by Lupie Riley


Freelance writer Lupie Riley


Thought:  The meaning in the lyrics of this song has deep and profound influence in people’s hearts around the world. “And when you kiss your little baby, You’ve kissed the face of God.”  The depth of these words has changed thousands of lives from all nations and tongues.  Once we acknowledge the immense love God has for his created, Christmas takes on a whole new meaning.


God, the great “I AM” who is sinless, took on the flesh of his created because there was no other deity that could accomplish what He did on the cross.  When  our first parents disobeyed, sin and death was brought upon all living things.  All that God had created and was good started to die.  There had to be a second Adam that could break the curse Satan had brought upon planet Earth.  That child that was born on that Holy Night was the answer.  He was born to die as the ultimate lamb sacrifice to undo all the wickedness that was now part of mankind’s makeup.  It’s called sin. Three days later he defeated death and brought forgiveness and eternal life to all who believed in who He was and what He did for them (John 10:17,18).  The sinless One took upon himself all the sins that Satan could devise and paid the price with His life because of His love for all of us. He gives forgiveness as a free gift to all who believe in the gospel message, and we become part of his family as children of God. What an incredible gift this child in the manger offers us.


Before Jesus ascension in his glorified body, he told the disciples he would not leave them orphaned but would come back and be in them.  In His physical body he could not be a part of their bodies, but He returned in Spirit to be in them (Pentecost).  His glorified body is still in Heaven waiting for that great day when he will return to set up His kingdom as King of Kings over the whole world.  But he can still be a part of us spiritually through the re-birth and set up his abode within.  He’s like the radio waves that connects us with our loved ones through modern technology without a long extension cord.  We can’t see Jesus’s spirit, but he connects us with the Father again when sin broke that connection.  Through His spirit he can be in thousands at one time because he is deity (Col. 1:16).  “But ye are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.  Now if any man have not the SPIRIT OF CHRIST, he is none of his (Rom.8:9,19).

Can you see the enormous impact that child so long ago made upon the world?  Jesus is the believers HOPE for a glorious future.  If you have not made that decision to allow Him to be a part of your life through repentance, accepting his gift of forgiveness and eternal life, today is the day of Salvation.  Don’t put it off…time is short.

When that trumpet blows, he will take out all of his children before judgement falls upon a world that has turned their backs on Him.   After seven years of tribulation, He will return bodily along with his children to set up His kingdom that will last 1,000 years. You don’t want to be one of those left behind.  Merry CHRISTmas.


Prayer:  Father God, thank you for loving me even when I wasn’t lovable.  You gave me forgiveness and hope for a bright future from this world of chaos and darkness. Thank you for the light of CHRISTmas.


Verse:  Heb. 10:19,20 “And so dear brothers (and sisters), now we may walk right into the very Holy of Holies where God is, because of the blood of Jesus.  This is the fresh, new, life-giving way which Christ has opened up for us by tearing the curtain—his human body—to let us into the holy presence of God.”


Note: This privilege was only given to the priests who could enter into the Holy of Holies once a year.  We now have that access to God moment by moment through Jesus.



Married 58 years, four children, nine grandchildren and three greats.  I've been a freelance writer for over 40 years.  Working on a book at the present.  My priorities are God first, family, country. Look me up on Google search by my name Lupie Riley, click on first link.

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