P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 4 - Ready to Shop
by Tonja Taylor

I wish Mom and Risa would hurry back from shopping, thought Pearl, looking out her bedroom window, but Your timing is perfect, God. I’m sure Xi and Lucas and Robert are getting Ms. Sophia’s house really clean, and I’m glad Ms. Risa has a big truck, so we can all go together!

She looked over at Robin, who was listening to music on her phone.

Gee, I wish I had mine! Pearl thought, then opened a book and read a few pages about a real princess from Austria. I know I’ll get one soon!

Pearl sighed. As she read, she thought, I know there’s so much to be thankful for, and so LORD, help me focus on what I have, like Queen Mother says!

She looked up and smiled, and said, “Thank You, Daddy God, for putting us all together, to help each other, and that Ms. Sophia likes Robert, and he likes her! Amazing!”

“Yeah, that is amazing!” said Robin, and laughed. “With God, all things are possible, like Mom says!”

After a few more minutes, Pearl heard a car door slam. She looked out and saw her mom  and Risa. “Yay! We can go shop now!”

She ran down the stairs and saw that Burt was helping them unload. When her mom walked in, Pearl hugged her, and said, “Queen Mother, we’re going to all go shopping for a new tree topper for Ms. Sophia. Are you and Ms. Risa coming?”

Then Pearl saw the bags. “What’s in those? Anything for me?”

Her mother smiled and hid her shopping bags behind her back. “Some secrets won’t be shared till Christmas! You guys take Ms. Sophia and Rob and go ahead, and I’m going to stay here and wrap gifts. No peeking till Christmas Eve, at least!”

“Right!” said Pearl, ‘but you need to tell Robert, cause he’s the one who’s gotten into your closet and unwrapped the gifts, then rewrapped them! Remember?”

Risa laughed. "That Robert!" she said. 

“I remember hearing about that,” said Burt, walking in, loaded with bags of goodies.

“Yes!" her mother said. "I’m talking to the wrong kid!”. She sat down. “Phew—you guys go ahead, ‘cause we are shopped out!

Yay! Pearl thought, looking again at the bags of goodies. I bet my new cell phone is in there!

“Good thing I have a big enough house!” Burt said. “But we may need to build yours bigger than planned!” He laughed.

“Good thinking, Burt,” said his sister, as she looked at Pearl. “I know this one wants to help all the people of the world, and even more of them may wind up at our house!” She smiled and hugged her daughter.  “I love you and am so pleased with you!” she said.

Pearl hugged her back. “Does this mean I get a cell phone?”

Her mom and uncle laughed. “Princess, you are a smart princess, too! We shall see!” she said, and smiled mysteriously. “You guys need to go get Ms. Sophia. I bet she’s ready for more help with Robert!”

“She likes him, and he likes her,” said Pearl. “God is awesome!”

“Yes He is!” said Robin, stepping down from the stairs.

“Amen!” said Risa, coming in the door. “That’s all of it.”

“Can he go stay with Ms. Sophia, then?” said Pearl. Anything is possible with God! she thought. It doesn’t hurt to ask, like Uncle Burt says!

Her mother laughed again. “Pearl, you are persistent, too! I don’t think that would work, because Ms. Sophia goes to bed really early, and you know Rob is a night bird--"

“Yeah! I am so glad I have my own room!” said Pearl.

“All right now,” said her mother. “You guys go shop. Be safe and have fun!”

“Not a problem!” said Pearl, motioning to Robin, and heading outside.

In just a bit, Risa  walked out, and climbed into the passenger seat of her Suburban. Burt came out, and she held out the keys to him through the rolled-down window “You drive Burt, and we can enjoy the Christmas lights, OK?" 

“Anything for you, dear,” he said, and blew her a kiss as he got in.

“There they go again!” said Pearl. She looked at Robin and they did a high five. 

“Yes,” she said, and laughed. “Not like a police chase, either! But I am chasing her!” he said, smiled really big.

Risa smiled back. “You haven’t caught me yet, Burt?” she teased. “Keep trying!”

It's so cool how You put people together, Daddy God! thought Pearl. Thank You for my new family!

“I’m so glad we have such a big truck,” said Robin, "so we can all be together.”

Dios es muy generoso!” said Risa. “God is very generous!”

“Amen,” said Pearl, and “I believe God is going to do some neat things on our trip!”


They drove up to Ms. Sophia’s, and Pearl got out to get them. She walked in to see Ms. Sophia, Xi, Lucas, and Robert all sitting calmly in the living room.

Wow, Robert really should live with Ms. Sophia! thought Pearl, But I guess that’s too much to ask!

“Let’s go shop!" Ms. Sophia said, as Xi helped her up. "Robert, hold my hand to help me walk, OK?"

"You got it!" he said, and got on the other side of her. He grabbed her hand tight. "I love you, Ms. Sophia!" 

She hugged him. "You are such a good boy, Robert! A blessing from Dios!" 

"Who's that?"

"God," said Lucas, grabbing Robert's other hand. "He is the One Who blesses us."

"Xiomara, please take my keys and make sure all the locks are done," said Sophia, as they all walked outside. “I am glad you and Robert are now my official helpers.”

“Hey, Xi, are you working for Ms. Sophia now?” Pearl asked. Thank You, LORD! She shivered inside, remembering how the LORD had sent her and Uncle Burt just in time to prevent some bad guys from robbing the place and probably hurting Xi and her co-worker. “God is faithful forever!”

Xi nodded. “Yes! Isn’t it great? I can quit that other place.” She smiled. “And Ms. Sophia pays much better, too!”

Sophia winked at Xi, and smiled.

“She paid me, too!” said Robert, and beamed.

“Merry Christmas!” said Ms. Sophia.

“Yeah,” Xi said, then locked the door. “Ms. Sophia, let me hold your purse, and help you into the truck.”

Ms. Sophia gave Xi her big purse to carry, and winked at Pearl, who smiled back at her. They walked to the truck.

"I will buy dinner after we shop," Ms. Sophia announced, as Lucas opened the side door for her. Xi and Lucas helped her climb into the back seat. Robert and Lucas got in on either side, and Robert hugged her.

"That's sweet, but I don't know if Uncle Burt will let you," Pearl said, and giggled as she got into the seat in front of Sophia and the boys.

"Hmm," said Sophia, "I did not ask him!" She laughed. "You cannot stop me!" 

“Yeah, you cannot stop her!” echoed Robert. “What Ms. Sophia says goes!”

Sophia laughed loudly. “See, Burt? You are outnumbered!”

“I see,” said Burt, and laughed. “But you don’t need to do that, Ms. Sophia,” said Burt. “Are you OK in the back with Robert?”

“Certainly,” she said, “he’s---"

Special!” Robert said, hugging her hand.

Exactamente!” she said, and rubbed his head affectionately. He just smiled.

Wow, LORD, thought Pearl. I think Ms. Sophia’s like a grandmother to him, and that’s good, since ours are with You in Heaven! Thank You!”


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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