P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 6 - Divine Appointment: The Gift of Blessing Others
by Tonja Taylor

They got to the city and stopped at a small shopping center. In front of the main store was a young couple, both wearing backpacks and layers of rumpled clothing. They looked as if they’d been traveling, and were resting on a bench.

They look sad, thought Pearl.

“I bet they’re homeless,” said Xi. “I understand that, kind of—but you guys took me in!”

“We love ya, Darlin’,” said Burt.

Pearl hugged Xi. “Yes, we do! Glad you’re here!” Then she said, “Uncle Burt, I think I’m supposed to give them some stuff, and see if we can pray for them, OK?” She unlocked her seat belt.

“Sure, let’s do it!” said Burt. “By the way, is that the bookmark you made—with Jesus’ Christmas Tree poem on it?”

“No, but maybe we can use it next year,” Pearl said, a little embarrassed.

“Go for it!”

“You wrote a poem about Jesus’ Christmas Tree?” said Robin. “I want a copy!”

“Me too, Little Pearl,” said Ms. Sophia.

“Sure, when we get back, OK?” Pearl said. Thank You, Lord, let all You give me bring joy to others and glory to You!

She got out, carrying the books and candy. “How are you guys?” she said to the couple. “I’m Pearl, and this is some of my family.” She point to the others getting out of the truck.  They waved.

“It’s Christmas,” Pearl said, “and God told me to bring this book by Max Lucado to give to whomever He showed me. It’s called The Heart of Christmas. And here’s some candy for you too.” She handed everything to the woman.

She looks like she might cry, and him too! thought Pearl.

The surprised couple looked at Pearl and the others, who nodded at her.

The woman smiled. “Thank You!” she said. “I love to read!”

“Great!” said Pearl. “You'll like it then."

Then she looked right into the woman’s eye. “Do you know the LORD Jesus Christ as your Savior? Have you been born again?"

“You must be born again!” said Ms. Sophia, still holding Robert’s hand, and walking up behind the others.

The couple nodded. “Yes,” said the man, “but we’ve been out of church a few years, and not really following God.”

“Gotcha,” said Burt. “The LORD knows all those that are His, and He keeps chasing us down to bring us back to Him. He’s obviously doing that with you guys today. He loves you very much!” He patted the man on the shoulder. “I believe this is a divine appointment. Can we pray for you?”

“Yes sir,” said the man. “We need jobs, and we don't have transportation.” He hung his head. “I have a couple of felonies. It’s kinda hard to find a job with that." 

“You’re right, son,” said Burt. "But every human has a criminal record, because of being born into sin,” he said. “Only the blood of Jesus can wash it away and make our records clean!”

Everyone nodded. “Right!” said Risa.

“Are you trying to get a job here?” Burt asked. “I can connect you with a few good contacts who could help you, if you need it.”

The man looked encouraged. “That would be so great!” he said. “We’ve been staying in the local homeless shelter, and really want to get back home to Buffalo for the holidays, but then we plan to come back. We’re not sure, though.”

“The LORD will make it clear,” Burt said. “Just keep asking Him to guide you, and thank Him for His goodness to you. Now, let’s pray, and I’m going to give you guys some money to help get you to New York.”

Tears ran down the woman’s face, and the man flushed red. “Th-thank you so much!” he said. “I don’t even know your name!”

This is so cool! Thought Pearl. Go, Jesus! You are sooooooo good!

“I’m Burt,” he said, “and this is most of my close family. What are your names?”

“Ricky,” said the man.

“Denise,” said the woman.

“Well, Ricky and Denise, the LORD loves you, and He sees you, and He has great plans for you!”

They nodded.

“Do you have a Bible?” Pearl said?

“We used to,” said Denise, “but we lost it.”

“Just a sec!” said Pearl, and she said, “Uncle Burt, please open the truck. I’m going to give them mine! I just knew I should bring it—to give it to someone who’d want it!”

Her uncle nodded, and unlocked the truck.

Pearl grabbed her Bible, and gave it to Denise, who was crying.

“Thank you!” she said, and hugged Pearl. “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to start reading the Word again!”

“God does!” said Pearl. “He sent it! Now you have the best Book to read!”

“Amen!” said Ms. Sophia and others in the group.

Burt said, “Yes, it is the Book of Answers! Let’s pray!” He grabbed Ricky’s hand, and the others joined hands too, making a circle.

Burt prayed, and Pearl felt the power and love of God rise up in her even stronger. “Hallelujah!” she just had to say. “You are so awesome, God!” 

She opened her eyes and saw some of the people coming out of the store staring at them. May You get all the glory, Jesus! she thought.

“Amen!” they all said, as Burt finished.

He pulled out his wallet and gave Ricky four $100 bills. “I’m going to make a call to see if I can get you guys some help to get to Buffalo. I’ll send the message by Colonel at the shelter, who happens to be a friend of mine. I believe the LORD will help us get you home in a couple days!”

Then he pulled out another $100, and gave it to Denise. “And here is money to eat on,” he said.

“Wow!” Xi said, under her breath.

Thank You, Jesus! thought Pearl. Xi is seeing You in action the way she understands even more how good You are! She is seeing You put Your money where your mouth is!

The couple was speechless for a moment. “Gosh! Thank you! That is so much!” said Denise, sounding amazed. “You’ve given us much more than we could dream!”

“Not really,” said Burt, “but the LORD your Daddy God knew you’d be here today, and it is Him blessing you, for all good things come from Him!”

Burt paused and looked them right in the eye. “I know you’ll do the right things with it!” he said firmly.  

They nodded, and the man said, “Yes sir! We already asked the Lord to help us start living right all the way, so we don’t ever get back in this bad place again!” 

“Smart,” Burt said. “He sees your heart, and is already answering your prayers!”

“Jesus loves ya!” said Robert, as he zipped over and hugged them both hard, practically jumping into their arms.

Robert!” said Pearl. “Queen Mother told you—” 

“Shhh!” Burt said gently, winking at Pearl, and laughed. “He is quite a messenger!” He smiled big at the couple. “Just consider yourself hugged by God in many ways today!”

The couple laughed, surprised again, and the woman hugged him back. “We’re probably stinky,” she said.

“Jesus loves us even stinky!” said Robert, backing up and waving. “Now, time to shop!”

“God bless you guys,” Burt said.

“Yes!” Pearl said. “He has good things for you—Jeremiah 29:11 and Ephesians 2:10, like Uncle Burt prayed over you!” she said, and waved. “Bye!”

They smiled and waved as they got up, then started walking down the sidewalk, talking excitedly.

Pearl felt so good. “Our delight is in our giving!” she said, doing the fist bump with Robin and Xi.

“Ladies and gentlemen, that’s one way to turn darkness into light! Now, let’s go shop—and remember that we’re blessed to be a blessing!” Burt said. He opened the door for them.

Xi took a couple steps and looked thoughtful. She had a big smile. “Wow, that was a lot of money Burt gave them! I hope he has some left to shop with!”

“No worries,” said Pearl. “We always have plenty. God is good!”

Xi continued to sound amazed. “That was so cool!” she said. “God really does shows up in the bad times—like He did for me­---” 

“Right!” said Robin, “and usually He works though people to show how good He is. That’s what Mom says.” 

“Yeah,” Pearl said, entering the store. “Xi, He'll do neat things through you, too!” 

“Me?” Xi said. “I doubt it. But it would be great--I think.”

“Yes, it will! Wait and see,” Pearl said. He might even do it today!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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