Princess Pearl, P.O.W.E.R. Girl! Book Two - Ch. 18 - Being Bold to Do the Right Thing
by Tonja Taylor

Xi watched Pearl's uncle shell out a couple hundred dollars to get them all into LightWaves Amusement Park. "Wow, Mr. Williams," she said. "Thanks so much for treating me to this trip!"

Burt smiled at her and patted her arm. "Sweetie, Jesus loves you. It is Him that gives us every good thing. And He's a lot of fun!"

"Yeah, Xi. He really is!" said Pearl.

"Okay," said Xi. “That's cool."

"Hey!" said Pearl, looking on the map. "Let's do Higher Perspective!"

"I wanna do the horsies first!" said Robert.

"First," said their mother, "I want you both to hug each other."

Ugh! Why now? thought Pearl. But a P.O.W.E.R. Princess overcomes and does the right thing, even when she doesn't like it!

Robert stuck out his lip. Queen Mother held his hand. "Young man, do you want to have fun on this trip and not have to just sit with me or Uncle Burt and watch the others play?"

Do I have to do this? thought Pearl. Okay! Let's get it over with! She walked over and hugged Robert, who was stiff.

"Rob," said their mother gently. He raised one arm and quickly half-hugged his sister.

"Well, that's a start," said their mother, shaking her head. Burt touched his nephew's head.

"Wanna go around with me, Bub?"

"Yeah!" Robert grabbed his uncle's big hand.

He's still healing, thought Pearl. Help me be kind to him, LORD. "Hey, Rob Rob," said Pearl gently. "We can do the horses first if you want."

He grinned and blew a kiss at her. "Sweet Sissie!"

What a switch! He's so sweet when he acts right! thought Pearl.

"Actually," said Risa, "the horses are close to the front. I bet most parents want to get that part out of the way!"

"Yes, and let's do it first since it's cool right now," said Pearl's mother. "We have enough horsie smells at home!"

They all laughed and walked toward the ponies.

"I'll walk Robert around, if you want," said Lucas to her.

Pearl sighed in relief.

"Thanks, Lucas!" said their mother, watching Robert jumping around and tug on Lucas' hand.

"Robert! Stop it right now, or you will stay with me and sit out!" He froze for a few seconds.

Lucas patted his arm. "You can do this!" he said.

"Yes!" Pearl said. A P.O.W.E.R. Princess encourages others, even when she doesn't feel like it.

Burt walked to the ticket booth, standing in line for tickets for the pony ride.

Now is the time, Pearl heard in her heart. Only be bold and very courageous. She knew that was a Scripture. What, LORD? she asked Him in her heart. She paused, and suddenly understood. That must be what Queen Mother calls 'revelation,' she thought.  Okay! Please put Your words in my mouth!

She grabbed a tract out of the little pack around her waist, then walked up to her uncle. "God told me to get one ready, and to come over here with you," said Pearl.

"I believe it, Precious," said Burt, and hugged her. "He knows all things. Did He tell you which person to give it to?"

"Not yet," she said, looking at the people in line in front of them. "But He will show me, like I told Xi this morning that He would."

"Did she believe you?"

"I don't think so," said Pearl. "She asked me how I knew these things, so I just told her she'd have to find out for herself by meeting Jesus!" she whispered back.

Burt laughed. "Great! That's my girl!" he said loudly. He gave her a high five. "It's always time to be bold and do the right thing."

Pearl nodded. It's kinda neat that the Holy Spirit and Uncle Burt and Queen Mother often say the same thing! She looked back and waved at Xi, who waved as she stood with the others by the ponies.

"What are you guys talking about?" she asked them, loudly.

"God!," Pearl said. Some people in front of them turned around and looked at her, frowning.

"I shoulda known," said Xi, and laughed.

Rob looks very happy, Pearl thought, once she spotted him. Lucas is so patient with him! 

"We'll go to Tower next," Pearl's mother called to her. "We’ll wait here in the shade while you guys get the tickets, OK?” She took Robert’s hand from Lucas and picked him up to see the big map better. Risa and Robin made silly faces and gestures at him, trying to get a smile.

Thank You that we can all be together today, Jesus! thought Pearl.

Xi walked over to stand with her and Burt. "I've never been up in a tower," said Xi.

"You'll like it," said Pearl. "Queen Mother says it's good to get a higher perspective, because you get a better view of things."

"That's right," said Burt. "It's where you can see the life better, the “big picture”; more details. That's really what spending time with God does, because He knows all things about everything and everybody. He helps us see life better.”

LORD, who should I give this to? Please show me, thought Pearl. Is it someone in line? We’re next!

Just as she and Burt stepped up to the booth, a new girl came in the back. “Break time,” she said, as she wrote something down and sat on the stool. “Next!”

That's her! Pearl heard in her heart. This is a little scary, but a lot exciting! She felt her heart start pounding. OK, LORD, You know what you want to say!

Burt said, "Eight tickets for the tower, please."

"Sure," said the girl, without looking up. "That's eighty bucks."

She looks sad, thought Pearl. I think she's older than Xi, but not much. Maybe she's just tired. I wonder if she has a good family?

Burt handed her a $100 bill, and she gave him the tickets. The girl's nails were ragged and looked dirty. She had scratches on the back of her hands, too. Her bushy hair was pulled up in a ponytail. She must have had a hard life, thought Pearl. I've had such a good one! She needs more of You, LORD, even if she knows Jesus already. So now is the time.

Pearl's mouth felt dry as she said, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," she said, handing Burt the change and looking at Pearl. "Is something wrong?"

"No, we just got here. Do you know Jesus loves you?" Pearl said, as she slid the tract through the small circle in the window. "He sees you and wants to help you. If you read this really short thing it will help you understand."

Xi nodded. “He’s helped me a lot already!”

The girl looked surprised, and glanced at the people in line behind them. "Sorry, I have to help these other folks--"

"We understand, Sweetie," said Burt, dropping his voice. "But my girls are right." He handed the $20 back to her. "Keep the change," he said. "It's not much, but know God loves you, and that is for you, okay?"

"For me?" the young woman said. "No one's ever--" her voice dropped to a whisper. "Thanks, mister." She winked at Pearl, and put the $20 in her jeans pocket. "I'll read the paper later, when I have time, 'K?" Then as they turned to walk away, they heard, "Next!"

"Wow, that was awesome," Xi said quietly. Pearl giggled. My heart feels so happy! "Don't you remember? God is awesome!"

"Yeah, OK," Xi said. "You know what I mean.”

“That was definitely God in action, so that was awesome!” said Burt.

"Right!” said Pearl. She gave him and Xi a high five as they walked toward the others. That was neat, Daddy God! thought Pearl, and smiled. How about more adventures!











Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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