Princess Pearl, P.O.W.E.R. Girl! Book Two - Ch. 20 - A Lamb Overcoming
by Tonja Taylor

I know you are with Jesus, Daddy, Pearl thought, uncomfortable on the metal chair. But I wish you were here with us now.

She shut her eyes, feeling tears form. Help me worship You, LORD. She opened her eyes. Shouldn’t we be standing up? At least we’re sitting at the back, but it kinda hurts to see all these bikers. Please help me not cry, and help Queen Mother be strong.

She bumped her shoe against the polished concrete floor and grabbed her mother’s hand. At least Robert’s not here! she thought, and tried to listen to the music. It was a song she didn’t know. Daddy would enjoy all these motorcycles and black leather jackets, she thought.

The group worshiped for several songs, then Pastor Randy spoke. He talked a few minutes, then to Pearl’s surprise, he introduced her and her mother.

“This is Charlotte Williams, the widow of our late beloved brother, Pastor Jim, who started a biker church in Tennessee and trained me. The LORD knew I needed Pastor Jim's covering and training, because He was sending me here. We miss him, but I'm sure he's having a blast and stirring up things in Heaven, for sure!"

Some laughed politely. Some said, "Yeah!" and some clapped.

Pastor Randy continued. "His precious daughter is Ariel, or, as Pastor Jim called her, ‘Little Pearl.’ Let’s welcome them today!”

I didn’t know Daddy told them my nickname! Pearl thought, making herself smile. But that’s all right. The people seem very happy about him.

The crowd clapped loudly, and there were cheers. Pearl’s mother beamed. She went up to the front and said good things about the church and her husband.

The group clapped again.

As her mother returned, Pearl said, “Queen Mother, may I say a few things too?” Her mother hesitated, then went back up and said something to the pastor. He nodded to Pearl and motioned for her to come to the front.

This is a little scary, but a lot exciting, Pearl thought, as she walked up the aisle. She took the mike and just looked at the congregation, quiet for a moment. Jesus, I know You want to say something! Fill my mouth, like Queen Mother says!

No one spoke. Suddenly, Pearl felt God’s strengthening, comforting Presence. Thank You, LORD. I love You! She started to tremble, but still no words came.

Her mother stepped out and looked at Pearl as if to say, Are you all right?

Pearl nodded and started talking. “I’m so glad my daddy trained Pastor Jim so he could start this church,” she said. “I know you miss him too. I believe God told me to tell you that I’ve been praying for the man that ran over him.”

She stopped, choked up, and started to cry. Slowly, she said, “I was angry at that man. Very angry. He stole my daddy from me!”

Tears rolled down her face. “I asked God why this happened. I know the devil did it…......Anyway, maybe this guy was angry too, because he was drunk. I guess he just didn’t see my Daddy before he ran over him.”

She looked at the crowd. Some looked sad and shook their heads, but no one said anything.

After a few more minutes of silence, Pearl cried out, “In the name of Jesus, I forgive the man that killed my daddy! And I pray that man will come to know Jesus and then Daddy God will be his Father Who loves him! That’s all.”

She gave the microphone back to the pastor and walked to her chair.

Everyone was silent and she could see tears on several faces, including Xi’s. Pearl’s mother hugged her close.

“Thank you, Pearl,” said the pastor quietly. “That was--”

Suddenly, a man shouted from the side, “It was me! It was me! I’m so sorry!”

The crowd watched, in slight shock, as a huge, muscled, mean-looking man wearing biker gear ran to the front, then started sobbing. There was a chain under his black leather jacket, around his belly, and leg cuffs on his ankles. They clanked and rattled as he moved.

The guard attending him ran up on stage behind him, and stood very close, watching carefully.

“Queen Mother, why is there a guard with him, and why is he wearing chains?” Pearl whispered.

“He must be in prison for manslaughter, and out on good behavior to come to church,” she whispered back.

No one said anything for a few minutes.

Oh goodness, he had to go to jail for driving drunk and killing Daddy! she thought. But he should have! But LORD, help him know You set Him free with Your blood!

After several seconds, the biker whispered something to the pastor.

Pastor Randy hugged the man and handed him the mike.

He cleared his throat and wiped his tears, and said, “Baby—Miss Pearl—and Mrs. Williams--I am that man. I was drunk and full of the devil, and mad. I was driving way too fast. And I killed him!” He sobbed loudly and fell to his knees.

“I need you to please forgive me!”

Pastor Randy gently put his hand on the man’s head.

Pearl could see his lips moving, but couldn’t hear anything. He must be praying, Pearl thought. Oh Daddy God! I didn’t know the man that killed my daddy would be here!

Pearl was frozen for a couple of minutes, and clung to her mother. I don't want to touch him! she thought. But I just said I forgive him! What would Daddy do? Help me, Jesus!

She waited a few seconds, then had a thought. Daddy would be brave, that's what. Like Jesus.

She ran out of the row, up onto the stage, and hugged the man’s big shoulder.

Then Queen Mother walked up and lightly touched him and prayed.

Pearl heard whispers in the crowd, and very soon, she realized many others were praying. Thank You, LORD! Genesis 50:20 and Romans 8:28!

She looked up at the pastor. “Pastor Randy, may I say something to him?”

“Of course, little Pearl.” he said. “You are such a precious lamb!”

Pearl knelt down by the biker and looked in his face.

“It’s okay, Mister,” she said. “Jesus sees you. Jesus loves you. And Jesus forgives you forever.

She bit her lip. I will not cry again! she told herself.

"He paid for what you did on the cross. And I know my daddy is in Heaven with Him. So it's OK. I already said I forgive you."

The man looked into Pearl’s eyes, and she could see hope rise in him. Tears were still flowing down his face. His brown eyes were gentle and sad.

Pearl could feel the love of God rise in her, and she wanted to comfort him. “What's your name? Do you know Jesus?” she asked him.

He nodded. “It’s Peter, and yes--I got saved two weeks ago! God sent Brother Randy to have a service in the jail, and I got God! He saved me! But I’ve done so many bad things!”

He started weeping again.

“The Blood of Jesus washed it all away!” Pearl told him, remembering times she’d heard her dad witness to others. “He was the Lamb sacrificed for us. God is your daddy now, Mr. Peter. And He can’t remember your sins!”

“I heard that,” he said, looking her deelyp in the eyes. “Really?"

"Yes!" Pearl said, more certain now than ever before. "Can I pray for you?"

He looked surprised, but grateful. “Would you, Sweetie?"

Pearl closed her eyes. She could feel the sweet Presence of the LORD strengthening her again. “Daddy God, please comfort Mr. Peter, and show him that he is Your son and that You love him very much. Help him, Daddy God, in Jesus’ Name. Please heal his heart, and thank You!”

“Great job, Precious,” said Queen Mother, and hugged her close. "Your father would be so pleased!" She patted Pearl on the back.

"Little Pearl," said Pastor Randy, "you are just like your daddy!"

Pearl smiled up at them, and thought, Thank You, LORD, for working all the bad together for good. Thanks for helping me be like You, to help people see Your love!












Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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