Princess Pearl, P.O.W.E.R. Girl! Book Two Ch. 23 - It's Not 'The Look' It's the See!
by Tonja Taylor

“Xiomara, you’re so pretty," said Pearl. "Why do you keep fussing with your hair?”

Xi rolled her eyes, and pulled on her long brown locks. “I hate my hair! She picked up the bowl with her Siamese Fighting Fish and looked at it. "At least Sammy doesn't have to worry--his fins are always perfect," she said. "Maybe I should shave my head and just quit worrying about it."

Pearl wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "That might help some," she said, "but your head would get sunburned really quick! Anyway, it’s not about ‘the look,’ it’s about 'the see'!

"What?" Xi said. “There you go, talking in another language!”

Pearl giggled. "I mean like Queen Mother says; it’s how you see things, and that life is not about our outward appearance--’

Xi sighed, interrupting. “Here we go again,” she said. “It’s in the Bible, right?”

“Yes!" said Pearl, delighted. "It's in The Book. Besides, somewhere in there it says God is not concerned about the outward appearance, but on the heart."

"What about my three tattoos?" she said.

"He loves you, Xi," Pearl replied. "The real you is inside. Queen Mother and Daddy said that your body is just your house, and the real you lives inside. Your skin and body is not you."

"That's weird!" said Xi.

Help her understand, LORD! Pearl thought. "You remember the Pharisees--"

"The what?" Xi looked confused.

Pearl giggled again. "You know--the 'religious churchy people, who were always washing their hands, but dirty on the inside, Jesus said."

“Wait a minute," said Xi. "Not to be rude, but I thought you guys were religious churchy people.”

“Nope!" Pearl said.

Xi looked even more confused. “You’re joking!”

“No, Queen Mother and all of us are not religious. We have a relationship with the Living God—Jesus!”

Xi looked skeptical. “Are those your words, or hers?"

"They are mine now," said Pearl. "I had to learn what she meant.”

“So, you talk to 'The Living God'? Is He related to Jesus?”

“You bet!" said Pearl. Thank You, LORD, You are helping her get it! she thought. "Father, Son, Holy Spirit are One. They are the same!"

Xi looked very uncomfortable at that. She fidgeted for a bit, then said, “So this Jesus guy told the church people what again?”

"He called them pretty graves!”

“To their face?” Xi said.

Pearl laughed. “Yeah! And in front of all the people He was teaching!”

“Wow, pretty bold, huh?" said Xi. "I bet they were mad!”

“Furious—Queen Mother taught me that word this spring! And then they started plotting how to kill Him.”

Kill Jesus?" Xi sounded even more incredulous. "Just for making fun of them? But wasn't He just trying to help them?"

“Right--you got it!" Pearl said. "He only said what His Father said. And for Jesus to die on the cross for us was the plan of God, so all can have the chance to believe in Him and be born again. See, the devil didn’t know what he was doing when he made the people crucify Jesus. It was Genesis 50:20!”

Pearl laughed loudly and jumped up and down.

Xi was silent for a few moments. “Can you show me where that is, Pearl?" she finally said. "I want to learn more about Jesus."

This is so exciting! Thank You, LORD! thought Pearl, as she opened the Word of God to share it with her friend.







Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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