God Knows What We Like More Than We Do!
by Tonja Taylor

The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy! Psalm 126:3

"Wow, that was so great!" I told the LORD out loud, rejoicing at the excellent experience I'd had tutoring two new online classes--in public school.

I'd had some difficult experiences in my years teaching public school, and some really amazing ones. I'd also had a really bad end to one job, where the LORD had really worked, and where the enemy had invaded. (No, I did not get fired. I did choose to resign, and the superintendent was practically cheering me out the door. However, God is the God of vengeance and recompense, and has already been making things up to me--and I'm so very glad I am not in a physcial school anymore! It was very confining for my free spirit, anyway! I am much more satisfied and effective, rested and thrilled, teaching online!)

Anyway, because of the bad experiences, I'd realized that I'd let a bit of fear creep in that this might be a bad experience--going into a public school, even teaching online. 

However, the LORD is so faithful! Although it was a bit of a challenge with the technology and curriculum, I really was able to connect well with the students and get some teaching done. At the end, I just "automatically" told them I loved them! 

And so I do. 

I'd signed up for a two-month position, where I would be with these precious ones every day. The LORD had given me the courage to do it, knowing that He is the One Who refreshes and renews. He'd also taught me to yield to His Spirit, and ask for Him to put His Grace all over every part of it.

He did! He always will. Hallelujah!

So, I was practially skpping down the hall for joy, and the sweet Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, "Please don't throw me in the briar patch!" (a reference from an old cartoon, where a rabbit asks the enemy to throw him into the briar patch, and where the enemy did--thinking the rabbit would die/be trapped, but where instead, the rabbit got away, and the enemy couldn't get to him. HAHAHAHAHA!)

I burst out laughing, and even doubled over. I cried--and that was stress relief in the physical sense. I had dreaded tutoring in public school, in a way, although part of me wanted to....to "regain" the loss of the past.  Then, part of me did NOT want to do it......I was vacillating, kind of. But Daddy God is so good! 

The LORD has actually done that for me many times--helped me, even in my heart and mind, whether I voiced it or not--to cry to Him, and He heard me, and He delivered me from all my fears (Psalm 34:4, a Scripture He highlighted to me over 30 years ago, when I was  a troubled freshman in a university). 

This includes Him overcoming my fear of being married; of having children; of teaching in public schools; and more. He has helped me do all of that, and although there have been some rough moments (because we're on this earth, in this sin-filled world) in all of these, I have been so very blessed and amazed at the goodness of God, and have had deep satisfaction and joy! Hallelujah!

So the LORD knows us better than ourselves, and when we trust Him--no matter how it looks or seems at times--He will "throw us in the briarpatch"--give us the desires and secret petitions of our hearts (Psalm 37:4)! 

Ask Him to help you resist and reject fear, for fear is never of God. He will never speak fear,  doubt, nor discouragement!  He will, however, fill you afresh with faith and strength and grace, when you ask Him.

Go for it!


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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