P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 15 - Light Shines in the Darkness
by Tonja Taylor

 As they left the driveway, Pearl said. “Ms. Sophia didn’t want to go?”

“No, baby, she says she needs to rest from all the activities yesterday—and the week before.” Burt chuckled. “I bet she’s been more active these last several days with us than she has in years!”

“Queen Mother too, huh?” she said.

Burt smiled. “Darlin’, your mother is a very strong woman, but please remember you guys just moved in October, and that is quite huge, plus your dad being in Heaven and all—”

Pearl felt sadness try to pull her down. “I know, I miss him too!” she said. “But Daddy God has helped me be glad that He is with Jesus, and that Daddy sees us having fun. I have prayed that God would help me and Rob and Queen Mother to not think about Daddy much…….I hope that’s OK. It just hurts still some when I do.”

Robin reached over and squeezed her hand, and Risa reached around from the front seat and patted her leg.

"But at least she got to see God give me a harp!" said Pearl, suddenly feeling better. "I'm so excited! It's so gorgeous, and I can't wait for Ms. Sophia to give me lessons!"

"Yes, that was amazing," said Burt. "Great vision, Pearl! That was definitely God, and not only did He give you the harp, but you'll soon know how to play it, and I know He'll use it to reach people!"

"Amen!" said Risa, and Robin nodded. 

"Yes, God is so awesome!" she said, almost jumping up and down in the seat. "He put that in my heart, cause He knew Ms. Sophia had harps and would give me one and teach me and wow! I asked her to start teaching me this weekend!" Thank You, Jesus! she thought. Thank You for showing them I really do hear from You! She smiled at Robin and gave her a high-five. It's cool that I'm the only kid with a harp around here! Thank You for such a great life!

Pearl looked back at Robert, but he and Lucas had their headphones on, playing video games. At least he didn't get sad hearing me talk about Daddy, she thought, starting to feel a little heavy again. Jesus, what's wrong with me? I know You want me to be happy!

"I know Queen Mother would like the lights," Pearl said.

“Your mom needs to rest, Sweetie,” said Risa. “Without Robert.”

Pearl giggled. “Yeah, no doubt!” She sighed. Jesus, help us be happy! We are still celebrating Your birthday this week! “I guess Xi is working for Queen Mother, too, and cleaning the house for her. Anyway, we’ll have a good time, won’t we?" 

“You bet,” said her uncle.

“Would you please turn up KLOVE, so we can hear it better?” she said. I need some Jesus music right now!

He turned up the volume, and she heard a familiar Christmas song. She and Robin sang along softly, and she felt better. Thank You, Lord, for Your power in music about You! she thought.

“Where are we going, Uncle Burt?”

“Risa suggested we go to the marina at the lake. They are supposed to decorate really big, to light up the houseboats and such.”

“Cool!” said Pearl. “That’s something we haven’t seen yet!”

“I’m sure the lights will be on all this week, till at least New Year’s,” he said. “And I’m sure we can find an ice cream somewhere after that, OK?”

“Or hot chocolate!” said Risa. “It is cold today!”

“I’ll keep you warm, Risa,” said Burt, and reached over and took her hand. They smiled at each other.

“Your ring is so pretty!” said Pearl to Risa, noticing the deep red of the ruby. “That was so cool how you surprised her, Uncle Burt, with the ring inside the ornament—”

“Si, the ring is the real ornament!” said Risa, and pulled his hand to her lips and kissed it. “I like my ruby very much!”

“I like my Risa-ruby very much!” said Burt.

Robin rolled her eyes, and giggled, but smiled. Pearl giggled too.

This is so cool! thought Pearl. I bet that’s how Queen Mother and Daddy were when they first got together! And they held hands lots anyway, too….

“Mom,” said Robin, “didn’t you tell me that rubies are really sapphires, and that the Bible uses them to stand for wisdom, ‘cause they are so rare? I thought sapphires were blue—you know, God’s favorite color, and mine!”

“Well—” Risa started.

“Rubies are technically sapphires,” Burt answered, while he stopped at a light. “Risa, go ahead,” he said, turning to look at her. “I apologize for interrupting you.”

“It’s OK, you go, Dear,” Risa said.

“They are such love birds!” Robin whispered, shaking her head, but smiling again.

Pearl giggled again. “Okay, then why are they called rubies?” she asked.

“It’s the striking red color that makes them really special,” Burt said. He held up Risa’s hand and smiled at her adoringly. “Rubies in the Bible stand both for wisdom and the Proverbs 31 woman, which certainly describes my fiancé!”

Risa’s smile got wider.

“Is that a French word?” said Pearl. “Remember, Daddy always joked that the French people spell funny?”

Risa laughed, and so did Burt. “You’re right, Sweetie,” he said. But English has some pretty weird spellings too!”

Exactamente!” said Risa. “Some of the words make no sense whatsoever, and it’s one of the hardest languages to learn. But we are making progress!” She smiled back at him.

Pearl grinned at Robin, who grinned back and did the fist bump. This is so cool to have Robin for my sister very soon! Pearl thought. I love the way You work, LORD!


During the next few miles, Pearl worked on her Vision List. Ride a sailboat, she added. “I don’t know why I want to do that,” she whispered to Robin, pointing at her list, “but I just do! I only thought of it just now!”

“It’s OK,” said Robin, whispering back. “Mom says we can want things just because, and as long as they’re good, God doesn’t mind us having them.”  

She looked at her mom, who was looking out the window. “She says that sometimes we suddenly want to do or have something, because it’s a God-idea, and He’s going to use it to bless us, or someone else, or both!”

“Cool!” said Pearl.

“What’s cool?” said Risa, turning back to look at them.

“Oh, many things,” said Pearl, and smiled. Especially You, Jesus!


By the time they got to the marina, it was dark. As they climbed the hill, they could see lights through the trees, and soon, they came to the entrance. It had a huge “Welcome to Christmas!” sign.

“Neat!” said Robert, finally looking up from his game.

“Oh, this will be good!” said Risa. “I love lights on the water!”

They spotted a huge sailboat to the left, outlined in lovely twinkling blue lights. Its impressive height was mirrored in the quiet waters around it.

“Wow!” said Pearl. “Now I want to ride a sailboat more than ever!”

“Yeah!” said Robin. “I’ll go with you!”

“I bet we can make that happen,” said Burt. “I have a friend who has one, although I haven’t talk to him in a few years. But that would be a great reason to call him! I know you’d love it.”

Thank You, Jesus! thought Pearl. I bet You’ll help me do all the things on my Vision List!

They continued to drive, and pulled into a parking area.

“Bub,” Burt said to Robert, “I can trust you to stay with Lucas and not run off or try to go swimming tonight, right?”

“Yep!” he said, and jumped out and slammed the door. Lucas quickly ran around to his side and took his hand.

“Thank you, son,” said Risa.

Pearl gave him the thumbs-up sign.  Lord, help him be quiet so he doesn’t ruin it for us! she thought. And thank You for sending Lucas to babysit him! Help me remember to make my new brother some cookies for being so helpful! 

They all got out, and stood, admiring the décor around them, and the stillness as well.  

“Wow, look!” said Robert, pointing. “Reindeer decorations!”

“Shhh, be a little more quiet, Rob,” said Burt.

“OK,” said Robert, and whispered.

“Everything is so pretty,” said Pearl. “I wish Queen Mother could see this, and Ms. Risa and Xi.”

“We can use our cell phones.” said Robin.

“Oh yeah, of course!” said Pearl, “let me find mine in my purse!” She dug down and handed it to Robin. “Would you please show me how to put it on the night setting? I finally got one, and I can’t believe I forgot about it!” Thank You, Lord—check! Another one done on my Vision List! she thought.

“Sure,” said Robin. She showed Pearl how to change the setting.

“Hey Robin,” Pearl said, “stand over there and I’ll get you in front of the water and that boat that’s all decorated—”

“That’s a houseboat,” said her uncle. “We’ll go down and look at those in the bit.”

“A houseboat!” said Pearl. “You mean, people live on them every day?”

“Yes,” Burt said, holding Risa’s hand. “Risa has a cousin that lives on one in central Arkansas, right?”

“Yes. He likes it, ‘cause he doesn’t have to cut the grass, and he can just undo the ropes and go float around on the water whenever he wants,” she said. “He even gets good internet reception, and works online.”

“That is amazing!” said Pearl. “Who knows, I might do that some day!”

“Let’s go see them,” said Lucas.

Burt led the way down the bridge.

“Ooh, they have them decorated so pretty,” said Pearl, snapping photos. “I’m going to take a picture of every one of them, for Queen Mother and Xi and Ms. Sophia!”

“Yeah, I’ll take some too,” said Robin, “and we can see which is the best.”

Hmmm, they are all lined up, just like on a city block, thought Pearl. Interesting, as long as you like your neighbors, I guess!

She and Robin took several more photos. Lucas took a couple with Robert standing in front.

“I want to look at the one with the Christmas tree first,” said Pearl.

“Sweetie, let’s just take them as they come,” said her uncle. “We’ll see them all., and let’s remember to be quiet—people live here.”

Some of the houseboats had big glass windows on the front, so that Pearl and the rest could see through to the Christmas décor within. Just like a real house, she thought.

Burt and Risa, Lucas and Robert were still taking pictures, and talking.

Pearl and Robin walked to the next boat. They heard Christmas music—and then what sounded like banging. It kept happening, and then she heard voices. They don’t sound happy, thought Pearl. Are they fighting?

Suddenly, she she heard something slam, then someone start crying. Her heart felt weird, and she looked at Robin, who also had a strange expression on her face.

What’s going on LORD? she thought, and started walking toward the window.

Through the glass, she saw what looked like fire.

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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