Princess Pearl, P.O.W.E.R. Girl! Book Two - Ch. 19 - A Higher Perspective
by Tonja Taylor

"Mama, I'm scared!" yelled Robert, as the kiddie roller coaster started.

Why is he such a scaredy-cat? thought Pearl. This is such a small, slow ride compared to the big ones!

The cars started picking up speed, and as they came around the curve, their mother shouted, "Robert, you can do this!”

"Lucas was holding his hand as he rode the ponies, so I guess this is scarier by himself," Burt said.

He and Xi gave Robert the thumbs-up sign as he came around again, and Pearl waved and smiled at him.

"This is your first ride," said his mother loudly, "and you can have lots of fun--if you decide to not be afraid! So be brave, my son, and you'll love it!"

He came around again. He's not smiling, but he doesn't seem as scared, thought Pearl. "You have an angel watching over you, Rob!" she said as he passed her.

He just looked at her, and held on.

"If I have to, I'll take him around while you girls do your thing," said Burt. "Pearl, here's the tickets for you five ladies."

Pearl thanked him, and looked up at the lovely clouds. Thank You, LORD, for the perfect weather, too--sunny but cool. You are so good!

She looked back at the coaster. This time, Rob waved when he came around, but one hand was still holding the bar.

Burt laughed. "Progress is progress!"

"Hey Pearl, let's do the house of mirrors after this!" said Robin. 

The ride finished and as Burt helped Robert off, he said, "That was great!" he said. "Let's do more!"

"All right, Bub!" said Burt. "You gentlemen come with me. We're having a good guy time today, and we'll see the ladies for lunch!"

Thank You, Jesus, it's just us girls—and You, of course. You’re a guy, but, You’re always the perfect Friend! Pearl thought. 

"All right, let's meet at the Salad Shack, I guess," said Queen Mother, since they probably do not have an organic eatery around here!"

"Organ-what?" said Xi.

"Organic--Really healthy food, without poisons," said Risa.

"Tell 'em, Risa!" said Burt. "OK, let's do 1:00, Ok? You ladies be safe, and text if you need something."

The ladies walked to the house of mirrors. "Now, Charlotte, please don't tell me these things make you look fat!" teased Risa. "They are out of focus on purpose!"

"Yeah, we all look strange in here!" said Robin.

As they went through the various distortions of glass, Xi said, "Interesting. Sometimes my mirror seems like this! Well, I guess it's not my mirror any more--"

"Hey Xi, you know, the Word of God is the real mirror!" Pearl said, her voice echoing through the twisting, turning halls of the set.

“Right!” said Robin, following right behind them.

"You mean the Bible?" Xi said, coming up behind her. She stood with Pearl and looked at their reflections, as she held one arm close to the mirror. “Gee, this thing can’t even make my tattoos look good!”

"Yes," said Pearl. "It shows us how we really look to God--and others. Right, Queen Mother? Where is that, anyway?"

"Correct,” said her mother, from another hall. “James 1:22-24 talks about hearing and reading the Word and doing it. Then we look more like Christ."

"Wow,” whispered Xi. “Is your mom a pastor or something?”

“Kind of,” Pearl said. “Daddy was the pastor of the biker's church he started in Tennesee, so she was the pastor's wife. That's sort of like being a pastor!"

"So your dad was a biker? I didn’t think Jesus people rode motorcycles,” said Xi.

"He learned so he could reach more people. He was afraid at first, but God gave him courage. He met a lot of bikers and they received Jesus and needed a church. They wanted him to be the leader! So he did for a while, then trained Pastor Randy to help him. But God moved Pastor Randy here to start this church."

I am not going to cry! Pearl told herself. She looked at Robin, who made the Peace sign to her.

"Huh," Xi said, as she stopped to look at herself in the new set. "I know some bikers, but they're sure not preachers!” She shook her head. “They’re about as far away from God as there is!”

“That's why Jesus needs people like Daddy—to show them that real Christians ride motorcyles, and that God loves them anyway and wants to help them have a better life,” said Pearl. “He was going to ride across the country with a few of his buddies and preach to many other bikers, but now He's riding his motorcycle in Heaven, I guess! Or maybe he traded it for a white stallion!"

Xi laughed. "What's with you and white horses? Are you sure they're not blue in Heaven?"

"Maybe!” said Pearl, and giggled. “That would be neat! Then, I’d want a white one and a blue one! Or maybe I can have one that’s blue and white—blue with a white mane and tail! That would be so cool, and with God, anything is possible!”

“Man, you have some imagination!” said Xi. “Elohim helps me,” Pearl said.

“Who?” “God—Elohim is the name for God the Creator,” said Pearl. “Queen Mother says that everything we see is created—including us!

“Right!” Risa said, as they exited the mirrors.

"Let's go to the tower now," Pearl's mother said.

“I’ve never been up that high,” said Xi.

“Yet!” said Risa. “God’s taking you much higher than before, Sweetie!”

“Yeah,” said Robin, and giggled. “Wanna bungee-jump off the mountain?”

“No thanks,” said Xi. “I wanna stay alive, and I don’t want anything broken, either!”

“Wise girl,” said Queen Mother. “We wouldn’t let you do that anyway. But we can all enjoy hiking up the mountain, and riding up the elevator to the tower top.”

They walked about eight minutes and got to the bottom of the tower, then presented their tickets and entered the glass elevator. It rose slowly, while they enjoyed the view. The doors opened to the gift shop.

“Marketing, marketing,” said Risa. “Maybe we can get some souvenirs before we leave.”

They walked through the shop and onto the platform that surrounded the tower.

"Wow, this is the highest I've ever been!" said Pearl.

“What a treehouse!” Risa and Robin nodded and walked to a telescope.

"Cool," whispered Robin. "I can see so far!"

"Yeah," Xi said. "This must be how eagles see, huh?"

"Right!" said Risa.

"We are seated in Heavenly places, even higher than this,” said Pearl's mother softly, as she gazed out over the lovely landscape. Then she put her finger to her lips for all to be quiet.

I'm so glad Robert is with Uncle Burt! thought Pearl. This way, we can enjoy it! She could see mountains and lakes in the distance. No one was talking, and she felt a great sense of peace. There was a slight wind. It sounds like flowing water, Pearl thought. Lovely!

Several minutes passed, and no one spoke. As others came up the elevator, it was as if they were reluctant to disturb the quiet.

Thank You, Prince of Peace! thought Pearl. “It all looks like toys, Mother!” she said, whispering. “How far up are we?"

Xi stared at the landscape, and said nothing. Her mother nodded. “Good question,” she said softly. “Higher than we were, at least!" She smiled. "The first time I came up here was years ago, with your dad, and the LORD gave me a new perspective. He opened my physical and my spiritual eyes. He revealed to me that everything on earth is truly tiny compared to Him, and I’ve worked to keep that understanding.”

“But God sees every little thing in our lives, right Mother?” said Pearl.

“Oh yes, Precious,” she said, softly. “He sees the end from the beginning--every moment of our lives at once. As big as He is, and as small as earth stuff is to Him, we kids are His delight. Just like I care about every detail of Your life, He cares even more, for He made you. He is your Creator and your Daddy God Who loves you. He put you together, cell by cell, in my body, and He continues to create you as you grow.”

Risa nodded, and walked farther to the left.

Xi and Robin were quiet, but Pearl could tell they were listening.

She looked around. The other people are listening too! thought Pearl. Daddy God, help them hear what they need to. I know as Queen Mother says that You direct our paths and we're always in the right place at the right time!

Pearl’s mother stopped talking and had a strange look on her face, as she rubbed her stomach area.

“Mother, are you remembering when I was in your tummy?” asked Pearl.

“Yes....Actually, I was thinking of Jeremiah 1:5 that says, 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew and approved of you as My chosen instrument, and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; and I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.'"

She hugged Pearl and said, "No child is an accident, Pearl. However a baby gets into the earth, it is a life--a precious creation of God which is a little human--from the moment it is conceived in the womb."

Pearl nodded. "You mean when the Mommy's part and the Daddy's part blend together, Queen Mother?" Pearl noticed Xi was really listening. Thank You, LORD, You're always working!

"Exactly, Precious!" said her mother. "Unless that life is interrupted, the baby will continue to grow and become an adult." She smiled. "By the way, you are becoming an excellent young lady!"

“Yes, she is!” said Risa, while Robin nodded.

Xi nodded too, and gave Pearl the thumbs-up sign.

Pearl smiled back. I love you too! she thought.

Her mother continued. "I remember that, when I was eight months pregnant with you, I was taking speech in college. I got to pick my subject, and when I told the professor I was going to speak about third-trimester abortion, he said, 'You're going to talk about that?!' And I said, 'Watch me!'"

"Excellente!" said Risa, walking back toward them. "The righteous are bold as a lion!—Proverbs 28:1!"

Wow, a little scary, but a lot exciting for my Queen Mother! Pearl thought. She looked at the people around them. Go, Daddy God, and give them a higher perspective, like You're giving us!

"Yay, Queen Mother! You are always bold to do the right thing, like you've taught me!" Pearl said. Then she glanced at Xi. Wow, she looks shocked again! thought Pearl. But she's still listening!

"We have to be led by the Holy Spirit,"said her mother. "If our Good Shepherd is not leading us to do something, it's not going to work. But when we listen to Him and have courage to do the right thing--no matter what others think--then He can do miracles and change people's hearts for good. And that my dears," she said, looking at them all, “is why we're on the planet!"

"So what did the people do when you gave that speech with me in your tummy?" said Pearl. "Was I almost born?"

Her mother looked up, and tears came to her eyes. "Yes, I was very pregnant with you. You were born just a couple weeks later!" She raised her hands to Heaven, then continued.

"When the students--there were about 30 of them--learned the truth about what happens in abortion--how a child is murdered in the womb, even though that baby could live, with perhaps a little help for its lungs--they were shocked. They were mad. They were amazed--in a terrible way."

She shook her head. "It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I cried through all eight drafts of the speech. I had to ask the LORD to help me not break down when I presented it that night."

She stopped and took a breath. "He did. He kept me strong, and made me bold. I shared pictures of the barbarian practice that I shared with them, that I got from a local pro-life agency."

She wiped tears from her eyes. "Most of the women and also several men were red-faced and crying. And when it was over, everyone was quiet. Then a few people came up to me and thanked me and said, 'I had no idea!'"

Wow, that is terrible, God! Pearl thought, wiping her own tears away. I mean, that is great, what Queen Mother did, but terrible about babies being killed! Thank You that my mother was bold to do the right thing! I bet that's kept more babies from being murdered!

Xi walked slowly up to Pearl's mother. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Thank you, Mrs. Williams!” she said, and hugged her. “I had no idea either.” She seemed at peace. "I have to give my old lady--I mean, my mother--credit. She could have aborted me, but she didn't!"

She looked at Pearl and Robin and Risa. “I guess there’s a reason I’m here.”

Pearl looked around at the other people. Some had tears, and some were frozen, staring at Pearl's mother. A young couple glared and huffed and walked out of eyesight.

This is exciting! thought Pearl. Thank You, LORD, for this Divine Appointment. You are so awesome! Your Truth is going forth, as Queen Mother has told me!

Pearl's mother hugged Xi close. "Oh, Xi, I love you! God loves you! We all love you! He created you and has a wonderful plan for your life!"

Xi nodded, then burst into sobs. Risa and Robin and Pearl gathered around and hugged them both.

Pearl's mother smiled at her. I love you, Darling Daughter, Pearl read in her eyes.

Pearl understood and smiled back. She gave her mother a thumbs-up sign and blew her a kiss. Daddy God, when I grow up, I want to be just like my mother--with a powerful higher perspective!











Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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