Princess Pearl, P.O.W.E.R. Girl! Book Two - Ch. 1 - It's Not About the Chocolate
by Tonja Taylor

"Okay, kiddos, let's go to the store and get more candy, especially chocolate. People just like it," said Risa. "Besides, you guys deserve a treat for all your help today."                                                                                             

"YEAAAAAHHHH!" said Robert.

"Shhhh!" said Pearl. "Robert, you are way too loud!"

"You're not the boss of me!" said Robert.

"However," said Risa, "no one is getting anything if you don't act right!"

They all hushed.

"We'll just dash to the corner store, ‘cause the big store would take too long," said Risa. "You guys get in the car and we'll get a couple bags of something."

The kids nodded and smiled, careful not to make noise. They rushed to Risa's Surburban.

"I'm getting in front!" Robert said, trying to pull his sister's hand off the door handle.

"Robert, it's their car, silly!" said Pearl, glaring at him.

"Freeze!" said Risa. "If you guys make this difficult, we'll just do the ministry and you'll get only the satisfaction of drawing people to Christ, although that's much more valuable than food!"

They stopped and looked at her.

"Robert, you do get to ride in front, but only because I need to keep an eye on you," said Risa.

Robert stuck his tongue out at Pearl, and opened the door.

Brat! thought Pearl. I'd rather ride back here anyway!

Risa sighed. "LORD, please give me Grace! OK, Rob, I saw that. Do I need to tell your mom? Now apologize to your sister!"

Robin and Lucas shook their heads and got in quietly, while Pearl slid in beside them.

Rob scowled, and got in. He tried to fasten the seat belt. It wouldn't click.
Risa started the engine.

Why aren't we going anywhere? thought Pearl.

Risa sighed again. "We wrestle not with flesh and blood--although I think this is flesh," she said. She leaned over and fastened Robert's seat belt. "OK, I'm sure Burt and Charlotte are getting lots of things done for the Hallelujah Harvest Festival tomorrow night, even without our help. But I know we're supposed to invite people tonight. Help us, LORD," Risa prayed," to act right and be full of Your love, with grace upon our lips!"

She turned to Rob, and then to look at the others in the back. "I appreciate you guys coming. I know you want the people we'll meet today to see Jesus. That's why we're on the planet, right? Right! Hallelujah."

She stared at Robert. "So I'm waiting, and so is God."

"Waiting on what, Mom?" said Lucas.

"On Rob to obey. To apologize to Pearl for being rude--or risk getting no reward for helping with this outreach."

Robert kicked the seat. Pearl rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, Pearl!" he mumbled.

"Now, ask her to forgive you," said Risa.

Robert scowled again.

Hahahahaha! Pearl thought.

"Aaaaagh!" Robert said. "Forgive, Pearl!"

"Done!" said Pearl. "Already forgiven."

"OK, finally. Now Pearl, you apologize to Rob for calling him silly."

"Sorry," Pearl said. But he is! “We could have been in the store already and headed back, if---oh, never mind," said Risa. "No hablas—don’t talk," she said, putting the car in gear. “You can sing to the worship music, but otherwise, nada!"

It was just a few blocks to the store. When they drove up, Risa rolled down the back windows a few inches. "Girls, come with me. You guys stay here. We’ll be right back.”

"I want chocolate!" Robert said.

"Please!" corrected Pearl, as she got out.

"Please," Robert said.

Risa paused. "We'll see. C'mon, girls, we need to start visiting so we have plenty of time before it gets dark."

They walked in, and Risa waved at the cashier. "Where's your best deal on chocolate?" she asked, and smiled.

"We're giving most of it away!" said Pearl. She noticed the girl at the register had tattoos on her arms, and three earrings in each ear.

"Cool," said the girl. "Over by the coffee and drink fountains."

"Hmm," said Risa, looking at the bags of chocolate. "Pretty pricey. But I just kept feeling like we should get more chocolate here. God knows all things! And if a piece of candy can make the difference in someone realizing He loves them, then let's do it!"

"Amen!" said Pearl, and Robin nodded. "How many bags, Ms. Risa?"

"Let's use our math skills," she said. "Read the number of pieces on the back. Don't worry about the serving, ‘cause we're going to change it up as the LORD leads. Sometimes we may give just one piece, but sometimes we may give a bunch."

"How many houses are we going to?" asked Robin.

"That depends--"

"On where God leads!" Pearl interrupted, and smiled.

"Right!" said Risa. "How about five bags? Get different kinds of chocolate, OK? Some with peanut butter, too."

Pearl felt the urge to go pray. "I'm going to the bathroom, and I'll meet you guys in the car," she said.

"OK, but please hurry," said Risa.

Pearl nodded and headed for the ladies’ restroom. Thank You, LORD, that there's no one else in the store right now! I know it's not really about the chocolate, but You can use that! She giggled. I think I'm supposed to say something to that girl with all the tattoos. This is a little scary, but a lot exciting!

She washed her hands and walked up to the counter. There was a man on the computer in the office behind her with his back to them.

Thank You, LORD, there’s no one else in line, Pearl thought, wondering what to say.

"Did you wanna buy something?" the girl asked.

Pearl noticed her name tag. "Wow, cool name," said Pearl. "How do you say it?"

"Xi," she said, "like Z with a long I. Rhymes with "sigh," I think, and I do a lot of that lately." She laughed, but not joyfully. "It's short for Xiomara, which I think some boy told me means ‘princess’ or such. He was probably just trying to pick me up."

"Can I pray about anything for you?"

Xi rolled her eyes and stared at her.

I guess she wonders if I mean it, thought Pearl. Xi glanced back at the man. His back was to them, as he talked on the phone.

"Sure," Xi said, dropping her voice, "you can pray for my mom. She's really batty this time of year." She shook her head. "She's mixing lots of weird things together, like dead frogs and vodka and turkey feet and such."

Ewwww! thought Pearl, as she imagined a witch stirring a cauldron. Jesus, show her that You are the true Power!

Xi laughed, but it was strained. "It's kinda scary! I'm not quite sure what she's gonna do this time....It gets stranger every time."

She paused, as if she'd talked too much. She stared at Pearl again, looking her up and down. “Anyway, if you really talk to God, tell Him my mom is like, major batty this year, 'K?"

Yuck! thought Pearl. She's probably serious!

"OK," said Pearl, "I will. Can I have a piece of paper? We're having a carnival tomorrow night, with food and games and stuff. I hope you can come!"

Xi laughed, still scornfully. "You're sweet. But I've gotta work--four to midnight. Then I get to walk home with all the weirdos. Should be an adventure!"

"Hey, it's not that far, just on the corner of MLK and Smith--it's GraceLight," said Pearl. "You could grab a burger and coke on your way home!"

"Oh, the pretty big church with the waterfall?" said Xi. "Cool. But I'll be at work, and you guys will be done by midnight, I'm sure," Xi said.

"We shall see!" said Pearl. "Anyway, gotta go. Be safe!"

"Where are you going?" asked Xi. "I heard you guys talking about giving candy away, and the woman you were with bought $25 worth!"

"Yeah, we're treating people as we invite them to church," Pearl said, suddenly having an idea. "Hey! I'll be right back!"

She dashed out the door.

"Finally!" Risa said. "Let's go!"

"Ms. Risa, I need five pieces of candy, to give to the girl with the tattoos. I invited her to church and the carnival."

Risa smiled. "Already on duty, huh? Great job, girl!" She ripped open a bag of the best chocolates, and gave them to her.

The candy filled both hands. "Tell her God loves her, and has sweet things coming!" said Risa.

"Yeah!" said Robin.

"Cool!" said Lucas.

"GREAT!" said Robert.

This feels so good! thought Pearl, as she ran back in the store. She put the candy on the counter. "Xi, these are for you. Ms. Risa said to tell you that God has sweet things for you, and He loves you!"

Xi looked confused. She locked eyes with Pearl a few seconds, then glanced again at the man in the room behind her. He was still on the phone. "Wow, these are my favorite, but you guys paid for them," she said, still sounding uncertain. "That's a lot! Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Pearl said, and started out the door. "Gotta go! Come to the festival tomorrow night--it's right down the road! You know, where the water flows!"

"Well, if you guys are still there when I get off, I'll think about it," Xi said, and opened a piece of the candy.

Pearl waved as she went out the door, and saw Xi put the treat in her mouth.

She waved back.

Pearl got in the car, and thought, Cool, God! You're touching her heart—with chocolate!

"OK, mission accomplished!" she said, giving a high five to Robin. "God's always doing several things at once!"

"So true," said Risa. "Thanks for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit, Pearl. I know He's pleased."

Pearl smiled. "It's not about the chocolate! It's about using chocolate or whatever to reach people!"

Risa smiled at her in the rearview mirror.

Pearl's heart was filled with joy. LORD, she whispered in her heart, please keep drawing Xi to you. I claim her and her mother for your kingdom in Jesus' name! As Queen Mother says, please turn her darkness into Light!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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