which they removed, has been shown to be harmless. To eliminate Saccharin, the dear Searle Co. gave test Animals a 500 times dose of saccharin until some showed tumors on the urinary bladder. Had they given them 500 times the dose of plain salt, or even sugar, they would have killed them outright.

A person gaining weight is likely to choose DIET DRINKS, laden with above poisons for decades. You can observe the outcome.

FLUORIDE, to reduce dental decay or to poison you gradually?

Stalin (Communist Russia) always used fluoridation of water, especially in the gulags. Hitler used it extensively, but never inside Germany. It is now largely forbidden in Europe, except in areas like Ireland. You can figure out why, yourself.

The main reason water fluoridation is pushed upon the general public today is for POPULATION REDUCTION.

Statistics are very difficult to obtain, but there is consensus that IN FLUORIDATED AREAS FERTILITY RATES ARE REDUCED BY 10- 15 PERCENT, leaving the population with a flood of chronic health problems.

 Statistically, fluoridated areas have the SAME incidence of carries (tooth decay) as the non-fluoridated ones. Fluoridated areas are actually worse off due to additional cosmetic problems, like dental splotches and pigmentation. There are a host of “peripheral benefits”, of fluoridation, bestowed by these charming people on our unsuspecting public, like increase in PATHOLOGICAL OBESITY (overweight), doubling and tripling the incidence of BONE  FRACTURES (osseous changes), cardio vascular debility (heart attacks, strokes), endocrine imbalance (hormonal), thyroid dysfunction, arthritis, premature aging and lowered intellect. Nice, what?

Only reverse osmosis filters can reduce fluoride in drinking water (up to 95 %).  Water distillation removes it completely. The so called “purified water”, sometimes, is equivalent to tap water; because that’s what it might be. Fortunately not all of it. Check it out. 

In poorer countries they simply add the fluoride to table salt. There you must buy SEA SALT to avoid it. These Luciferians really are persistent?


This is an excitotoxin, a poison, producing neurological severe excitation. It is used commercially to tenderize meat and enhance taste response. As one man aptly put it, “it will, eventually absorbed, tenderize your brain, as well”. Produces severe chronic inflammation with chronic use. We must read the labels of what we buy, for sheer self-preservation. Look up its devastating effects on the internet.

MARGARINE AND OMEGA 6 OILS (all partially hydrogenated, partially unsaturated oil) is only one example of how to generate a veritable Niagara Falls of toxic FREE RADICALS in your body! LIPID PEROXIDES (fat peroxides) are the resulting culprits.  The medical establishment gave us a dead-wrong, exactly OPPOSITE advice. Would you believe it? The saturated fats (animal fats, butter) are less reactive, more difficult to oxidize into lipid peroxide (by frying).

Dangerous food is an enormous subject and cannot be treated here.


The most direct and effective way to introduce chemical poisons or infective agents into the public is certainly by INJECTION.

Thimerosal, a topical “paint-on” antibacterial containing mercury, was taken off the market because of local toxicity and some, most minute, systemic absorption.  Now these Dear People are injecting this mercury, as “preservative”, inside children’s vaccines!  Some of these injectables claim to be preservative free. But when I read the accompanying literature, it said “contains trace amounts of mercury due to the manufacturing process”, in very small print, at the end.  At the lab the content of mercury was shown to be three times as high as before! The same applies to flu vaccines, as far as I heard.

At the age of 2 years the infant would have received 29 vaccines, some while still in the mother’s tummy, “to prevent Rubeola infections”! I have never seen Rubeola in a pregnant woman, but have seen the devastating effects of pushing mercury into the most tiny brain of the developing fetus (baby), before any blood-brain barrier defenses could have developed.

This almost guaranties to destroy the baby’s reproductive capacity as well as a probable reduction of IQ by 10 to 50 points or more. We now have a virtual epidemic of “congenital” idiots, Autism, ADD types (attention deficit and neurological malfunctions).

Autism (idiots) had a frequency of occurrence of one in ten thousand. Now it’s close to one in 160! Can you imagine the disaster confronting affected families?

Somebody sent me the form below, to defend against compulsory vaccinations:

All vaccine manufacturers have been granted complete immunity. Demand an accounting. Demand somebody assumes responsibility for injecting people by force.


Responsibility for Vaccination:

I herewith acknowledge that I _____________________________ (name of health care provider) have recommended or administered (name of the vaccine) ___________________________________ to (name of the recipient) _______________________. I have read the scientific literature available on this vaccine (vaccines), I have assured the patient or parent the product is safe, and I am aware Federal legislation protects vaccine manufacturers from legal action in the event of a serious complication. To demonstrate my faith in the safety of this product, I herewith accept full financial and legal responsibility for any harm or complication that results from the administration of this product. Date:_________________________ Name of person who recommend or administers the vaccine:

Print name:_________________ Signature:__________________

Witnessed: Print name:________________ Signature:__________________

Witnessed: Print name: _______________ Signature:____________


 A physician would be an absolute idiot to sign that.

EDTA chelation has practically been outlawed recently. It has been in use for generations to combat heavy metal poisoning, especially for miners. It has also been found to be marvelously effective for cardio-vascular and other deficits.

Now EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid for IV use) can no longer be obtained, it is disappearing even in medical references. Why?

The very practical reason is that EDTA chelation will get rid of MERCURY, so carefully and laboriously implanted into your children’s brains. In fact, with influenza vaccines, it is seeded into all the rest of us as well. The reason for injecting MERCURY is to obtain partial or complete sterility (incapacity to procreate). The fallout from all this is an enormous increase of all types of chronic, degenerative diseases as well, including neurological damage (Alzheimer, Parkinson) and arthritis, most notable is a decrease of intelligence. In fact the incidence of “congenital idiots” has risen from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 159 contemporary births.

Raw MERCURY AND ALUMINUM are being dumped into the brains of your infants by means of so called “vaccines”. The child receives some 29 vaccinations by the age of two. If you doubt the content of mercury in these vaccines, take a sample to a competent chemical essay lab.

The fallout from the latter resulted, apart from horrible metabolic damage, in a tremendous reduction in intelligence. “Congenital” idiots (autism) have increased more than 100 fold, since the inception of these compulsory vaccines, from one in 10, 000 to one in 165. There are reports that many “millennial births” (born near year 2000) already exhibit virtual sexual sterility and impotence.

Studies published by Dr. Fudenberg show a THOUSAND PERCENT increase in incidence of Alzheimer (memory disintegration) with 3 or more FLU VACCINES during a 5 year period, for adults over 60 years of age. Look it up on the internet. Vitamin D3 (5000 units daily) given in winter (sun exposure generates Vitamin D for man) would probably prevent most or nearly all incidence of influenza (powerful antivirus). But then, they would have no excuse for using vaccines. Besides, there are hundreds of billions of dollars globally, at stake, every year.

Dear Reader, in this sad world of DEVILS, even now, you are not alone. There is someone who loves you and who suffered for you to keep you from eternal disaster.

With infinite love God gave us a Savior, to pay our penalty and a Bible, a guide and light on our path! The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you.

Men are not lost because they are sinners; THEY ARE LOST BECAUSE THEY HAVE REJECTED THE JESUS OF THE BIBLE, who died for them. If you are not yet completely committed to Christ, know that our Savior needs to be invited. He is a gentleman. He knocks on the door of your heart (innermost being). Everybody can have the other one (Satan) automatically; that one never knocks. He pushes his way.


If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. Even in this life it will be the greatest happiness you'll know, and a light upon your path. Conversely, to FAIL in this, it will be the GREATEST DISASTER you will ever have, both here and hereafter.

Something most especial is waiting for those who seek the immense goodness of our Lord. God Himself said, that "The ear has not heard, and no eye has ever seen, neither can man even imagine the HAPPINESS which God prepared for those who love him" (1 Cor. 2:9, paraphrased, if you please).

Check out the guide in "How to read the Bible and clean up your life" in https://elopatynsky.wixsite.com/-remnant-of-god , under “articles”, on upper bar. It’s made for you.

It appears that Google is becoming hostile to Christians. Use EXPLORER instead (“e” on bottom, left on your screen).

To get a list of my articles write my full name (Eugene Lopatynsky) into GOOGLE, then click on faithwriters.

Or use EDGE for your search engine.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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