P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 17 - Xi Visits Her Mom in Jail
by Tonja Taylor

“Thanks, Mr. Williams and Ms. Risa.” said Xi, "for taking me to visit my mom. And thanks for going with me, too, Pearl.”

 She sounds sad, thought Pearl. “No problem, Xi. I hope she likes the cookies.”

 “Yeah, that is sweet of you to make them for her,” said Xi. She held up her gift. “I hope she likes my painting of a phoenix rising from the ashes!”

Por supuesto!” said Risa. “Of course she will!”

 “Yes, you are, Xi.” said Pearl. “Have you thought about entering your work in the area art show?”

“No, I’m not interested in competing, I just like to create. It’s like…therapy or something.”

“Indeed!” said Risa. “Art therapy. Mrs. Zadai has been talking about it introducing it at the school.”

“Cool,” said Xi. “Maybe you can share some tips from her.”

Pearl and Robin winked at each other. Xi is going to be so happy to go to Grace Academy. I think she will, anyway…. Pearl thought.

They got to the jail, and Xi started to shake. Tears fell from her eyes. She hugged the painting, wrapped in red paper, and said, “I-I think I’ve changed my mind. Can we go back?” 

Pearl hugged her. Jesus, give her peace like only You can! she thought.

Risa and Robin started praying quietly in the Spirit. 

Pearl put her hand on Xi’s back, and said, “Xi, you are very strong—amazing to me! You are the strongest girl I know! I release boldness to you right now, in Jesus’ Name!”

“Good job, Punkin’,” said Burt quietly. He opened his door and got out, and Risa did the same.

Robin got out too, but Pearl gently rubbed Xi’s back.

Xi sobbed a bit. “I don’t know how she’s going to act, and if she even wants to see me!’” she said, wiping her eyes. A few tears fell on the wrapping.

“Stupid painting!” she said, throwing it on seat way from her. “She’ll probably find all kinds of things wrong with this, and may even laugh—”

Burt opened Xi’s door slowly, and held out his arms to her. “Can Ms. Risa and I hold you, Precious? Just give you a big bear hug from Daddy God?”

She burst into tears again. After a bit, she nodded.

Pearl grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “You can do this, Warrior. You are very brave!”

“Amen!” said Risa, moving around the truck to stand next to Burt.

Xi sighed deeply, and wiped her eyes again. She stared at the painting, then picked it up, and started to get out.

“I’ll hold it for you,” Pearl whispered, and gently took it from her hand.

Burt and Risa helped Xi out, then hugged her. The first few seconds, Xi was rigid.

“Hey Xi, did you know you feel like wood?” Burt joked. “You are really stiff!”

Xi snickered a bit, and relaxed some.

“Hey!” Pearl said, putting the painting down and waving to Robin. “It’s time for a group hug!”

Exactamente!” said Risa.

Pearl and Robin hugged Xi on the other side. “It’s a Xiomara sandwich!” said Pearl.

They all laughed, including Xi.

“You people are different than anybody I’ve known!” said Xi, relaxing even more and smiling a bit.

“That’s us!” said Burt. “We’re not from here!” he said, in a loud whisper. He looked around, as if hoping no one else would hear. “Don’t tell anybody, but we are really aliens!

“Yes, First Peter tells us that,” says Risa. “Is it chapter two something, Burt?”

“Wow, my Word Woman! Talk to me!” said Burt. “Wanna have organic coffee with me after?” He kissed her on the cheek. 

“Gee, you guys can flirt anywhere!” said Xi, rolling her eyes and pulling away. “You’re worse than teenagers!” She laughed. “Here,” she said, taking their hands and joining them. “Have at it!”

“Burt grinned big and said, “We’re just practicing!”

“When’s the big date?” said Robin. “We need to know, so we can start planning!”

“It’s a secret for now,” said Risa mysteriously. “But we’ll tell you soon.”

Necessito entiendo ahora, por favor!” said Robin.

“Well, since you asked in Spanish,” said her mother, and laughed, “I’ll tell you: It will be the evening of Resurrection Day!” 

“Hmm,” Burt said. “Is that in April this year? I hope it’s in March, like usual; the sooner to have you as Mrs. Burt Williams!”

Risa raised her hand and looked at her lovely ruby ring. “I must have time to enjoy this, before I get the other, Burt!” She smiled at him. “You understand!” 

“Kind of,” he said. “I suppose I can wait!”

“Okay, so we have about four months, then!” said Robin. “Mom, when are we going shopping? We’ve got to our dress, so we three can be flower girls, and—” 

Tranquilo!” said Risa. “Hablas luego! Let’s take Xi and her painting inside. I am sure her mama will be happy to see them both!” 

“I think I’m ready now,” said Xi. “Thanks, guys, for helping me get it together.” 

“Sweetie, it’s God that helps any of us get it together, and it’s Him that helps us to keep it together!” Burt said.

Risa and the other girls nodded.

“Yep!” said Pearl. “We can’t even breathe without Him! And you know what? Queen Mother says He watches over us when we sleep, too, or we’d never wake up! He really does everything!” 

“All right, ladies,” said Burt, “there’s an officer staring out the door at us, probably wondering what we’re doing out here.”

“Sorry—” Xi said. 

“No worries!” said Burt. “All is well. Let’s go, and then we’ll go back home and get ready for the ballet on ice!”

“Oh yeah,” said Xi. “I hope it’s not boring—” 

“We will choose to be thankful, of course, for Ms. Sophia’s generosity,” said Risa politely but firmly. “Those tickets cost a pretty penny!” 

“Yes ma’am,” said Xi, and held her painting tighter.

He locked the truck and they headed toward the door. The guard asked to look at the gift, and told them Xi would have to leave it at the desk for her mother to see later, and that it would be kept in the vault until she got out.

They went to the desk, and Burt showed them his card of past police work and the guard led them to an elevator-looking thing.

“When the door opens, you’ll be taken by a guard to the area." He looked at Xi. “If your mother starts acting unreasonably, the guard will escort you back out immediately. Do you understand?”

They all nodded.

“When the door opens, go in and stand there. This is not an elevator. The door will shut on this side, and then then door will open on the other side for you to go in. Any questions?”

“No sir,” said Burt. “Thank you.”

The tall steel doors opened, and they went into a very small area like an elevator. The doors closed. No door opened, and they stared at each other for a few long seconds. 

“This must be kinda like being in jail,” said Xi. “No way out!”

Risa patted her shoulder. "I'm sure there are cameras in here somewhere, so we won't be stuck."

Gee! Pearl thought. This is weird! Thank You, Lord, we are free people! 

She looked at Robin, who shook her head slightly.

"I feel a little guilty, and I haven’t done anything wrong!” said Pearl.

Burt laughed. “Yep—this is a bit intimidating, but the law-breakers need that!” he said.

Then the doors opened, the tall steel disappearing into the wall. Whew, this is better—I think! thought Pearl.

She looked around. Brown! Everything is yucky greenish-brown! This is depressing! She wrinkled her nose, and Robin nodded silently.

As if he could read her thoughts, Burt said, “You know, jail and prisons are worse. They should never be fun places, although God can send people to share Christ, to deliver the inmates from darkness and turn them to the Light—to show them the way to true Freedom!”

The guard led them to the desks, where the plate glass separated people, but allowed them to talk. Pearl and her family hugged Xi, who  gave them a thumbs-up as she went in and sat down, waiting for her mom.

“I wish I could be with her, Uncle Burt. Are you sure I can’t go?”

“Sorry, no,” said the guard.

“No, Princess,” Burt said. “You’re too young, and besides, this is private between Xi and her mom.” He paused, then said, “But we can pray for peace, and comfort, and healing, and for God to put His Grace all over this. Some things take a long time to heal, and this is a big step for Miss Xi.”

Pearl nodded. “Yes Sir. She is very brave.”

“Amen,” he said, “and whether she knows it or not, God is with her.”

They bowed their heads with the guard looking on.

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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