Each and Every One
by Rev. Will. Harrison Jr.

I believe that recorded Church History is an extremely critical factor, along with the written Word of God, as well as the current leading, direction, and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in informing and even directing us as to what to do or even not do. We can see God's ways and means, and his will and the various ways the Holy Spirit has directed the followers of Jesus over the ages right up until now. The Bible teaches us that "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." And the Bible also declares that there were numerous times in both the Old and New Testament where someone prophesied yet we aren't told what they said. And we're sure that whatever was said by the Spirit of the Lord through an individual at that time, under divine inspiration, was as valid at that moment as any verse or passage we now find today in our canonized scriptures. The Bible also tells us that the personal, private, and public lives of believers in and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ are seen by Heaven and Earth as "living epistles" [ living letters ] from the Lord much as Jesus was the Word made flesh. I mention these two things in part to re-emphasize the validity of the lives and testimonies of the Disciples of Christ since the Church began, even long before we were born. And not only valid in so far as the proving of their lives in accordance with the Bible but even before the Bible we now have was written. Not to add to Scripture nor to replace it. Also, just like in your life as a Christian today, we have the recent recorded History of how God moved in your particular life, what He accomplished, how it matches with his known will, in your own life, etc. and so on. We need to not only know what God wants to do now, but what he wont do, hasnt done, has done, might do, etc. and so on. We cannot just simply dig up a verse or passage of Scripture that appears to us to be relevant, leave the current inspiration and leading of the Spirit out, and go and do what it says, but when we say, and how we say it should be done. Thereby we can clearly see if and how the Lord carried out his will and ways in these peoples lives. And if God has done a particular thing a certain way in the past, in the lives of those whose "shoulders" we now stand on then we would be wise to consider, seek the Lord about, and be prepared possibly to do the same things today.

Ever since the Church began in the first century, after Christ, a certain "practice" was common among most believers and church leaders, that they firmly believed was directed by the Holy Spirit, in their time, and was of great value and significance to the success of the Christian's prosperous walk before God and man. They of course considered it Biblical and Scriptural. And that was the practice, from the initial moments of conversion to the end of their mortal lives, of confessing, with their mouths, any and all sins, sinfulness, transgressions, trespasses, rebellions, disobediences, wrong habits, bondages, reactions, responses, etc. and so on, big or small. [ as we measure ] They didn't necessarily nor always speak these things outwardly for others to hear, even though that was the case at times, but the point and purpose of the Holy Spirit leading them to do so was to speak with the mouth, from the heart, honestly, but primarily to the Lord, each and every choice and/or decision ever made that was not in accordance with God's will to have "Godly sorrow that leads to repentance". And of course, before the New Testament was fully recorded and canonized for us to use they had to, and they willingly did so, rely on the revelations, inspirations, and directions of the Holy Spirit as to what "sins" they had committed and needed to repent of, and how to do so. And again, they did so with each and every single one.
Why is it then in our westernized society and post modern culture the past sixty years or so, we not only do not practice this as a matter of course and habit, but as leaders we don't even strongly urge Christians of any level to do so. Yet those who did practice this daily in their personal and Church lives not only did so at the prompting of the Holy Spirit but they fully and acutely knew that this practice was absolutely critical to the success and flourishing of the Christian life. Well, did they refer to a passage in the "Bible" we now have and that was available in part back then. Yes they did. In 1 John ch.1 verses 7-9 are the primary passages they were directed to follow. [ besides others ] Especially verse nine that actually says for us to "confess our sins" so that we can be forgiven [ per sin, if you will ] and to be cleansed from all unrighteousness. It was common knowledge that this was essential and required. Yet we have lost that a lot [ although not entirely ] in our regular daily Christian lives and we have reduced the requirement to merely confessing that we have sinned and are sinners because we have sinned, and then usually only at our first visit to the Cross.
Did you know that that is one of the reasons that the Roman Catholic Church for so long, as well as even the old Judaistic system, incorporated into their rituals and practices what many of us remember as the "confession booth". Even the secular, non Christian world of psychology, psychiatrists, etc. knew that a full genuine sorrowful confession to ourselves and others, of each and every wrong done has an incredible effect on "cleansing the soul" and even healing the body. Even the very famous "sinners prayer" too often becomes a lame ineffective replacement by giving us an opportunity to use a "drive thru" method of getting saved by simply stating to God that we acknowledge and are aware that we're sinners. Some of us have even used the word "we" as though our personal confession is lost in the crowd of "all have sinned". This casual and flippant response to the "precious blood of Jesus" is very grievous to the Holy Spirit of God. This is also why many are sick and still in bondage to some things they shouldn't be. Did you also know that statistically over the centuries when the practice of contemplating on and reflecting over an individual "sin" and weeping over it and confessing it and then waiting for the peace that comes from God's forgiveness and cleansing, was a matter of course and of habit, the person involved rarely backslid, or had "relapses" into the "old dead ways and works" and saw way more personal victory, freedom, and liberty in their lives as well as joy, faith, and much much Christlikeness. Their personal testimony as a witness of the power of God becomes more powerful to those around us and they are more likely to want Jesus for themselves.
I'm not trying to start a "new old movement" here but I am trying to appeal to your new-man spirit from God and get you to begin to practice this in your daily lives. Learn to say to the Lord often the words "you're right, I'm wrong, I'm sorry". Actually spelling out in detail what you did that would be considered sin or unrighteousness and why and how it was a sin, unrighteous and a violent act of hostility towards God and Jesus. There was actually a small book written many many years ago called the "Joy of Repentance". Yes, it should be an ongoing experience of Joy. One of the all time great Evangelists Charles Finney actually insisted on this act from the git-go and denied anyone the request to be saved and born again until he knew that they had confessed and repented of literally nearly every single thing that Jesus was punished for of their own personal account. That's where so many times a stronghold or bondage is ripped [ Amos 2:13 ] from a persons life once and for all, never to do so again, and never even being able to remember what it was like to have done so. It makes us appreciate in an immeasurable and indescribable way the salvation we ask for. I myself have actually experienced this in a powerful way and experienced full and complete deliverance, healing, cleansing, and newness, and have never backslid in those areas ever again.
I challenge you, as it is my duty and call as a Minister of the Lord Jesus, to start doing it and start now. Begin by asking the Holy Spirit to start revealing to you every thing that you need to "confess" and repent of in a new and powerful way. Believe me, if you are sincere he will do so. It may take a while for everything to be confronted and even maybe wept over, but your victory over everything that haunts you will be experienced. Guaranteed. If you go over one again that you have already just be careful you don't put condemnation and guilt on yourself again for those things you've already taken care of. Also your motivation must not be simply or primarily for the benefit to you alone but to let God the Father and Jesus the Son know powerfully and personally that you are heartbroken over the fact that he suffered terribly over the unrighteous choices and decisions you have made and you want to be forgiven. Talk to him about as many as you can. You'll even find it way easier to forgive yourself and others. Trust me. Believe me. I know firsthand and I know I have the word from the Holy Spirit on this. I know that this word is resonating with some of you on different levels. Don't ignore or grieve the Holy Spirit. This "house cleaning" will only hurt and hinder your flesh man while ministering to your new man in Christ.
Please let me hear from you on this and other messages. I can elaborate further, or help guide you through the process or whatever else.

Rev. Will. Harrison Jr. Minister since late seventies, living with disabilities, married with children, should not have been saved. Former white & blue collar businessman. President and Founder LifeBuilders Ministry www.lifebuilders.mysite.com

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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