Computer Tech Tips From a NON-Techie
by Tonja Taylor

If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or  faultfinding, and it will be given him.--James 1:5, AMPC

I never intended to get into computers. That was my brother's thing. 

That was decades ago.

Now, of course, I use a computer daily, and value them as extremely useful tools. 

It is wisdom to take care of them, just like we would our bodies, our houses, our cars.

So here are some of the tips that can help your computer last longer and run more efficiently:

(1) At least once a week, unplug your computer. This lets it "clear out," which is a mysterious term for "all the electrons or negative forces that might interfere with your operations" or such. Both my dad, who had studied electronics, and at least a couple of high-dollar techs advised me on this.  Just do it. 

(2) Wipe it down with a cloth and/or a spray/solution that is created for electronics. Never use plain water (Liquids and electronics do not mix!). If you do use a spray/solution, be sure and spray some lightly onto a cloth—never onto the device itself!—and gently rub the device (computer, phone, camera, etc.) with the barely-moist cloth.

(3) Don't keep a lot of documents or folders on your desktop; consolidate them as much as possible This can, from what I've heard from at least one expert, cause a dysfunction in computer operations. (I don’t understand all of this, I just believe the sources that have told me these things. It’s like faith! ) So, if you’re like me, and you save “everything” on the desktop (because I’ve lost so many things when I downloaded things—because they were (imagine! ) going to the downloads folder, which I had no idea how to find for a few years!), you need to consolidate files once a week. Put them in folders. Put some of your folders into folders. 

(4) Go to Settings and, in Display, either darken or lighten the screen, depending on your viewing preference. When I realized I was straining to see (and it was not because of aging) one day, the LORD showed me (Yes, He can use Google! ) to brighten the display. YAY!  You can also program the device to go into “battery saving mode” after a certain number of minutes. Just remember that the light may be less, because of this.

(5) Install and/or activate free firewalls/virus protection, like Windows Security. Make sure the default protection is turned on in your computer, and you can find several free ones to download as well. Keep in mind that these virus protection programs can slow down your processing speed, because they are monitoring for viruses. This can be irritating if you like to work quickly, like me. The LORD will lead you in how much protection you need.

(6) Clean up the extraneous files (temporary, etc.) at least once a week. This is sort of like the trash in your house that you take out often. One excellent free program is CCleaner. When you run it, the program will ask you to close all other programs, then it will scan all your files. You’ll be alerted to files that need to be deleted, from extraneous to potentially harmful files, so when you approve the deletion, it will “take out the trash.” 

(7) You can also “defrag and optimize” your computer and do a “disk clean up” through the administrative tools, such as “Windows Administrative.”   I don’t understand these things, but I know they help the computer run more efficiently, so that’s all I need to know.  It may be doing the same thing that CCleaner does, but something always happens when I choose to defrag and optimize, and when I do the disk cleanup, even if I just ran the CCleaner. So to me, they all are working to help my computer serve me—and the LORD—better!

(8) Keep your device(s) out of direct sunlight, away from heat, and away from liquids.

(9) If your device runs slowly, even after doing all the defrag, optimizing, CCleaning, etc., then the computer may have been infected with a virus, or it may need a new “brain.” When my computer did that months ago, it turned out that I needed a new SSD drive—the brain. Since that “brain transplant, my computer and all its programs run much faster! Hallelujah!

(10) Plead the Blood of Jesus over the computer and all attached to it—hardware, software, internet connection, camera, and any other equipment (i.e., hard drive backups, etc.). If anything acts wrongly, then plead the blood of Jesus and bind the enemy from your stuff—for your stuff is really God’s stuff, and if you’re using it to glorify God, then the enemy has no right to it!

Now, go forth and complete the work God has given you! 

For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother!--Matthew 12:50, AMPC



Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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