CANâT FIND A TRUE CHURCH? See Also Notes on Pandemic.
by Eugene Lopatynsky


When you cannot find an HONEST, active church, then DON’T wait. NOW is really high time to appoint pastors from the “rank and file” of true believers, really godly and dedicated man, who know well the King James Bible, and FORGET all infiltrated seminaries (cemeteries). They don’t work for Christ.

Consider that virtually every revival, Old Testament and New, nearly always came from outside any organized church.

The organized church, like the Sanhedrin priesthood, crucified Jesus. These organizations, historically, were His worst enemies. Has much changed?

They say, that today, all major denominations, Protestants and Catholics, have been infiltrated to such an extent by secret Satanists from the so called “Philanthropic Societies” (Masonry), that many have become SPIRITUAL TRAPS, dead ends, leading men into spiritual death.

Nearly all the great revivals have been started by laity – not by any religious professionals. Christ Jesus did not appoint a single Jewish Rabbi as His disciple. Most of them were totally illiterate, only Paul was an educated member of the Sanhedrin. And before he encountered the resurrected Christ, he was the worst enemy Christianity had.

God looks at the QUALITY of a man, at his innermost being, his character, not at his education, schools or “credentials”.

 START A CHURCH IN YOUR HOME, but have an older, knowledgeable brother instruct. Judge him by his works; by his fruit you shall know him. Befriend one of his friends (or enemies) or get your kids to investigate him. It is essential that the instructor is mature and KNOWS and OBEYS the BIBLE- and let it be ONLY a KING JAMES BIBLE, otherwise, in spite of good intentions; you might be leading your flock astray. You do the organizing. Send your “self-esteem” and all psychology where it belongs, to the devil.

Jesus washed feet.

 How do you find a true brother to serve your church? You will indeed be surprised. ASK HIM. If you need to look, look for one in other congregations. In many lost churches there are still some real Christians looking desperately for a way to serve our Lord. Every real Christian will delight in thus serving our Lord, sacrificially, without pay! If he wants money, or claims he’s busy, keep clear of him by a wide berth! We have an abundance of false imposters. Most certainly we do not need another one!

START A CHURCH IN YOUR HOME? Do not do it, UNLESS you are willing, like brother Paul, TO DO IT FOR GOD, NOT FOR YOURSELF; willing to accept NO financial help, to work for your needs, in poverty, if need be, to SERVE and LOVE OUR LORD UNTO DEATH!

 Start with a weekly Bible Study – with your family, friends and neighbors to begin with. The BIBLE study should always be the heart of any “service”, of any “church”. Avoid all concerts and “church” theatrics.

Avoid all rituals, concerts and ceremonies.

 Christianity is not a religion. It has no rituals, no traditions of man, no man’s observances. IT HAS ONLY CHRIST JESUS AND GODS WORD (UNCORRUPTED BIBLE). That’s all. But it always has REAL, VISIBLE WORKS.

 On the international and national scene, it is probably impossible to affect any real change in these days. Satan and his children have stealthily and very effectively seen to that. BUT IT IS POSSIBLE TO AFFECT SIGNIFICANT CHANGES ON THE LOCAL SCENE: inside your own family, neighbors, among your friends and small congregation, in the local school elections, local government election and local administration.

The war of independence was fought from the pulpit. As a home church pastor, get all the information before every election and teach your flock well HOW TO VOTE. The traitor pastors receive tax free status for not doing that. We have only one non-violent way to protect the flock (your sheep, entrusted to you by God) and our whole country – by NOT VOTING FOR DEVILS who implement more satanic laws, but by NOMINATING LOCAL CHRISTIANS, then SUPPORTING them, at least in all local and school elections.

The devil government, from its beginnings, neutralized the present, profit seeking, “church” by bribing it with a tax-free status, which is forfeited as soon as the pastor is active in politics. Not to lead the sheep to protect our laws and Christian values is a type of treason against God (for a “pastor”, who keeps sheep for wolves) as well as to our country. It’s a small wonder that our liberty and prosperity is going down like a lead balloon.

Declare your church income, like everybody else, and pay your taxes and teach every voter how to defend the faith! You don’t even have to call it a church. Call it a Brotherhood in Christ, a “Club” or whatever you want. But be a real pastor, interested and always helping, protecting your sheep, never far away from their problems. God will give you a REAL family to love and be loved.

DO NOT accept money for being a pastor. Money corrupts almost everybody. How did Paul proceed as pastor? We are all very temporary pilgrims here. NEVER ENRICH YOURSELF WITH “GODS” MONEY. Use it for the needs of the congregation, for local “elections”, for “Chick’s Gospel Tracts”, for spreading the Gospel, for home schooling kids.

 Be armed against the coming attack from Satan. It will arrive, maybe stronger than against the rest of us; an attack of LUST (sex, temptations), GREED (money, more money, tithing), EGO (self-esteem – am I not wonderful?). Especially guard against Ego: 1 Tim 3:6 “Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.” Jesus washed feet. Can’t you? Proverbs 16:5: “Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD”.

The war of independence was fought from the pulpits. It bought us freedom from tyranny and feudalism; freedom to worship and to live godly lives without persecution. Religion certainly was political! Nobody teaches that? Remember, that nearly all revivals came from OUTSIDE the organized church! They came from the laity. Ponder that. Ask yourself, why is that? 

My prayers will be certainly with you, dear brothers in Christ.



Vaccine disaster ahead? 

I cannot verify the following information; you have to do your own study and form your own conclusions.

Some say, our world may be entering into the Biblical Period of the Pale Horse.






More and more scientists are speaking out about mass vaccination danger, most of these reports are disappearing rapidly.

Will, the so-called Corona VACCINES, eventually blow away your own natural IMMUNE SYSTEM?


Click on the links and scan the reports before they disappear. Most info about vaccination problems is being deleted from all public view.

Corona Vaccines HISTORY, origin and fakery.

Berry Towers – WIFY affecting children and reproduction.

If clicking does not work, copy the above and paste into your search engine.

Vit D 3 in 5000 u. daily has been shown in many international studies to reduce Covid 19 infections. Those already infected also can benefit tremendously by taking above Vit D3 supplement, Ivermectin and Hydroxyquinoline. Fortunately, some of these vaccines may not work. Others, containing reported high-tech nano-packages, maybe waiting for eventual G 5 Tower instructions. Aluminum paper blocks all direct radiation. Amazon lists several radiation blocks on internet.

 Because of the present conflict with Russia and possible need of US and European manpower for armies, plans for G 5 activation and its interaction with the “Pandemic”, might become postponed.

RF (radio frequency radiation) is a STEALTH WEAPON. Generally, there are no immediate visible effects at all. This makes it very easy to lie to the public. But the long-term exposure effects are statistically very significant, especially for children and during pregnancies. The proliferating G 5 Radio Towers can potentiate that 10 to 100 fold.

Want to listen to another physician? Try typing   into your search engine.

Remember the crocodile smile of Bill Gates as he urged everybody to be vaccinated?

How about all the Bilderbergers and their families? Were any of them thinking of your families? God always had the death penalty for murderers.

Stealth Weapons require long delays for final results, to blur clear evidence of cause and effect. Ever hear what our ancestors had to say? If you really have to die, DO NOT DIE ALONE.

To get a list of my articles write my full name (Eugene Lopatynsky) into GOOGLE, then click on faithwriters.

Or use EDGE for your search engine.

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